Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March forth!

Polls are open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. today at Riverside Middle School. Today also happens to be the anniversary of Vermont’s admission to the union as the 14th state in 1791. Celebrate by casting your vote!          Related photo: 7p1.jpg

Town Document listing the 25 Articles to be voted on:


  1. Sadly the town once again has failed to recognize who the enemy is. Blanket approval of the town and school budgets and electing McNaughton who thinks saving the Park Street School with more taxpayer dollars will somehow save the town. Sacrebleu!

    1. Mike is that you?

    2. I wouldn't count it a blanket it approval, only one third of the eligible voters voted

  2. What on Earth were they thinking to support educating our kids and electing a progressive? Next thing you know they will be recruiting businesses and dealing with the drug dens. Don't they understand that illegal drugs are the foundation of our local economy? How are we going to support all those Not For Profit directors, and expanding the police department if we actually destroy that economy. Oh woe is me, the Springfield I know and cherish may never be the same.

  3. Just be glad for the mandating of low flow toilets - which may slow Springfield's swirl to the absolute bottom.


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