Monday, June 2, 2014

Man high on cough syrup, bath salts attempts assault

A Springfield man whom Vermont State Police said was under the influence of cough syrup and bath salts was arrested Friday night after attempting to assault two police officers with throwing knives.


  1. déjà vu?

  2. Vinny this is not what grandpa needs now, pull up your big boy underpants and act your age.

  3. He must of made Bail as I seen him walking along Clinton St. Sat morning looking like he had a rough night.......Vinny!!!! go back where ever you came from!

    1. "he must of made bail" seriously? Is "of" a verb? I believe what you meant was "he must HAVE made bail".

    2. Thank you, Mrs. Henry!

    3. you must OF went to school, what I meant was what I said. Look in the mirror.....Like what you see? Exactly !

  4. Oh no, there are no drug dealers involved here, what are we to do and who do we blame now?

  5. When exactly did the "assault...with throwing knives" occur? Nowhere in the article does it indicate the subject ever successfully unsheathed the knives, much less threw or accosted the officer with them. Nonetheless, this guy needs to be put away.

  6. Did it ever occur to all of you that maybe the guy had a cough ?
    And maybe soar feet he wanted to soak with the bath salts ...
    Quit picking on the sick .....

  7. It is a clear case of "a salt and bathery"!!!


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