Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Man charged with ‘severe beating’ in Springfield

Despite what police characterized as a lack of cooperation from a number of potential witnesses, a man has been charged in connection with a “severe beating” that happened last week in Springfield.


  1. Downtown Springfield has a "Compton" kind of feel to it these days. Lots of "friendly" hanging out at the Woolson building and the building near the Marine recruiting office. It is just the type of atmosphere that one would want when trying to walk in the quaint downtown that is Springfield, VT.

    Are town leaders aware that these groups are killing any hope business downtown other than the drug business? I can't imagine walking around down there either alone or with my children.

    1. Police foot patrols instead of sitting in a car looking for speeders.

    2. While I agree that the entire town needs to be rid of the criminal element that is taking root, it should be noted that the words
      "downtown" and "business" have not gone together in Springfield for years and years now.

    3. Good point. What we need is a downtown organization that looks out for the interests of our designated downtown.

  2. Stop, drop, shut em down, open up shop. Oh no, that's how the Ruff Ryders Roll.

  3. I've lived in Springfield since the early 70's; I have finally decided that I will not chance being in the downtown area any more.

  4. Why do local minorities insist on engaging in behavior that only reinforces negative stereotypes?

    1. Are you not familiar with Aesop's fable of the scorpion and the frog?

    2. This is shockingly ignorant. Please be more clear when you post to a public forum with overtly racist comments. If you want to say that black people are by nature violent, just say it and be prepared to defend your bigoted, backwards, and unjustifiable position. And, do some reading, please.

  5. I really wish the police would do more foot patrols downtown.These gang members have their following of young people that they have brainwashed. The constant presence at the lights downtown with the drive by drug deals is very disheartening. Just so very disgusted with the police. I have called a few time after witnessing drug deals and nothing was done.

  6. Do the Springfield Police and the Town Select Board members read any of these comments ?? Just a question...If you do post "I do"

  7. Maybe we should deputize Jason Parkinson and have him do the "foot patrols" downtown. Then maybe these loser drug dealing dick splashes will get the hint.

    1. Ha ha I like your way of thinking!

  8. Let everyone know: Juan was taking care of a friends home while the owners were gone. He heard a knock on the door, and it was two black males. He stated, "I don't know you and you should probably leave and come back when they arrive home". He was ganged up on and beaten by two males. He simply stated what is written above, I know Juan and he is a very meek shy respectful kid that does not have dirty hands. The new crew arriving into Springfield have the "City" "Gang" attitude and if you dare cross their suggestions or statements, they will pay back one way or the other. That is how they take over by intimidation tactics. Any "two" will win a verbal or physical altercation against "one" any day. Many many more cases just like this to come. Here you have a NATIVE MINOR THREAT just living life, and then outsider scum comes and gangs up on the kid. I Hope the full 15 years sticks. As for the other black male, he had just as much play in the situation as the other did. Acting scared and nervousness of retaliation!!?? Give me a break! These city bugs are always prepared for retaliation and confrontation. They live by the sword and are always looking behind their backs. Don't the Vermont folk have any clue how city folk operate? They trick, flip and stick you without you ever seeing it coming, and that is a fact and a promise. Leave yourself open and vulnerable and you will see how quick these scum are to rape what you own and love.........then move onto the next town.

  9. Last night drug deals were going down in village parking lot as one cop was parked down by 56 typing on his computer and another cop parked by the thrift store.Maybe they should get out of there cars and do some foot patrol. Sitting in your car on a computer is doing NOTHING!!!

  10. another one of springfields finest

    1. He's a Jersey boy, Terrick Craft's brother.

      Has anyone noticed that the black dudes dealing this sh** are very fit and strong and not emaciated, strung out and stumbling around like the white trash who are destroying their minds, bodies and souls. Along the way they are also destroying this town. Put the pieces together people.

    2. This scum has a rap sheet a mile long and ends up back on the streets time and time again. Discouraging.

  11. Sounds like SPD needs some training from Paul Blart, Mall Cop!

  12. I keep reading about buys and shooting up going on right in front of the police. Are the police in Springfield on the take, they don't seem to be doing anything unless the Springfield citizens are lying.

  13. Stop typing and go to the papers, go to your town meetings. Report what you see to so many that NO ONE can avoid it. Business owners put signs in your window that you have the right to refuse service then DO IT. Stop talking about the problems and be part of the solution!

  14. good to see you caught another jersey boy, keep up the good work


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