Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Eureka agreement proves elusive

The state cannot pay for commercial upgrades to the historic Eureka Schoolhouse as it would be a violation of its mission, the state historic preservation officer told the Springfield Select Board on Monday.


  1. The town needs to take over this property about as much as it needs another heroin addict/dealer. Just another expensive problem in the making.

  2. My BS detector is going off. The state won't pay - that's the bottom line - you're stuck with it Springfield!!!! The state screwing Springfield? Not the first time. Let's put the schoolhouse in the time capsule in North Springfield!!!! Or will NOSAG bitch about that too - it is wood after all....

  3. the state's mission is, apparently, to stick it to the town--surprise, surprise, surprise!

  4. Why should the state ever have to pay for a Springfield artifact? Where is your pride and self respect? Not wanting to take care of this historical building is just another sign how low the citizens of Springfield have sunk. Instead of promoting the Simpsons perhaps the owner of the Jenny Wren Cafe can do something useful and promote a fund drive to restore the old school house instead of littering the town with Bart Simpson memorabilia that has nothing to do with Springfield except to degrade the town.

    1. Maybe we hard working citizens (a shrinking group) are sick and tired of working our butts off and sending money to government to have it wasted. Nice school house. Take a picture and hang the picture in the Miller Art Center - oh wait - that's about to close due to lack off funds!!!!

    2. Hey, Anonymous, when was the last time you had your name in the paper? Are you proud of it?

      It's obviously easier to criticize than it is to get out there and do something. And then, no matter what you do, someone is going to cry foul.

      Yes, the sign was inspired (in part!) by the Simpsons. So what? It's still Springfield! It fit perfectly with this year's alumni parade theme, didn't cost the town (or your precious, prideful citizens) a cent, and makes people smile. If someone driving through our town on their way to Ludlow, Killington, etc. sees something that makes them smile and think that someone in Springfield actually gives a darn - then that helps the town. If kids on their way to school get a kick out of it, then that helps the town. At this point, turning up your nose at that is far worse than having a little fun. Degrade? Let's spell that out - you got a nice lawn?

  5. Leave the schoolhouse as it is. Running Water, WiFi, Electricity??? Those take away the historical significance.


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