Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Judge rejects ex-guard’s plea deal

A judge rejected a plea deal that would have fined a jail guard $500 for allegedly smuggling cigarettes and marijuana into the Springfield jail.


  1. But I thought it was cigarettes. Sure you did. Taking "full responsibility" for a contrived story is taking no responsibility at all. Contraband is contraband, wrong is wrong, and this guy needs to be put on the other side of the bars for a while.

  2. However this same judge accepted a plea deal from 5 DUI's to 3. Go figure. This judge should be removed. Look at the other deals she has accepted and the sentences she's handed out lately

  3. I commend the Judge on this one, she makes allot of poor decisions in accepting allot of these plea deals put out by the SA Office, however this guy and anyone else considering doing this should get the message about how wrong this is. He can't be trusted to scrub toilet bowls, I don't care about his loss in income. Integrity can't be bought, you either have it or you don't! It was tobacco this time, next time it could be a gun. Prison is no place for this people with his low moral compass, throw the book at him.

  4. “Most of his friends and acquaintances have distanced themselves,” Fink said. “It’s very difficult to walk around on a day-to-day basis knowing that people are shunning you.”

    Cry us all a river... What a pathetic bid for wholly undeserved public and judicial sympathy. Throw whatever the book will allow at this perp.

  5. What the heck Brett?!?! We make $18.00 an hour working at SESCF. Bring home is about $1,350-$1,800 every two weeks. How much more money do you need? Thank you for shaming the rest of us that take pride in our career with the State. Crumb.

  6. Same lawyer that Joey Bergeron has on board. Can't wait to see what he has to say for his defense. LOL!


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