Saturday, June 14, 2014

Man denies attempted murder, 8 more charges

A man pleaded innocent Friday to attempted second-degree murder and other charges related to the shooting of a convicted teenage drug dealer in Springfield this week.


  1. so my question is,did they find the gun used in the shooting or is it laying on the side of the road someplace

    1. I read in one of the articles that the gun was found, I think it said it was found along with drugs on Bridge St not too long after the shooting.

    2. i heard they found a .22 but the gun used in the shooting was a 45 acp,be nice to know if there is a gun laying around in our town,where a kid could find it and hurt themselves or thers

  2. Not guilty? Why of course!

  3. Has the skank from the pizza place been charged with anything?

    1. ^haha! Should be. Shes a discrace

  4. When are the VT courts going to start locking up these scumbags and throwing away the key? Maybe it is time for a state wide march and protest at the capital to show our elected officials that we are tired of the lenient laws and sentences.

  5. Stuff like this would not be happening if they freed Bolaski!

  6. Vermont cannot afford to pay the costs of confining the criminals from New Jersey, Ct., MA and other states who migrate to Vermont and commit felonies in Vermont. A person convicted of commiting a felony in a state where he was not born should be sent to the state where he was born to serve his sentence, at that state's expense. Vermont's priority should be to prepare our young people to be productive citizens, not to bear the costs of locking up criminals from all over New England and other states.

  7. These people should be asked to leave Springfield. If they don't them give them a ride back to NJ. But, THEY have the RIGHT to be here. They are not citizens of this town. They fit in like a crow in a flock of robins. DO I have the right to move into some place in south Chicago where I would not fit in ? Sure do. Well Barney what would Andy do ?

  8. Have all of you who supported locating a state prison in town finally realized that by having done so, YOU are now the real prisoners!

    1. These people moved here to sell drugs not visit people in the prison...where do you come up with that crap??

    2. I agree that the prison isn't the only contributing factor, but there are numerous gangs represented in the prison's population. This does lead to more of the same coming to town in the form of families, friends etc. Selling drugs is their main source of income aside from public benefits. The availability of housing makes it easier for these folks to move here, and the State benefits are a known draw for people from other states.

  9. any felony,should be dealt with by the federal government,they make most of these laws,the feds should be putting these criminal's in federal prisons and paying the cost to house them

    1. Ha! Haven't you ever heard of "UNFUNDED MANDATES"? The federal government is deaf and dumb to the destruction they wreak via the millions of laws, regulations, and hidden taxes that they impose.

  10. It is time to start removing the subsidized housing in town. It is the only thing that will work to save the town. Springfield has too much. We all know this is true. Its time to start taking action.

    1. @4:40, you are correct in the proliferation of subsidized housing being root of Springfield's ills. Such is the direct result of inept town planning by both a useless town manager and a do-nothing Selectboard. Neither of whom can manage to enforce the minimal zoning we already have to remove derelict buildings.

      As mentioned before, the solution is to tax Section Eight dwellings as commercial property at a value consistent with its income generating potential. Once the financial incentive to operate slums is removed, they will largely cease to exist. Meanwhile, the tax revenue generated will more fairly subsidize the demands these properties burden our community with.

      But I wouldn't hold my breath expecting anything to happen. To use an expression, follow the money. I more than suspect someone in a position of policy is getting their palm greased by slum lords to keep the money faucet turned on.

    2. Very True! The town needs actual planning and management! What % of a town's apartments should be subsidized before you loose a viable tax base? It was a great idea to get rid of the slum lord ordinance huh???

  11. You can't "remove" subsidized housing. It's Vermont law. If you are a landlord, you are not permitted to refuse to rent to someone just because their rent is being paid by Section 8. Another genius law from Montpelier.

  12. You can rent to whomever you want. I do. Just find another reason, there are many. Refused to rent to one because he misspelled his occupation.

  13. I don't think any of the land lords would refuse it anyway. If they were going to then they would have found a reason other than that to refuse.

  14. chuck gregory6/17/14, 6:00 PM

    I don't think any of the people posing these problems are on Section 8 housing. For one thing, there's a waiting period-- last I head it was about two years. For another, Springfield Housing Authority controls most of the Section 8 certificates and is perhaps the most thorough landlord in town about screening. Finally, Section 8 funding has been reduced in the last decade, so there are not the number of certificates there used to be.

    I think what you have is simply the recognition by hustlers that Springfield is ripe for their particular game, which happens to be drugs. We could change this, you know.


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