Friday, June 13, 2014

Police: Shooting was drug-related

Vermont State Police have released new information about the Wednesday shooting on Summer Street in Springfield. Two men with strong ties to New Jersey have been arrested in connection to the case.


  1. Hope Joseph A.,who relocated to Springfield from Union City NJ has Vermont Health Connect insurance to help pay for fixing his gun shot wound. I just paid my VTHC bill. He should be transferred to a NJ hospital if he has not paid his bill. But alas, Shummlie says we will take care of our heroin addicts and wounded. But latest news is where will the health care funds come from ? Should of thought of that long time ago Shummlie.

  2. Where will the healthcare funds come from? Just ask Bob, candidate for the Vermont House! He's ready to answer that question.


    Well, as I see it, the answer is to use the model I employed in Springfield - raise taxes. Then the increased revenues can be redistributed to healthcare and whatever other pet projects that Vermont's liberals can dream up. Meanwhile, we'll teach the middle class that they're not entitled to everything they earn and ought not be so smug about the many creature comforts that they have accumulated at the expense of the less fortunate.

    With my plan, Shumey and my fellow Dimocrats will ensure that Vermont remains a deep "blue" state, economically suffocated into a chronic dependency on government handouts in a way that will ensure that voters remain loyal to us - or else we'll turn off the tap and what's left of people's lives will go straight down the drain!

  3. Well the chickens are coming home to roost as they say. All the do gooder Vermonters now have a problem. Lets thank the legislators, judges and representatives for continually letting these dealers off. Look at the past charges these guys have had just here in Vermont. But, naw there isn't a drug or gang problem in Springfield, Is there Mr. police chief? Lets remember back 6 years or so ago when residents tried to inform the town of this. And the town had one of their infamous "forums" and we were told that there wasn't a problem. Well, guess what you got what you deserved from your ignorance and trust in individuals who are not qualified.

    Fast forward-your police chief said he didn't believe this to be drug related? Local police couldn't apprehend the individuals? Your town manager who CLEARLY, drove this town into the ground with his management and condoning of the police chief NOW retires to take a public office? REALLY? Oh Springfield...this is what you got from your poor decisions to elect and hire your local friends and neighbors. Guess what? Now you have discovered WHY sometimes an outsider or flatlander might have been the better choice. Because they had better qualifications and experience. Wallow in your own misery guys cause each and every one of you shot down those of us who tried to warn you and asked for something outside springfield's box of comfort.

  4. How Vermont has rolled out the welcome mat for this element is truly disgusting. Understand that each of these worthless, human beings have done nothing but bring crime, despair and misery to our community. In exchange they each have free housing, an EBT card and free health care. But if you voted for the full, contingent of Democrats writing policy and confirming liberal judges in Montpelier, you have only yourself to blame.

    1. It's all part of the Liberal Progressive agenda. One of these days we may be fortunate enough to have a leader who says "Enough is enough".

  5. Everybody already knew it was drug related as soon as the crime occurred. As far as the "Springfield Police Department" fighting drug crime, that's a crock. I personally have made about thirty calls (two month period) to the SPD with plate #'s, number of people, males or females, color of cars and make, informing them that they are selling and doing drugs in my parking lot. NOTHING NOTHING was EVER done about it. We always hear, "Well, we only have two officers working tonight" or "We are busy with other calls" or "We are already aware" Over and Over and Over. Nothing is ever done to resolve the issue. Our police force is INCOMPITENT. How many victims need to be exposed to drug crime. Country cops don't understand the magnitude of what is happening. Country cops are buffaloed, fooled and spun around by these master crooks. Unless serious law enforcement moves in, within five years we'll be seeing prostitutes on the corner, drive-by's, violent acts, more welfare recipients, broader variety of different cultures, Bupe programs, homelessness, home invading, property damage, property theft, corrupted youths, etc. Magic Mushroom should be shut down. Selling crack pipes and bongs is screaming an invitation.

    1. We have a bunch of wannabe gangs.

    2. Magic mushroom??? Are you serious? ? What about the turning point or free clinic for supplying free needles or Springfield Mobil for selling those neat plastic roses, yeah the ones in the glass crack stems and meth pipes. Or for that matter, any store that sells chore-boy, a scrubbing pad used as a screen for addicts in their pipes. Shut down any store thay sells baking soda and water while we are at it. For that matter shut down any store that sells cleaning agents or glue that teens are huffing, or Bibens for selling razor blades, and hell why not Rite-aid for supplying pills!!!! Have you ever even been in The Magic Mushroom? They sell posters, shirts, jewelry, tattoo supplies. and yes bongs. WEED BONGS!!! Never have I seen a crack pipe or stem there. And the owners are good people too. Shame on you for being so damn ignorant.


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