Fourteen girls and boys, ages twelve to fifteen, participated in a week long camp devoted to aviation careers and education.

Hartness State Airport Hosts Successful ACE Camp!
Filed under: SRDC — admin @ 3:30 pm
Hartness State Airport in North Springfield, VT, the State’s oldest airport, established in 1920, was host to another successful Aviation Careers Education Camp (“ACE Camp”) last week, sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration, Vermont Agency of Transportation, and the Vermont Aviation Advisory Council.
Fourteen girls and boys, ages twelve to fifteen, participated in a week long camp devoted to aviation careers and education.
On arrival at Hartness Airport, the campers toured half dozen aerobatic airplanes that had competed in the prior weekend’s Green Mountain Aerobatic Contest. Charles Schumacher, a member of the New England Aerobatic Club, displayed his Extra 300 aircraft and explained to the campers how aerobatic pilots maintain ground reference while flying vertically and inverted. Heather Posey, a Reading resident, spoke about her career as an Air Force C-130 pilot. Now retired from the military, Heather spoke about her current job flying Airbus 319’s for US Airways.
Over the five day camp, participants flew in gliders, helicopters, single-engine aircraft, plus a New York Air National Guard C-130 “Hercules” transport from the Lebanon, NH airport, to Cape Cod, Kennebunkport, ME, and back to Lebanon. The campers built and flew rockets, cut and assembled aircraft wing spars, and learned the basics of aerodynamics.
The next to last day of the camp gave every participant a flight in the 1947 P-51D Mustang fighter “Old Crow,” a Nanching “YAK” fighter-trainer, and Cessna CJ-3 executive jet transport airplanes. The P-51 and CJ-3 jet flights were generously provided by Jim Hagedorn, President and CEO of Scotts/Miracle-Gro. Mr. Hagedorn’s Spring Brook Farm Foundation has, for more than 20 years, hosted the Farms for City Kids program.
If you have a youngster that may be interested in next summer’s ACE Camp at Hartness Airport, please call Larry Perry or Shayne Wilcox at Hartness Airport, 802-886-7500.
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