Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Morris won’t seek manager’s job

About 40 people have applied to be Springfield’s next town manager. But one of those 40 was not the chairman of the Springfield Select Board.


  1. While I think Morris has been one of the bright spots on the select board in recent years, how is it news that he isn't seeking the job of town manager anyway? Had he previously expressed interest? Was there a movement to get him to apply? How is it even considered newsworthy that a guy who isn't seeking the job won't seek it? Or is this just a little puff piece for the purposes of dangling the lackluster incumbent's candidacy for state office in front of the readers (assuming they actually read the article all the way to its final paragraph)? I guess we shouldn't expect anything less from the Rutland Herald, where they print "All the news that isn't news!"

    1. I think he has a day job already that he enjoys.

  2. I hope the other 39 applicants have more on the ball then Morris

    1. Thank god you aren't running; it's "than Morris".

    2. Like your application?

  3. He would be our best choice by far.

  4. Don't worry Springfield, the leftists at the Vermont League of Cities and Towns will screen the 40 applicants for and spoon feed a mediocre candidate to the Select Board for them to rubber stamp.

    What a sham and what a waste. The town spends $5,000 because they're incapable of reviewing 40 resumes themselves. That's the arrogance of government bureaucracy for you. Since it isn't their money, the board will gladly waste the taxpayers' money by doling out what amounts to $125 a resume to have someone else do the reviews for them.

  5. Nope he wouldn't. He has local interests and I believe at this point the residents, voters and taxpayers need to wise up. What we need is a fresh perspective from someone who is VERY experienced, who has fresh ideas and balls to cut the fat and make the choices that the locals have not been able to do for years and years because of their ties to the community, friends, family and business associates. Obviously, the town leadership hasn't worked with the lackluster ideas and bull**** that year after year happens. NOW we need a hard nosed individual who will help to rebuild and push springfield into reality and the future head first.

    The fact is this...we are losing residents day by day and year by year. We have a serious crime and drug problem. We have grossly high taxes and that alone pushes new businesses and residents to other communities. I believe our budgets are gross and negligent both town and school. Im sorry for the reality check but I have lived elsewhere and I do live in the present and not the past days of what springfield once was at the turn of the century. WE NEED LEADERSHIP from someone who has stamina and is not afraid to voice and push and lead the select board to make tough but often unpopular realistic choices.

    1. And do you believe all this change will come at no cost to the tax payer??

    2. WIth comments like that I'm sure we'll see you running for Selectboard next year. NOT

  6. He has done a great job for our town. How many people would stand up and be accountable like he has. I suspect most of us take another path. We have a problem now where a small minority are getting all the bad press. They will be jailed or forced to leave and then we can enjoy our town again. Thanks for all your efforts Mr. Morris.

  7. Any role Kristi has pertaining to the town I'm thankful for. I've never met anyone more concerned about others than himself. If he's not with family or working his full time job he's helping others. Firefighter, shriner, selectboard, list goes on. Thank you Kristi for all you do. Your perseverance doesn't go unnoticed.


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