Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Teen re-released on conditions

The youngest suspect in the events surrounding the shooting of a teenage drug dealer in downtown Springfield on June 11 was back in court Monday, charged with violating his court-ordered conditions of pre-trial release.


  1. "West side" should realize these grounds are in the "northeast" side. If this young punk pulled his stunts on the west, he'd be dead by now. Try being a "gangsta" in Holyoke or Springfield, MA. He'd straighten up REAL quick.

    1. Looks like a real gangster jk lol

  2. He is just a couch puppy.
    Shumlie is going to be in Chester today, maybe he can go home with him.
    Learn the ropes of politics. An honest way of earning a living.

  3. Since "catch and release" now appears to be the rule of the day, just prepare a generic article with "fill in the blanks" for a perp's name, age, and crime. No need for originality in news reporting anymore. We get it Vermont. The state isn't serious about justice.

  4. Addressing Adams-Smith directly, Carroll said pointedly, “You need to be careful … if the court continues to see violations … then that is something that is going to land you somewhere else.”

    Those words from Judge Carroll should have anyone shaking in their boots! I'm sure with another five or six vop's the kid will be forced to delete his facebook page. After that the sky is the limit! Maybe Judge Carroll should "land somewhere else".

    1. Land someplace outside of Vermont sounds good. Then reallocate her $150,000+ per year salary to someone with the guts and intellect to get up and do what needs to be done with skag-heads.

  5. More news from kangaroo court! The more I read the more I compile a list of evidence of time after time, case after case, all of which are serious, where the criminal is let out, released, chrges dropped, plea deals. Hopefully once finished, the information can be released to major news outlets to show Vermonts LACK of punishment, history of rerelease of criminals and risk of safety to society that Vermont courts have caused. Just to bring awareness to how utterly ridiculous our courts are at this point. And we wonder why red states look at us and laugh. Wonder no more!

  6. Will someone get serious and lock this guy down with no bail.

  7. Judge Carroll again!

    1. And we pay her over $150,000 per year to screw us over! Take this state and shove it. I'm outta here in 2-4 years.

  8. Yeah...because you guys would LOVE it if you were held without bail BEFORE you were actually tried for a crime.

    1. Give me a break... this kid is not supposed to leave the house only for certain things and his aunt has no control over what he does. He violated the conditions of his release...We don't even know how many times he has violated those conditions... HE agreed to stay at his aunts house as described by the court and he violated that agreement.... he now belongs in jail.... this has nothing to do with the misdemeanor it has to do with the violation of the conditions of his release. Our court system needs to stop giving these people a second chance. Perhaps if we are tougher on the criminals we already have others will not come here to sell drugs, attempt murder and commit other crimes. Perhaps then we can get our communities back.

  9. Dog shock collar around the neck, wire around the yard and a bowl of milk will do the trick.
    Works on the pups up the road.

  10. Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-release.

    Me thinks Vermont judges have a stuttering problem!

  11. This little loser will be right back in court in no time. Garbage.

  12. f you think he's going to change look at his Facebook profile picture


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