Monday, July 28, 2014

Woman receives downgraded sentence in fatal accident

A Springfield woman will spend 30 days in prison for negligently operating a vehicle in a February 2012 crash that killed another Springfield woman.


  1. If this were a guy...he would have got life.....unreal!!!!!!

  2. I suspect that being male or female had little to do with the decision. I think the overriding factor is that this woman and her husband control lots of real estate in Springfield and thus the woman was given a free pass because she is part of the club. That club entitles anyone to perpetrate all kinds of crimes including murder because...they have the money and you don't..

    1. and that is just sad....

    2. Tell us more. How much power does this family wield?

    3. How much power does this family wield? Good question.

      A few years ago, the assistant fire marshall blew through the town inspecting rental properties. I would like to know how the properties belonging to her and her husband either did not get inspected or did not have to meet fire code.

      I note that her husband and the assistant fire marshall go back to Bryants.

      I also note that during this time, the assistant fire marshall revealed confidential information about my property to a local contractor so that the contractor could attempt to get an assignment from me to rectify one of the deficiencies noted by the assistant fire marshall.

      Draw your own conclusions.


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