Number Nature Date Disposition
14SF02970 Suspicious 00:20:00 07/15/14 COMPLETE
303 SOUTH ST; SPRINGFIELD HS AND TECH CENTER, Springfield, VT Can hear a woman screaming, tires squealing and vehicle possible hit something – check of the area found no accident of signs of anyone in distress
14SF02971 Noise Disturbance 00:21:47 07/15/14 COMPLETE
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Loud music - no music coming from the residence at this time
14SF02972 Foot Patrol 01:41:33 07/15/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02973 Parking Problem 09:15:56 07/15/14 COMPLETE
Merrill St, Springfield, VT 05156
VT reg vehicle parked on the side walk
14SF02974 Agency Assist 09:24:32 07/15/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve Court Paperwork for NH
14SF02975 Agency Assist 10:06:05 07/15/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Cleaned out the drug box
14SF02976 Mv Complaint 11:12:52 07/15/14 COMPLETE
PARK VIEW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
RP reporting female from area is driving at a high rate of speed. Just went by – made contact – advised she would be more careful
14SF02977 Fingerprints 11:45:14 07/15/14 ACTIVE
14SF02978 Welfare Check 14:29:34 07/15/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Welfare check on resident not seen for a while – subj located at medical facility
14SF02979 Foot Patrol 15:27:19 07/15/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02980 Citizen Assist 17:21:39 07/15/14 COMPLETE
Mountain View, Springfield, VT 05156
2 male subj sitting outside drinking beer - private property if they are tenants, not a police issue – subjects located advised to put beer away and move along from the area as they were not tenants
14SF02981 Suspicious 18:09:16 07/15/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST; East School Area, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subj walking on yellow line near East School headed towards town stumbling – contact made subject advised on methadone for addiction was enroute to support meeting.
14SF02982 Suspicious 18:37:45 07/15/14 COMPLETE
LOVELAND ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Gun metal grey Honda SUV repeatedly going thru the neighborhood
videoing/photographing people and kids out and about concerned what they are doing - concern this is how kids come up missing – No law prohibits this activity.
14SF02983 Trespassing 19:57:03 07/15/14 ACTIVE
242 TOWN FARM RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting female entered into Lot #67 clearly posted no trespassing
14SF02984 Burglary 20:14:07 07/15/14 ACTIVE
HILLCREST RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting theft of XBOX 360 and various other items from res believe they may have come in back door
14SF02985 Foot Patrol 20:52:26 07/15/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02986 Citizen Dispute 20:57:09 07/15/14 ACTIVE
SUMMIT AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a large crowd of subj out in front of residence possibly fighting, lot of commotion coming from the area – additional call later received that subject was threatened with a gun during incident – incident continues to be investigated
23 year old Jason M. Shaffer who also goes by the name of Todd Swan has a history of conning people out of money throughout Vermont. Avoid him and his hard luck stories or you may end up losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
14SF02987 Suspicious 21:05:28 07/15/14 COMPLETE
MERRILL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Truck in front of res looks like 2 intox males trying to get into residence – no one around truck or residence upon arrival of officer
14SF02988 Suspicious 21:10:02 07/15/14 COMPLETE
RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting small veh parked in turnout across from his res was there the day before too another veh comes up and a package is handed off thinks veh is waiting for someone again tonight
14SF02989 Citizen Dispute 21:50:13 07/15/14 ACTIVE
HARTNESS AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting wife and a bunch of teens at his res they won’t leave she started swinging at him - he has barricaded himself in his truck – tickets issued for underage alcohol consumption and report of juvenile probation violation
14SF02990 Agency Assist 23:48:42 07/15/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting A1 with a lift assist female fallen no injuries no key at the
location and the doors are locked – forced entry may be required
14SF02991 Agency Assist 03:45:46 07/16/14 ACTIVE
PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting FD with an alarm sounding in Apt
14SF02992 Trespassing 04:33:15 07/16/14 ACTIVE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Checking on 2 vehicles parked at the middle school
14-00087 Accident Pi 06:11:11 07/16/14 ACTIVE
I 91 N MM40; 40.1, Springfield, VT 05156
Fed ex truck into ledges small fire driver inside unknown on injuries
14SF02993 Agency Assist 07:18:20 07/16/14 ACTIVE
I91 NB, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist with 10-50I,
14SF02994 Wanted Person 08:05:16 07/16/14 ARREST
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Jayde Smith walked into the pd and reported she had a warrant.
14SF02995 Accident Pd 09:52:35 07/16/14 COMPLETE
380 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Car carrier hit vehicle in the parking lot
14SF02996 Theft 10:08:28 07/16/14 ACTIVE
384 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Inspection sticker stolen from her vehicle
14SF03019 Threatening 11:09:43 07/16/14 COMPLETE
60 PARK ST; PARK STREET SCHOOL, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting female made threats/statements “surprised someone hasn't shot
the place up yet”
14SF02997 Theft 12:36:02 07/16/14 UNCOOP VICTIM
MYRTLE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle entered last night items are missing, car door not locked
14SF02998 Background 14:28:25 07/16/14 ACTIVE
96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Back ground checks for the town clerk
14SF02999 Foot Patrol 15:58:37 07/16/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03000 Citizen Dispute 16:33:30 07/16/14 UNCOOP VICTIM
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Female assaulted complainant – Assailant arrived in lobby giving a different side to the story and filling out statement – Mutual Fray – Subjects decided not to pursue charges on each other
14SF03001 Accident Pd 16:38:26 07/16/14 COMPLETE
362 RIVER ST; Bibens Parking lot, Springfield, VT 05156
A slight fender bender at the parking lot at Biben's, both vehicles there
14SF03002 Animal Problem 17:18:44 07/16/14 COMPLETE
LEONARD AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
2 puppies running loose, they have collars but no tags and they are afraid they are going to get hit
14SF03003 Suspicious 17:29:52 07/16/14 ACTIVE
CHARLESTOWN RD; Circle K, Springfield, VT 05156
A customer was there at one of the tables and when he left they found a suicide note and not sure what to do with it, advised they would keep the letter in the office until someone could come down and pick it up. Subject of note later found on bridge in distress and was safely transported to ER
14SF03004 Threatening 19:06:57 07/16/14 COMPLETE
CHURCH ST; NS, Springfield, VT 05156
14 y/o son was outside and someone drove by in a vehicle then stopped and got out and threatened him with an axe - a male subject exited the vehicle holding an axe, walked to the rear of the vehicle and had a short verbal exchange in which he threatened to chop up the bicycle the boy was riding. After explaining some options, to include, documenting the incident, or citing the individual, the family decided not to pursue any court action.
14SF03005 Citizen Assist 19:55:57 07/16/14 ACTIVE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03006 Citizen Dispute 20:16:40 07/16/14 ACTIVE
303 SOUTH ST; SPRINGFIELD HS AND TECH CENTER, Springfield, VT Fight going on in the parking lot at the High School, one kid got punched so hard they were throwing up, a parent went up and was pushing the bigger kids that were doing the punching around. They seem to be dispersing now. She knows some of the kids involved they have left the area and are on bikes and on foot.
14SF03007 Citizen Dispute 20:32:33 07/16/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
5 or 6 people arguing on Main St by the Nail Salon - verbal right now but
someone may want to make a presence...
14SF03008 Lost Property 21:16:40 07/16/14 ARREST
River St; Mobil Station, Springfield, VT 05156
Dropped his wallet and didn't know it right off, someone else picked it up, Mobil station has it on video but won't let him see it or tell him who it is. He will try to come in tomorrow to do a statement. Michael Waysville arrested on allegation of petit larceny.
14SF03009 Cond of Release 22:17:34 07/16/14 ARREST
North Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Out with Peter Augustinovich – alleged violation of curfew/conditions of release
14SF03010 Foot Patrol 22:26:47 07/16/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03011 Assault 23:42:16 07/16/14 UNCOOP VICTIM
22 PARK ST; upstairs, Springfield, VT 05156
Daughter was just assaulted by 3 females at the plaza. Female advised she does NOT need an ambulance to respond – part of ongoing dispute between multiple parties
14SF03012 Fingerprints 09:03:29 07/17/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03013 Citizen Assist 09:12:47 07/17/14 COMPLETE
50 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting employee of adjoining business be removed from property as she
alledges she has been doing drugs, propping the back door open and being rude and vulgar to and in front of customers
14SF03014 Fingerprints 09:48:58 07/17/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03015 Citizen Assist 10:43:31 07/17/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject harassing her via text & phone calls over some $100 auction fee
14SF03016 Citizen Assist 10:54:54 07/17/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03017 Trespassing 11:15:02 07/17/14 COMPLETE
FURNACE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Complainant advises he lives in a shared living home, each person rents a room, female subject is there and allegedly has a no trespass on her, he does not know her last name, he does not feel safe with her there with his 2 year old there – Female vacated property without incident ...
14SF03018 Vin Inspection 14:07:03 07/17/14 COMPLETE
14SF03020 Foot Patrol 15:37:21 07/17/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03021 Animal Problem 17:16:53 07/17/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Dog in a car at Shaw's – Gone on arrival of officer
14SF03022 Fraud 17:39:05 07/17/14 ACTIVE
242 TOWN FARM RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Believes his Aunt removed funds from a bank account by forging a signature of his grandmother who is also on the account.
14SF03023 Suspicious 19:09:34 07/17/14 COMPLETE
South St, Springfield, VT 05156
RP called to adv that he was at Jake's Mkt on South St when a guy in a pickup, stopped went in and bought an 18 oz beer came out drank it in his truck got out and threw the can away and then went back in the store bought a 12 pack and then drove off toward the High school… Neg contact with vehicle ...
14SF03024 Burglary 19:24:31 07/17/14 ACTIVE
Brockways Mills Road, Springfield, VT 05156
Her nephew has been away for 2 weeks and she rec’d a call saying that all the windows in his house are smashed and it's been robbed, she is on her way there and would like an officer to meet her.
14SF03025 Suspicious 09:13:20 07/18/14 COMPLETE
MISSING LINK RD, Springfield, VT 05156
CT vehicle parked by vacuums smells like pot and there is a baby in the
backseat, car seat. On arrival officer was able to locate the owner and was permitted to look inside the vehicle. There was no visible or smell of marijuana. Subject was meeting her mother at this location so she could pick up her son from a visit.
14SF03026 Breathing 09:21:13 07/18/14 COMPLETE
DEER RUN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Female respiratory distress
14SF03027 Medical 10:31:21 07/18/14 COMPLETE
FAIRBANKS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Laceration to the wrist – industrial accident - A2 responding...
14SF03028 Missing Person 11:15:00 07/18/14 COMPLETE
SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of juvenile son missing since Monday, she last saw him Monday night.
14SF03029 Citizen Assist 11:26:11 07/18/14 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female in the lobby adv her ex b/f took money out of her bank acct
14SF03030 Accident Pd 11:31:42 07/18/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST; Hartness Ave, Springfield, VT 05156
2 car MVA no injury no fluids
14SF03031 Trespassing 11:33:15 07/18/14 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST; Apt , Springfield, VT 05156
Unwanted subject at the residence, DCF told them to call the pd if he wouldn't leave when asked
14SF03032 Vin Inspection 12:01:46 07/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF03033 Parking Problem 12:05:55 07/18/14 COMPLETE
WHITCOMB ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Red SUV on the sidewalk emergency vehicles can't get through they will be moving it into their driveway momentarily
14SF03034 Citizen Dispute 12:32:18 07/18/14 COMPLETE
FURNACE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Officers spoke with a women identified from previous incident who wanted the homeowner to give her a written notice of trespass to her. I asked her if the homeowner had given her verbal notice and She said he had given her a verbal trespass warning but she wanted it in writing. I told her he didn't need to provide one since he gave her a verbal and was witnessed by officers.
14SF03035 Agency Assist 13:54:01 07/18/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
RFA to be served at SSCF
14SF03036 Theft 16:07:57 07/18/14 ACTIVE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS; Town Pool, Springfield, VT
Theft of $50 sandals from Town Pool
14SF03037 Foot Patrol 16:20:49 07/18/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03038 Citizen Assist 17:48:31 07/18/14 COMPLETE
HARTNESS AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Issues of his wife locking him out of the house, and slapping at him
14SF03039 Safety Hazard 20:51:25 07/18/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 2 children looked too young to be out this late on their own one with backpack no shirt & bike other in a tshirt & black pants last seen near Peebles – negative contact
14SF03041 Foot Patrol 21:01:44 07/18/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03040 Agency Assist 21:19:39 07/18/14 COMPLETE
ELM ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to Claremont PD
14SF03042 Service Of Apo 21:49:03 07/18/14 ACTIVE
HARTNESS AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03043 Noise Disturbance 23:27:34 07/18/14 COMPLETE
Spring St; Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbors diagonally across from # Spring St are being loud playing loud music and their dog is roaming the neighborhood was just up on their porch.
14SF03044 Suspicious 00:21:48 07/19/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD; boat landing, Springfield, VT 05156
A boat tied up down in the set back - shore. It bore a NH registration number and a 1999 NH inspection sticker. Dispatch wasn't able to do a lot with the registration number, but did advise that the registration number was not in NCIC. Fish & Game Warden would be advised of the abandoned boat.
14SF03045 Traffic Hazard 00:44:08 07/19/14 COMPLETE
CRAIGUE HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Tree fell down from their property on to both cars in their driveway and across the road no wires down with it
14SF03046 Noise Disturbance 01:03:41 07/19/14 COMPLETE
HIGH ST; behind Jasinski's market, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbor is having a party people are loud and they have a contained camp fire going – Tit-for-Tat argument between 2 neighbors calling police on each other
14SF03047 911 Hangup 01:10:31 07/19/14 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Call from came in - all the dispatcher heard was "you're an ass" then it disconnected and no answer on call back – Officers checked last known location of identified parties – neg contact
14SF03048 Noise Disturbance 01:33:12 07/19/14 COMPLETE
HARTNESS AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Several juveniles being loud swimming in the pool doesn't believe the resident is home right now caller doesn't see any adults out with the juveniles - On arrival located four subjects in pool at Summer Street. Subjects were being very loud while playing in the pool. One male subject yelled at Officer as he drove by arriving on scene, yelling profanities and to keep on going by. Officers made contact with the subjects and identified them – all in their early 20s. One of the females advised that she was at the residence house sitting and the others were friends she had invited over. They were advised of the complaint and that the noise needed to cease. They were also cautioned of the consequences should we be called back. No further action taken and no further complaints at this location.
14SF03049 Citizen Assist 02:35:17 07/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting an employee with locking a fire escape door he believes is unlocked he doesn't want to set the alarm off and have police respond to it.
14SF03050 Burglary 08:54:15 07/19/14 ACTIVE
384 RIVER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
There was a burglary at his apartment on Wednesday 7/16 he has a large amount of loose change missing and wants it documented
14SF03051 Foot Patrol 09:43:13 07/19/14 ACTIVE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF03082 Foot Patrol 10:00:00 07/19/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03052 Citizen Dispute 10:18:23 07/19/14 COMPLETE
67 VALLEY ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject threatened his wife they have now left
14SF03053 Citizen Dispute 11:14:03 07/19/14 ACTIVE
BROCKWAY MILLS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting subjects there to retrieve dumpster threatened to dump trash on lawn - landlord is there in heated argument along with a 3rd male subject – subjects retrieved property without further incident
14SF03054 Vin Inspection 13:53:36 07/19/14 COMPLETE
14SF03055 Suspicious 14:18:01 07/19/14 COMPLETE
BROCKWAY MILLS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of additional 1st floor windows broken at residence and a small green car parked at Church unattended not sure if it's related to activity – green car unrelated – subject just out walking in the area
14SF03056 Citizen Assist 14:24:10 07/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Conversed with officer ref $6500 dollars she sent to someone in NY that was supposed to forward the money to someone else. Check of CAD indicated has recently has been caught up in national scam ring and is continuing to be victimized
14SF03057 Burglary 15:05:42 07/19/14 ACTIVE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting theft of Stove/Fridge China Cabinet from rental property no forced entry
14SF03058 911 Hangup 15:43:37 07/19/14 COMPLETE
BROOK RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Hangups from a 911 call - daughter was trying to call a friend
14SF03059 Citizen Assist 17:30:53 07/19/14 COMPLETE
Spring street, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting officer advising male subject hitting himself in the head with a stick
23 year old Jason M. Shaffer who also goes by the name of Todd Swan has a history of conning people out of money throughout Vermont. Avoid him and his hard luck stories or you may end up losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
14SF03060 Foot Patrol 20:31:40 07/19/14 COMPLETE1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03061 Disorderly 22:23:24 07/19/14 COMPLETE
16 PARK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Caller reporting 3-4 females keep coming out of apartment yelling and screaming at people who are outside in the area
14SF03062 Agency Assist 03:01:02 07/20/14 COMPLETE
MARSHALL RD, Chester, VT 05143
14SF03063 Suspicious 04:11:48 07/20/14 COMPLETE
Park St, Springfield, VT 05156
Saw 2 young males dressed all in black walking down the sidewalk after the hospital but before Jasinski's heading toward Jasinski's store. Negative contact with any subjects after a complete check of the area
14SF03064 Suspicious 07:40:30 07/20/14 TRANSFERRED
Springfield, VT 05156
Photo reported as Adult male having sex w/a child as posted on Craigslist
14SF03065 Foot Patrol 10:44:26 07/20/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol detail on Main St.
14SF03066 Suspicious 11:23:44 07/20/14 ACTIVE
Fairground Road, N Springfield, VT 05150
Vehicle hit in his drive way over night
14SF03067 Assault 12:25:30 07/20/14 ACTIVE
Olive st; Furnace st, Springfield, VT 05156
Assaulted by his brother in law 0 investigation continues
14SF03068 Assault 12:37:47 07/20/14 ACTIVE
Massey rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Juvenile reported being assaulted this morning by his mother
14SF03069 Citizen Assist 13:10:32 07/20/14 COMPLETE
River st; Catholic Cemetery, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicles hit each other in the Cemetery
14SF03070 Phone Problem 16:14:59 07/20/14 ACTIVE
WALKER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
RP's niece receiving threatening text messages that have included her (RP’s) daughter in said messages - she wants the offender spoken with
14SF03071 Mv Complaint 16:43:42 07/20/14 COMPLETE
MAYS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint of ATVs on the roadway constantly being ridden by kids
14SF03072 Suspicious 17:48:55 07/20/14 COMPLETE
HIGHLAND CIR, Springfield, VT 05156
Susp male subj in his 30s with 2 other teens came to her house claiming they were looking for some water....passed numerous homes and seemed to target hers – contact made subject identified – nothing of interest noted
14SF03073 Fireworks 18:09:51 07/20/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Loud boom like fireworks came from Riverside School area - power failure in Plaza – GMP contacted by Dispatch ...
14SF03074 Citizen Assist 18:16:15 07/20/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Ex refusing to return child - no formal custody paperwork in place
14SF03075 Unsecure Premise 18:19:48 07/20/14 COMPLETE
FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Passing motorist reporting stopped to check on house they used to own that is foreclosed on - back door has been kicked in
14SF03076 Suspicious 20:44:24 07/20/14 COMPLETE
HIGHLAND CIR, Springfield, VT 05156
Now a male subj was there taking pics - neighbor chased him off – subject found to live in the area and was out walking and texting a friend
14SF03077 Accident Pd 22:14:24 07/20/14 ACTIVE
SOUTHRIDGE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting veh off the road on Southridge Rd bunch of people around it veh is upright – veh was in ditch on personal property – not a police matter
14SF03078 Agency Assist 22:25:01 07/20/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of Citation for Bradford VSP
14SF03079 Service Of Apo 22:26:14 07/20/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of RFA at SSCF
14SF03080 Citizen Assist 04:45:37 07/21/14 ACTIVE
BREEZY HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Heard a tree fall and not sure if it is in the woods or in the road but thought someone should check
14SF03081 Foot Patrol 05:01:07 07/21/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03083 Emergency 09:42:53 07/21/14 COMPLETE
60 PARK ST; PARK STREET SCHOOL, Springfield, VT 05156
Child in crisis
14SF03084 Accident Pd 10:03:21 07/21/14 ACTIVE
River St, Springfield, VT 05156
Riverside Restaurant PL – Minor accident
14SF03085 Property Damage 11:59:45 07/21/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle sustained minimal damage to bumper while in the plaza
14SF03086 Welfare Check 12:47:09 07/21/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Woman in silver PU NH tags yelling and screaming swearing at her kids in vehicle – Vehicle was gone on arrival – Office checked surrounding are for vehicle of similar description
14SF03087 Wanted Person 13:02:03 07/21/14 ARREST
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Adam Bryant
14SF03088 Animal Problem 14:22:12 07/21/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Akita dog in pickup for at least an HOUR now - complainant called back advised veh was leaving
14SF03089 Vin Inspection 14:53:04 07/21/14 COMPLETE
14SF03090 Citizen Dispute 15:06:32 07/21/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Called 911 reporting 4 kids were fighting one on bike with pink pegs one shorts no shirt one female 2 had knives but were not using them subjects were breaking up and heading by the pool but were still verbally fighting
14SF03091 Suspicious 15:09:19 07/21/14 COMPLETE
HOLT ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting NH veh at Holt Street res, looks like subj broke in used Credit card to gain entry vehicle registration provided by caller – contact with subjects made – private contracts sent to work on property
14SF03092 Burglary Alarm 16:17:54 07/21/14 COMPLETE
14SF03093 Suspicious 17:43:37 07/21/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting obvious drug activity in the plaza - Vehicle in question was located. After half-an-hour of monitoring the parking lot, female exited Shaw's pushing a shopping cart with groceries. No drug activity witnessed.
14SF03094 Suspicious 17:48:08 07/21/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint of strong odor of pot coming from apartment
14SF03095 Suspicious 17:59:09 07/21/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST; base of driveway, Springfield, VT 05156
Anon male reporting gold ford ranger PU at end of driveways believed buying drugs from occupant that resides in Apt who is down the end of
the driveway with it. Possible plate on truck is NH XXXXXXX
14SF03096 Safety Hazard 18:10:59 07/21/14 COMPLETE
BROCKWAY MILLS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Someone called RP advised him of small girl riding her bike out into roadway near brown house near 4 corner intersection
14SF03097 Welfare Check 18:18:06 07/21/14 COMPLETE
MARTIN CT, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check on mother was supposed to go to
Dartmouth today but never arrived RP has no car and can't come to check welfare of subject herself
14SF03098 Threatening 18:48:32 07/21/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Being threatened by male subj – instigated by posts on FB
14SF03099 Mv Complaint 18:49:53 07/21/14 ACTIVE
SPRING ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint that female & her boyfriend have been driving a vehicle around and almost hit him head on earlier
14SF03100 Agency Assist 20:27:42 07/21/14 ACTIVE
I91 NB MM 49, Weathersfield, VT
Assist VSP - K9 request
14SF03101 Citizen Dispute 20:36:35 07/21/14 COMPLETE
FACTORY ST; Park street, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of male & female out near corner of the Park St Bridge bickering with each other.
14SF03102 Foot Patrol 20:50:34 07/21/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03103 Suspicious 21:47:35 07/21/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting susp actions of a male subj who seem to be having a concerning interaction with 2 young approx 10yo girls. Interaction made both complainants uncomfortable like he was preying on them. Officer responded to the area and made contact with employees who could not recall seeing anyone matching the description given having been in the establishment.
14SF03104 Welfare Check 22:21:38 07/21/14 ACTIVE
MAIN ST; Apt Springfield, VT 05156
Life Alert Requesting welfare check on activated signal 20 min ago they have not been able to make contact with him phone is busy
14SF03105 Mv Complaint 23:31:10 07/21/14 ACTIVE
GULF ST, Springfield, VT 05156
33 y/o female subject struck by vehicle, denying medical but does have some abrasions and is shaken up. Pd enroute, A1 toned as a precaution. Charges forthcoming
14SF03106 911 Hangup 00:10:10 07/22/14 COMPLETE
Clinton St, Springfield, VT 05156
Female caller 911 geobasing on Clinton St sounds like could be fighting,
she was yelling and crying. No answer on call back. Officers made contact with subjects who in all appearances had been fighting but neither wanted to pursue charges. Subjects went their separate ways for the rest of the night
14SF03107 Agency Assist 02:50:31 07/22/14 ACTIVE
I91 NB MM36, Rockingham, VT
14SF03108 Noise Disturbance 04:03:07 07/22/14 COMPLETE
22 MINERAL ST; Apt Springfield, VT 05156
Loud music banging etc coming from apt
14SF03109 Suspicious 08:19:51 07/22/14 ACTIVE
6 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
At the Springfield Redemption Center, someone has pried the door open during the night and gained entry – investigation continues
14SF03110 Suspicious 09:10:53 07/22/14 COMPLETE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Comp advised that there was blood all over the bus stop on Mineral Street near the State Office Complex.
14SF03111 Suspicious 09:30:16 07/22/14 COMPLETE
40 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Appears to be someone breaking into Village Pizza back door – Subject identified as owner
14SF03112 Foot Patrol 11:15:42 07/22/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03113 Foot Patrol 15:28:09 07/22/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03116 Threatening 21:47:29 07/22/14 ACTIVE
266 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Complainant irate, yelling that his daughter is continuing to be threatened & harassed while at work by females that were involved in some other altercation a week or so ago. Females left the area prior to officer’s arrival. Contact was made later in the evening with parties about the continuing problem.
14SF03115 Suspicious 21:50:32 07/22/14 ARREST
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of female subject blue hair wearing only underwear and tank top running around in the plaza appears to under the influence of something.
Venessa Sarkisian-Kennedy arrested on various charges.
14SF03117 Welfare Check 23:27:00 07/22/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Would like us to keep an eye out for his wife she was brought to Springfield ER earlier in the day highly intoxicated from
Westminster. According to the ER staff she was discharged at 22:20 she had eaten, was sober, and no concerns of being suicidal or homicidal. The husband is headed to the area to pick her up ...
23 year old Jason M. Shaffer who also goes by the name of Todd Swan has a history of conning people out of money throughout Vermont. Avoid him and his hard luck stories or you may end up losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
14SF03118 Suspicious 05:48:00 07/23/14 ACTIVE100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
2 people hanging out on the stairs on the middle landing to the parking lot – Transient juveniles travelling thru the area from Rhode Island
14SF03119 Agency Assist 07:57:27 07/23/14 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of Re-cite Claremont PD
14SF03120 Suspicious 10:40:20 07/23/14 COMPLETE
WESTVIEW TER, Springfield, VT 05156
An officer was dispatched to the report of a 10 yo boy saying he had seen a girl get taken away by an older man. The officer spoke to the boy who told him he had been out in the woods. He said an older male had come out of the woods and grabbed a little girl. He told the officer he didn't know either the girl or the older man. He said the man taped the little girl's mouth and threw a net over her. He could not give any details as to what they were wearing. He initially told the officer it was really far away from where he was. He then told the officer it was within 30
feet. None of the other children that had been playing with him told me they saw anything. It is believed that the story was fabricated as there was no other information other than the than the initial story and no
other details.
14SF03121 Vin Inspection 10:45:18 07/23/14 COMPLETE
14SF03122 Vin Inspection 11:10:09 07/23/14 COMPLETE
14SF03123 Assault 13:44:38 07/23/14 COMPLETE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting seeing male subject came down from economic services got in fight with female outside of car - advised male grabbed fem hit her face into door possibly breaking her glasses took off – vehicle registered to subjects from Ludlow area – BOL issued to stop and check welfare of subj in vehicle
14SF03124 Foot Patrol 14:19:25 07/23/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03125 Medical 14:58:25 07/23/14 COMPLETE
8 Summer Street; Springfield, VT 05156
Officer responded to a reported OD. The officer met with 23 yo female who reported that she was having an allergic reaction to "booting" Heroin. She said she had taken it approximately 30 minutes before and her arm had begun to swell up. She woke her friend who called the 911. Rescue arrived and transported the female to the ER. The officer retrieved the needle and was advised there were no others, she only had the one hit. She said it was all she could afford at the time.
14SF03126 Agency Assist 15:37:46 07/23/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to Weathersfield PD with arrest of Alex Corbosiero
14SF03127 Agency Assist 16:52:46 07/23/14 ACTIVE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD; Springfield Hospital, Springfield, VT 05156
Out of control patient
14SF03128 Suspicious 17:43:52 07/23/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Suspicious guy hanging out by the Library – contact made, subject advised using free wi-fi from the library – Library personnel advised he was not a problem.
14SF03129 Welfare Check 17:46:27 07/23/14 COMPLETE
CRESCENT ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Runs a day care and one mother hasn't come after her children, she said she was going home sick, but RP has called and called and no answer, can someone check on her ...
14SF03130 Citizen Dispute 17:49:46 07/23/14 COMPLETE
22 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Advised there is a fight - not sure somewhere in the building – upon arrival officer learned juvenile reportedly threw temper tantrum over someone drinking his root beer soda.
14SF03131 Dls 18:17:39 07/23/14 ARREST
Valley St, Springfield, VT 05156
David Snide III
14SF03132 Noise Disturbance 19:55:36 07/23/14 COMPLETE
MERRILL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Loud music etc coming from across the road – all was quiet upon arrival of officer
14SF03133 Citizen Dispute 22:03:46 07/23/14 COMPLETE
35 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Advised male subject is there beating on the door and trying to break in and fight with her new b/f – male party was instructed to leave and did so – female party instructed on RFA process if needed
14SF03134 Missing Person 22:35:09 07/23/14 COMPLETE
CENTRAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Juvenile is in DCF custody and was here on visit she went out with friends and supposed to be back by 7pm and hasn't - believes she is at a party at the Woolson Block – Juvenile located in Claremont and returned to DCF custody
14SF03135 Citizen Dispute 22:40:35 07/23/14 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject called regarding suspicious circumstances. He advised that he
was at residence on Valley Street. Several houses down the road they could hear people yelling. The yelling sounded like it was directed towards a child. Officer went to the location and spoke with Male and female in adjoining apartments aware that they both have young children. They both advised that they had not heard any yelling and both advised they had not been yelling at their kids. One child was observed inside the apartment and appeared happy and unscathed. The other apartment had only one light on and occupant advised that her three children were all in bed.
14SF03136 Noise Disturban 22:53:19 07/23/14 COMPLETE
MERRILL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Noise stopped for awhile but they are at it again – Officer spoke with subjects there who advised they did just have the music up. They were advised the music needed to stay quiet and what the consequences would be if I had to return. There were no further calls regarding this location.
14SF03137 Foot Patrol 02:37:06 07/24/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol
14SF03138 Citizen Assist 04:22:54 07/24/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
16 y/o female from RI advised she was up here hanging out with friends and they have left her she has no place to go and no way to get home would like us to call her parents.
14SF03139 Directed Patrol 10:14:13 07/24/14 ACTIVE
VT ROUTE 106; Rt 10 Intersection, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist Motorcycle brigade thru intersection
14SF03140 Foot Patrol 10:15:33 07/24/14 ACTIVE
96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03141 Foot Patrol 13:01:32 07/24/14 ACTIVE
96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main St
14SF03142 Foot Patrol 15:27:44 07/24/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03143 Citizen Dispute 18:18:33 07/24/14 ACTIVE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Allegation neighbor has chopped down his blackberry bushes
14SF03144 Citizen Assist 18:44:54 07/24/14 COMPLETE
14SF03145 Foot Patrol 19:42:12 07/24/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03146 Vin Inspection 20:25:09 07/24/14 ACTIVE
14SF03147 Citizen Assist 20:27:06 07/24/14 COMPLETE
MYRTLE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Hit & run damaging his veh
14SF03148 Noise Disturbance 20:35:53 07/24/14 COMPLETE
34 FAIRBANKS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Fireworks or a single gun shot in the area of Springdale Apts - Checked area and found no evidence to indicate where or who was responsible for the noise. There were no further complaints of this nature.
14SF03149 Noise Disturbance 22:03:14 07/24/14 ACTIVE
Spring St, Springfield, VT 05156
Female lives at Spring St she has been drinking all day and playing loud music and they asked her to turn it down and she tries to fight with them. Female not answering her door, statements of her conduct obtained. Charges pending contact with female who was also found to be on conditions of release.
14SF03150 Suspicious 22:13:47 07/24/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST; School St, Springfield, VT 05156
While in route to another call officer observed a subject slumped over the guardrail on Mineral Street by the School Street intersection. Female was identified and advised that she had been feeling sick and
felt that she was about to throw up. There were no indicators that she had been consuming alcohol or drugs. Check found no warrants. She advised she did not need police assistance as she was almost to a friend’s residence where she would be staying.
14SF03151 Noise Disturbance 22:32:35 07/24/14 COMPLETE
47 UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Loud music and partying can hear it down the street - Upon arrival, there was music that was faintly audible from the exterior of the building. Contact was made and advised him of the complaint - he immediately
turned the music down and apologized.
14SF03152 Foot Patrol 02:08:39 07/25/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF03153 Citizen Dispute 02:59:32 07/25/14 COMPLETE
22 MINERAL ST; Apt downstairs, Springfield, VT 05156
Male and female been yelling and slamming things for the last hour not sure who they are – non-physical dispute between ex-girlfriend/boyfriend
14SF03154 Agency Assist 13:23:06 07/25/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for service of RFA out of Lebanon, NH
14SF03155 Citizen Assist 13:40:20 07/25/14 COMPLETE
96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male came into the PD to report that around noon time he went to leave the town hall municipal parking lot and when he backed up he scraped the bumper of his car on another car. He attempted to locate the owner at the apartment building next door with no luck. So he left his name and telephone number ...
14SF03156 Overdose 13:44:56 07/25/14 COMPLETE
SOUTH ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Report of 75 year old male overdose on trazadone, is conscious but groggy – will not tell complainant how many he has taken - call back from 911 advising subject getting combative/uncooperative, send PD ...
14SF03157 Vin Inspection 15:43:58 07/25/14 COMPLETE
14SF03158 Citizen Dispute 15:54:25 07/25/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST NS; , Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbor being belligerent and trying to pick fights - Officer met with subject who advised the neighbor's dog had been barking all day
and he couldn't take it anymore and had yelled at him. I advised him that there were several dogs in the area and that yelling at the first person he saw with a dog was not the adult way to correct the issue. I told him if he had a serious issue he should have gone over and told the man instead of yelling when there were children around.
14SF03159 Theft 16:25:13 07/25/14 ACTIVE
LEWIS ST, Springfield, VT 05156
He has been away and when he returned he found that golf clubs were taken out of his vehicle. He adv the vehicle was not locked because he had changed the battery the night before he left and forgot to relock it. Statement was left with dispatch as to items taken. ...
14SF03160 Threatening 18:00:31 07/25/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03161 Foot Patrol 18:31:46 07/25/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03162 Suspicious 19:16:34 07/25/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject is walking around the plaza wearing women's clothing with latex inflatable devices to make himself look more realistic, approaching people with children in the plaza and getting agitated when they ask him to leave them alone
14SF03163 Foot Patrol 20:10:52 07/25/14 ACTIVE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF03164 Juvenile Prob 20:20:00 07/25/14 COMPLETE
47 SOUTH ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
20 y/o male drinking alcohol was asked to leave will not leave other under age kids also out at that residence – Only 1 male subject found at residence who had a .000 BAC
14SF03165 Noise Disturbance 20:57:12 07/25/14 ACTIVE
PARK ST; Apt , Springfield, VT 05156
Male is playing loud music RP asked to turn it down female at the residence said to her go ahead and call the cops RP said ok fine I will then the female turned the music down but is still yelling at her out the window. Part 2 of the Tit for Tat neighbor dispute.
14SF03166 Foot Patrol 21:12:10 07/25/14 ACTIVE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF03167 Suspicious 21:17:13 07/25/14 COMPLETE
Mountain View Dr;, Springfield, VT 05156
Smells skunky smell believes her neighbors are smoking pot – Officer responded no skunky odor detected and no one appeared home at the residence
14SF03168 Suspicious 21:35:55 07/25/14 ACTIVE
Park St; Factory St, Springfield, VT 05156
Female hanging out the window yelling at somebody tossed something glass out the window it has now broken all over the sidewalk and street
14SF03169 Citizen Dispute 21:58:31 07/25/14 COMPLETE
30 ORCHARD ST; Hartness House, Springfield, VT 05156
Group of 6 people had a meal the bill is over $200 and they're refusing to pay about to leave – dispute settled prior to officer arrival
14SF03170 Phone Problem 23:04:39 07/25/14 COMPLETE
School St NS, Springfield, VT 05156
Wife is getting harassing phone calls and messages from male subject and he's driven by the residence numerous times this evening also. The officer called and spoke with the male and advised him that he needed to stop calling and texting lest he end up in trouble. The male confirmed that the issue was over a vehicle co-owned by he and the female. He believes she is allowing an unlicensed subject drive the car. He was advised to call us if he knows when this is occurring and we would look into it further.
14SF03171 Juvenile Prob 23:57:25 07/25/14 COMPLETE
WESTVIEW TER, Springfield, VT 05156
2 juvenile boys keep coming up to her daughters bedroom window and talking to her. Her daughter is 16 y/o and has already snuck out once
tonight she's asked the boys to go away they will not leave
14SF03172 Foot Patrol 00:30:50 07/26/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Tootsie Patrol
14SF03173 Found Property 02:02:24 07/26/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Found an electronic device
14SF03174 Citizen Assist 03:54:15 07/26/14 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST; Apt # Springfield, VT 05156
Assist female with getting her belongings she got into an argument with
her boyfriend and wants to get her belongings and leave
14SF03175 Citizen Assist 04:48:03 07/26/14 ACTIVE
Weathersfield Center Rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting people who's car ran out of gas by Wellwood Orchard Rd
14SF03176 Foot Patrol 09:32:10 07/26/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03177 Animal Problem 10:42:53 07/26/14 ACTIVE
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Loose dog in the area of 172 Commonwealth, barking and barking no one around
14SF03178 Agency Assist 13:28:10 07/26/14 ACTIVE
I 91 N; exit ramp, Springfield, VT 05156
Accident right on the bad corner of the exit ramp 1 car MVA
14SF03179 Agency Assist 13:38:27 07/26/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve a no trespass and 2 citations for Brattleboro PD
14SF03180 Mv Complaint 15:06:09 07/26/14 ACTIVE
River St; McDonalds area, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting elderly female’s vehicle has broke down
14SF03181 Agency Assist 15:15:14 07/26/14 ACTIVE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of family court paperwork from Lebanon NH
14SF03182 Theft 16:55:43 07/26/14 ARREST
266 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subj in pickup truck stole box of Tidy Cat Kitty Litter without paying for it – Aaron Wheeler charged on allegation of petit larceny & DUI
14SF03183 Foot Patrol 17:23:42 07/26/14 COMPLETE
96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03184 Custodial Int. 19:52:31 07/26/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Called and advised had taken grandchild to ER for documenting of injuries etc and that other grandmother found out, came to hospital and took child even though the child by way of visitation from 1 pm Sat to 5 pm Sunday
14SF03185 Burglary 21:10:58 07/26/14 ACTIVE
WALL ST; Apt , Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 4-5 teens trying to break in to apt. On arrival the subjects were gone. There was no damage at the window or door where they attempted entry. It was later determined the subject attempting to enter the apartment was the resident's daughter.
14SF03186 Breathing 21:28:38 07/26/14 ACTIVE
Spring Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of 21 yo male at apartment having diff breathing - A1 on responding ...
14SF03187 Suspicious 21:59:28 07/26/14 ACTIVE
RIDGEWAY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting susp veh to dark to see occupied x2 in driveway – subjects left the area – Officer follow-up with homeowners inquire if subjects there lawfully
14SF03188 Assault 22:04:12 07/26/14 ACTIVE
EUREKA RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting she has been assaulted by a 2 other females who are there at the residence – All parties uncooperative requesting no charges be pursued
14SF03189 Intoxication 23:26:29 07/26/14 ACTIVE
EUREKA RD, Springfield, VT 05156
And back again – Female and some of her friends have been asked to leave they will not leave subjects have also been drinking
Total Incidents for This Report: 221

7-26-14 Tootsie Patrol. Really?