Thursday, July 17, 2014

Out with biomass, in with solar panels

Winstanley Enterprises announced Wednesday that it was seeking state approval to build five, 500-kilowatt solar arrays in the North Springfield Industrial Park.


  1. give them the whole park to use,nobody wants to come to town to open a business anyway,wonder what problems the north Springfield group will cause for this plan

  2. So, Anonymous 1:03, you want to take the high road and refuse Winstanley, keep the industrial park empty thus not partaking of any possible tax benefit or revenues? You could always join forces with NoSag and stage a protest. Truck traffic doncha know.

  3. Jean, I'll grant you no one is standing in line to purchase lots in the industrial park. But, this acreage was expressly intended for industry and the resulting jobs necessary to make our community thrive. The only jobs this solar array will offer is shoveling off the panels in winter, and holding a flashlight on them at night.

  4. Reminds me to Goldilocks and the 3 bears.

    Biomass: too MUCH truck traffic.
    Solar Panel array: too few jobs.

    Let's keep waiting for the perfect tenant, shall we?

  5. How many dwellings (residential or commercial) will partake of this solar energy?

  6. NOSAG will put an end to this!!

    1. Yes just like they fought the last three solar fields in North Springfield. Get real. Look ahead the past is gone.

  7. When did a business making a profit become a bad thing? More profits, more taxes paid, more capital invested, more jobs created.

  8. It is a bad thing when the profits come out of the pockets of the taxpayers and the business can't stand on its own merits without forced purchases and subsidies. The only winner will be Winstanley at the expense of the citizens.

  9. Amen 2:29, and it gets worse. All those thousands, that's right, THOUSANDS, of parasites here in Springfield will be racking up bigger utility bills to run their air conditioners and 70" televisions. Result being, tax increase on us working fools so the parasites can maintain a lifestyle. Seems you and I just get screwed from every direction on this deal.

    So Shumlin, please explain to me one more time how I'm benefiting from your alternative energy?


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