An anti-loitering ordinance may be in Springfield’s future.

Published July 17, 2014 in the Rutland Herald
Springfield will study loitering ordinance
Staff Writer
SPRINGFIELD — An anti-loitering ordinance may be in Springfield’s future.
The Select Board has sent a proposal to its ordinance subcommittee for study.
The move comes before the board has formally received a petition from a Springfield woman who has been collecting signatures in recent weeks calling for a downtown ordinance.
Kim Bombria was at the board meeting Monday night to discuss her concerns about downtown gang activity, which is the primary target of her petition.
People loiter in the downtown area and harass or intimidate people, she said.
Criticism has focused on the Woolson Block, which Bombria said houses gang members and drug dealers in its upper floors.
One woman who works at the Jenny Wren Café in downtown Springfield said she had personally witnessed three drug deals Monday in front of the café, which is located in the Woolson Block.
“These gangs are from New Jersey and they are smart and well funded,” said Joanna Estey, who warned that downtown Springfield would “lose all its businesses if the town doesn’t fight back.”
Estey said the ordinance would be another tool for the Springfield Police Department to combat the drug and crime problem.
Bombria said she would continue to collect signatures and present the petition to the Select Board at its meeting in August.
“The entire town should not be victimized,” she said, noting that most of the illegal activity occurs at night.
Town Manager Robert Forguites said after the meeting that he and Police Chief Douglas Johnston had talked about an anti-loitering ordinance for the downtown area even before Bombria started her petition last month.
“Doug had come up with a draft. This was before she was starting her petition drive,” said Forguites, who said that Bombria did give the Select Board a copy of the wording of her petition.
That wording, plus Johnston’s draft, was given to board members Stephanie Thompson and George McNaughton, who together with Forguites and Town Attorney Stephen Ankuda make up the town’s ordinance committee.
Bombria said she based the wording of her petition on Chicago’s successful anti-loitering laws.
McNaughton, a lawyer, said anti-loitering ordinances are difficult to write and enforce because they tend to be vague.
Bombria said she had collected more than 900 signatures in support of the anti-loitering ordinance. She said she has also collected signatures from local children, since the issue affects them as well.
“It’s more about them than anything,” she told the board.
Bombria said her goal was to get 3,500 signatures. She has collected signatures on Main Street and at the Springfield Shopping Plaza, and plans to do the same at the Springfield Recycling Center.
Select Board Chairman Kristi Morris warned Bombria and others that crafting an ordinance was a “slow process.”
Let's create more laws that are completely unenforceable and continue to restrict and punish the law abiding citizens and put more stress on our law enforcement. Here's an idea, lets make it illegal to sell drugs in front of businesses in town? Oh,,,,sorry, there is a law against that!!!??? This loitering law better have more teeth then the felony of selling narcotics.
ReplyDeleteI can't hear you la-la-la-la, I can't hear you la-la-la-la....
DeleteI think that the old maxim of "Be careful of what you ask for, you may get it!" applies here. Ms. Bombria and her supporters may ultimately be disappointed based on the final wording of the ordinance and the Selectmen's willingness to fund and enforce it. I use the word "fund" because SPD will obviously need more resources to enforce the ordinance.
ReplyDeleteNext on the agenda CCTV...
ReplyDeleteThis citizen likes what freedoms I have left, thank you very much.
Basically, if this gets passed:
ReplyDeleteIf you're in your late teens to mid-twenties and low income, and standing on the sidewalk chatting with your friends, or sitting on a park bench, you'll be loitering.
If your older, or middle or upper income, and doing the exact same thing, somehow it won't be loitering.
There's a word for that, it's "discrimination".
Actually thats fine with me. Whatever it takes to get rid of the riff raff is fine with me.
DeleteHahaha there aren't any older, or middle or upper income people left in this town to be loitering downtown.
DeleteI have no problem with the loitering ordinance, maybe instead of standing on the sidewalk chatting with your friends, you may actually have to go look for a job
ReplyDeleteExactly. Better yet get the heck out of this town. Looks like a ghetto lately.
DeleteSpend the money this will wind up costing us on surveillance and quick action on the drug deals that many have observed going on anti-loitering ordinance infringes on the rights of law abiding citizens.
ReplyDeleteI am a law abiding citizen and I am ok with my rights being infringed upon ifvutvhelps clean up downtown.
DeleteWell, so does restrictions on where you can smoke. That too infringes upon the rights of law abiding citizens
DeleteHello,,,smoking is not a right.
DeleteI say frisk anyone who looks suspicious. Lets stop playing dumb and whining about discrimination. Its obvious who's unwanted in this town and I'm not talking about color relax. Frisk me anytime ya want now i don't look like a thug i wear a belt to help hold my pants up and i don't have the thug swagga but frisk away. I'm a good ol vt boy and don't do drugs but if i start i sure as hell wouldn't walk main st pockets full of it. call it discrimination, profiling who cares its plain to see frisk find drugs and throw these scum off the damn bridge for all i care. Wake up and grow a pair vt
ReplyDeleteIts called stop and search...NYC employed it and although they had scores of discrimination complaints it cleaned up the streets there from the 80's-90's and lowered their crime rate significantly
DeleteDoesn't someone need to do a survey first to determine whether the town should do a study on the need for an anti-loitering ordinance?
ReplyDeleteYou guys are fools if you think this is going to clean up all of the towns problems. The friggin cops can't even enforce the laws we have on the books already. Are you going to step up to pay for the 1st lawsuit that comes from this? You know at some point the police will overstep themselves & we will end up with a huge lawsuit on our hands. Do a little research on how this effect other communities & how much this stuff ends up costing them.
ReplyDeleteMake the cops do their frigging job with the laws on the books already.
Start calling you representatives, write the paper anything to put pressure on the stupid judges who let these fool out of jail so easily.
Also remember not every judge in Vermont was appointed by a liberal democrat - how many judges did Gov Douglas appoint?
Also remember not all of the scum in town is black, there is just as much white trash also. Hel some of them may be your own kids or someone in your family!
Get of you high horses & get real.
Hey 12:16 No one mentioned black in any of their posts only you but thanks for reminding us. Im the pro frisking good ol vt boy. And no it might not be my kids or family down there dealing drugs because I guess I'm high enough on my horse to raise them properly and be a responsible parent. Change the law so you can frisk people! Other towns/cities have done it hence no lawsuits they can try! Yes I realize laws in vt are made to screw hard working law abiding citizens just wishful common sense thinking.....
ReplyDeleteBut by simply passing this law, it will make everyone feel so much better! Symbolism over substance! Get it? Maybe we can institute another ordinance that requires Springfield to buy all the world a Coke, too, and sing in perfect harmony.
ReplyDeletedon't worry about a loitering ordinance; the board of selectmen will do what they have always done--nothing!
ReplyDeleteThen I suggest you run for the position. But I imagine you'll have all the lame excuses in the world why you can't...
DeleteNo i don't get it but i do like coke and harmony!
ReplyDeleteObviously you're a recent SHS grad, eh?