Recent service calls logged by the Springfield Police Department.
July 6 - 14, 2004 Calls for Service
July 17, 2014
Case # Nature Date Disposition
14SF02833 Fireworks 01:05:18 07/06/14 COMPLETE
BROCKWAY MILLS RD; Near Mays Rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbors are lighting off fire works
14SF02834 Suspicious 02:46:44 07/06/14 ACTIVE
Clinton St, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02835 Juvenile Prob 03:11:35 07/06/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
16 y/o son is threatening to leave the house w/o parents’ consent he is
not being violent or believe to have any weapons at this time
14SF02836 Medical 07:46:33 07/06/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02837 Burglary Alarm 07:57:44 07/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF02838 Animal Problem 10:41:07 07/06/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Dollar General, Springfield, VT 05156
Dog inside vehicle for 45 minutes – Vehicle GOA
14SF02839 Wanted Person 10:49:28 07/06/14 ARREST
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Arrested Jesse Emerson on a warrant
14SF02840 Parking Problem 14:33:28 07/06/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD; Boat landing, Springfield, VT 05156
VT vehicle blocking the boat launch, RP had words with the vehicle owner
14SF02841 Fireworks 17:53:15 07/06/14 COMPLETE
Main St, N Springfield, VT 05150
Fireworks being set off somewhere on Main St
14SF02842 Foot Patrol 18:52:39 07/06/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF02843 Agency Assist 19:21:21 07/06/14 COMPLETE
14 MISSING LINK RD; Circle K tk Stop, Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting A1 with male subject appears to have had a seizure now somewhat
14SF02844 Theft 20:18:38 07/06/14 COMPLETE
CHERRY HILL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Somebody has taken her child's power wheels car off of their lawn it was out there not too long ago they believe the neighbors may have it
14SF02845 Fireworks 21:44:26 07/06/14 COMPLETE
BROCKWAY MILLS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbors are lighting off fireworks
14SF02846 Juvenile Prob 22:47:41 07/06/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
3 or 4 teenage (maybe 14 years old) girls jumping in front of cars driving down Main St
14SF02847 Citizen Assist 23:21:41 07/06/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject and 2 other juvenile males here in the lobby asking for a courtesy ride to Spencer Hollow - they have bicycles but 2 of them are broken
14SF02848 Agency Assist 01:18:06 07/07/14 COMPLETE
I 91 N MM44, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist Rockingham Unit on traffic stop
14SF02849 Traffic Hazard 09:15:19 07/07/14 ACTIVE
South St, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle in the middle of the road
14SF02850 Suspicious 10:55:51 07/07/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD; Comcast, Springfield, VT 05156
Passing motorist stopped advising of discarded hypodermic needles
- located 2 needles, will be headed in to dispose of them
14SF02851 Foot Patrol 11:13:26 07/07/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF02852 Information 11:28:06 07/07/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request to speak to an officer in reference to someone selling prescription drugs
14SF02853 Animal Problem 11:28:22 07/07/14 COMPLETE
LACROSS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Fox walking around stumbling and acting out of it. Contact made with the VSP Rockingham - if we have to put it down we can
14SF02854 Agency Assist 11:44:19 07/07/14 COMPLETE
ORCHARD ST, Springfield, VT 05156
RFA for service
14SF02855 Suspicious 12:11:09 07/07/14 ACTIVE
818 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of 3 subjects sitting on the rails out behind hotel, 2 males and 1
female, appear to be shooting heroin, one male wearing a red hat and white tank top – Arrest made – additional investigation continuing
14SF02856 Animal Problem 13:07:25 07/07/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a dog in a blue Pontiac Vibe, dog is barking and
pushing against windows and appears to be in distress, no windows down at all according to caller, in handicap spot right in front of Shaw's entrance – Vehicle GOA
14SF02857 Assault 13:58:08 07/07/14 Uncooperative Victim
CRAIGUE HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report from subjects in the lobby that their son was assaulted by a drug dealer, Saturday into Sunday on a side road off Craigue Hill
14SF02859 Animal Problem 14:21:04 07/07/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of dogs locked in a car with windows up and appear in distress, been there for quite some time, plate on vehicle is MA xxxxx, a greenish Subaru station wagon, out behind snap fitness, he checked with people at snap fitness and it doesn't belong to anyone there ... Vehicle GOA
14SF02858 Citizen Assist 14:21:35 07/07/14 ACTIVE
PARK ST; Apt , Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbors have her cat and won't give it back.
14SF02860 Accident Pi 14:39:26 07/07/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a single vehicle accident off the roadway towards the swamp at
Springfield/Chester line - woman and her baby – vehicle hydroplaned during heavy rain
14SF02861 Vandalism 17:09:45 07/07/14 COMPLETE
140 CLINTON ST; Edgar May, Springfield, VT 05156
Believes subject tore down a handicapped sign at the Edgar May bldg
14SF02862 Fireworks 18:44:18 07/07/14 COMPLETE
26 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Staying w/gf in apt - 2 loud bangs from behind building light smoke in the area possibly someone letting off fireworks?
14SF02863 Theft 20:31:35 07/07/14 COMPLETE
226 RIVER ST; Dollar General, Springfield, VT 05156
Tianna Record Shoplifted press on nails – no charges pursued – letter of trespass issued
14SF02864 Foot Patrol 00:56:39 07/08/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Checking doors
14SF02865 Citizen Dispute 08:55:16 07/08/14 ACTIVE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Saw on very large male assaulting another in the parking lot of used vehicle business
14SF02866 Suspicious 11:41:23 07/08/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a child approx 3 yoa left alone in a white vehicle in
the plaza between Shaws and Jonathan's Summer Place - no sign of adult around – Vehicle GOA.
14SF02867 Agency Assist 12:26:04 07/08/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Request service of RFA
14SF02868 Citizen Assist 13:01:23 07/08/14 COMPLETE
VT ROUTE 10, Springfield, VT 05156
Request to speak to an officer in ref. to domestic issues and guidance on
possibly getting an RFA
14SF02869 Citizen Assist 13:24:56 07/08/14 COMPLETE
ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Requested officers check her son's vehicle at the listed address,
because he is having issues over a breakup with his girlfriend. Mother feared the ex-girlfriend may attempt to damage the vehicle. Upon arrival the vehicle had not been disturbed.
14SF02870 Fingerprints 14:47:48 07/08/14
14SF02871 Fingerprints 14:49:52 07/08/14 Moriglioni,
14SF02872 Foot Patrol 15:24:27 07/08/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02873 Property Damage 15:39:01 07/08/14 ACTIVE
SKITCHEWAUG TRL, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting someone has skidded across her lawn & clipped a phone pole - veh not there just got home and found damage – GMP called to check pole damage
14SF02874 Foot Patrol 18:48:59 07/08/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Main Street
14SF02875 Citizen Dispute 19:11:41 07/08/14 ACTIVE
MILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of boyfriend armed with bat in confrontation with a neighboring male subject
14SF02876 Mv Complaint 20:00:40 07/08/14 COMPLETE
SPRING ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting red jeep Cherokee traveling on Spring St 40/45 mph did a burn
out identified as local female’s ex-boyfriend – contact made with subject who claimed wasn’t the one operating – was left with message to relay to operator to cease activity
14SF02877 Fireworks 21:16:23 07/08/14 COMPLETE
26 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of loud explosion fireworks or transformer behind the theater again - same last night
14SF02878 Noise Disturbance 22:27:53 07/08/14 COMPLETE
VT ROUTE 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Reports of gunfire or banging coming from area of self storage units – second caller advised someone was at the self storage banging and making quite the racket – Subject located and had done damage to the door of the unit he had been renting – property owner notified
14SF02879 Mv Complaint 23:01:27 07/08/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Green Dodge caravan with a bunch of kids in it thinks they may
be intoxicated last seen heading toward center of town – negative contact
14SF02880 Traffic Hazard 07:58:29 07/09/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
VT truck broke down in the middle of the road
14SF02881 Mv Complaint 09:35:02 07/09/14 COMPLETE
SPENCER HOLLOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Two kids about 9yo on dirt bikes racing up and down the road at a high rate of speed – made contact with 2 – 13 yo boys and parent of one – advised of dangers and legalities of riding in the roadway – advised to take activity to back yard
14SF02882 Suspicious 13:40:30 07/09/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
4yo female in a flowered skirt and tank top walking all by herself near the river but on the sidewalk - another update from caller to advise little girl just went down embankment ... juvenile located and returned to residence
14SF02883 Citizen Assist 15:58:27 07/09/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject locked herself out of her apt and the office is already closed
14SF02884 Foot Patrol 16:18:33 07/09/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol Main St
14SF02885 Mv Complaint 16:48:43 07/09/1 ACTIVE
FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle driving like a maniac on Fairground Road thought he was going to lose it and there were kids out playing nearby ... Officer located the vehicle in question parked at a residence the operator was identified but denied speeding and claimed when he turned onto Fairgrounds Road from Elm Street the car wheels spun. Operator was advised that he needed to watch how fast he was driving and if future complaints were received about his driving it could result in action being taken against him. Subject’s father took the car keys from him before the officer left the house.
14SF02886 Accident Pd 18:19:05 07/09/14 ACTIVE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Minor fender bender at the Exit 7 Irving no injuries and no fluids leaking
14SF02887 Lost Property 19:58:47 07/09/14 ACTIVE
LACROSS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
"Caly" male Irish Setter that has his hair trimmed for the summer missing from their yard after the thunder storm. Wearing a green collar with tags approx 80 lbs reddish color hair.
14SF02888 Mv Complaint 20:28:14 07/09/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle disabled by the Community House blocking the road
14SF02889 Custodial Disp. 22:10:59 07/09/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Family dispute over child visitation / custody
14SF02890 Burglary Alarm 23:33:52 07/09/14
14SF02891 Suspicious 01:06:10 07/10/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Springfield Mobil, Springfield, VT 05156
NH Vehicle is parked in the lot red Subaru Forester shouldn't be there
the store is locked and a bathroom light is on seems like somebody is inside. Store owner is responding
14SF02892 Foot Patrol 01:15:26 07/10/14 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02893 Wanted Person 02:23:26 07/10/14 ARREST
Spring Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Warrant on Stephan Messier
14SF02894 Welfare Check 06:04:53 07/10/14 ACTIVE
Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check on woman she talks to her on the phone
every day and can’t get ahold of her has been trying for the last hour. Female had a heart attack about 2 weeks ago but was cleared by Dartmouth not sure if this is health related. Subject found having fallen and unable to get up..
14SF02895 Fingerprints 08:57:09 07/10/14
14SF02896 Fingerprints 09:01:06 07/10/14
14SF02897 Agency Assist 09:42:12 07/10/14 COMPLETE
VT ROUTE 10, Chester, VT 05143
Assist Chester with 10-50
14SF02898 Suicide Attempt 10:01:09 07/10/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Subject cutting himself with a utility knife - crisis contacted and asked to respond to hospital to meet with subject ...
14SF02899 Fingerprints 10:09:52 07/10/14
14SF02900 Welfare Check 11:12:17 07/10/14 COMPLETE
ORCHARD ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject called and requested a welfare check because he can't get a hold of female subject at the above address. I met with female at the listed address. She reported she does not know the requesting party personally. She stated he has no reason to be worried about her welfare. She did state that she has a piece of property for sale. She stated that would be the only reason he could possibly want to have contact with her. Female was in good health and did not need any type of welfare check.
14SF02901 Suspicious 11:13:06 07/10/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of subject just left the plaza with shopping carts in the back of a gray short bed Chevy pickup, headed out 106 now. The officer found the truck and met with the operator who was identified. Through confirmation with the store, the story with the shopping carts was Shaws would call him occasionally and have him pick up broken carts to be scrapped.
14SF02902 Accident Pd 13:33:06 07/10/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a Warner tt unit blue tractor and trailer trailer NB license
just sideswiped a silver sedan on Main St in front of the old PD and kept
going, complainant following vehicle at this time... contact made and proper report filed
14SF02903 Found Property 14:50:03 07/10/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Located 5 small bags of Heroin in the cage of my EQ – deposited by a subject transported from a previous arrest
14SF02904 Animal Problem 15:09:38 07/10/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Female caller adv in the Rite Aid parking lot - dog in a vehicle Gray Subaru - Vehicle is goa ...
14SF02905 Vin Inspection 16:24:57 07/10/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02906 Foot Patrol 19:47:02 07/10/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol Main St areas
14SF02907 Animal Problem 20:39:10 07/10/14 COMPLETE
BIRCH CT, Springfield, VT 05156
2 husky type dogs came onto their property and tried to tear apart their chicken coop and did kill one of their rabbits. Her husband scared them off down Commonwealth Ave.
14SF02908 Suspicious 22:35:44 07/10/14 COMPLETE
818 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Adv they checked a room to make sure it was clean and found what appears to be a bag of drugs
14SF02909 Animal Problem 22:45:14 07/10/14 COMPLETE
UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Suspects neighbor of abusing a puppy, it was bouncing around and fine a
couple of days ago and tonight it can't stand and he was pushing it around etc trying to get it to move and then he very
angrily picked it up and went back inside.– Upon checking the puppy, it walked around, drank some water and then came over to get pet. The dog looked well fed, as there was food and water out and there was no sign of abuse.
14SF02910 Suspicious 23:00:05 07/10/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Heard what may be fireworks in the alleyway scared the whole theater of people 2nd caller - adv he saw 3 males come out of the alleyway 2
bigger males had backpacks - In looking around the area the officer found a broken bottle that had been broken from the inside out. Where the bottle was laying, there was a tannish brown powder all over the ground. There was also a green plastic piece with a white music note symbol on it. Contact was made with 2 subjects who advised that neither he or the other subject had anything to do with it, but that it was most likely the subjects that had been drinking downstairs. Another witness advised that a subject just left the movie theater area and was walking towards the Mobil Station. Contact was made with this subject. He was visibly intoxicated but was not exhibiting any signs that he couldn't control himself. The officer advised him that if he was called to another explosion, and could determine it was him, that he could face possible criminal charges. He didn't deny that it was him while speaking with him.
14SF02911 Juvenile Prob 23:10:25 07/10/14 COMPLETE
WILL DEAN RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Believes there is a young child home alone she can hear moaning and crying and she never hears anything from them she knows there are DCF issues and mother’s car is not there. Further checking indicated that there was a dog that had been left in the residence and was the cause for the noise
14SF02912 Burglary Alarm 00:56:10 07/11/14 FALSE
14SF02913 Burglary Alarm 04:06:40 07/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF02914 Threatening 12:29:11 07/11/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Request for an officer to call when they are available to speak to her about threats daughter is receiving, has occurred in the past and has started up again
14SF02915 Accident Pd 14:09:39 07/11/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of 2 vehicle accident in front of parks and rec building, no injuries
14SF02916 Misconduct 14:47:21 07/11/14 COMPLETE
Clinton St; Mineral St, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02917 Citizen Assist 15:41:02 07/11/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Juvenile texted 911 advising being verbally harassed by subj in
the plaza near the dollar store
14SF02918 Citizen Dispute 16:38:33 07/11/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 2 males fighting pushing each other yelling on river side of Main St near Elm intersection one in purple shirt - one in a white shirt both looked to be in their 40s – subjects were GOA – checked surrounding areas neg contact.
14SF02919 Agency Assist 17:26:27 07/11/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Re-cite request by VSP Rock
14SF02920 Agency Assist 17:27:17 07/11/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Delivery of Selectboard packets
14SF02921 Accident Pd 18:23:12 07/11/14 COMPLETE
RANDALL HILL RD; Just shy of Rockingham, Springfield, VT 05156
Hit a deer - deer is still alive - unknown damage to vehicle
14SF02922 Animal Problem 18:27:34 07/11/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Dog in vehicle - windows up dog is barking been there at least 1/2 hour parked in front of Shaws – Vehicle GOA
14SF02923 Foot Patrol 19:34:23 07/11/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02924 Foot Patrol 20:18:38 07/11/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02925 Foot Patrol 20:48:26 07/11/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02926 Citizen Assist 22:18:17 07/11/14 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist subject retrieving plates from veh
14SF02927 Mv Complaint 01:56:53 07/12/14 COMPLETE
Church St; Central St NS, Springfield, VT 05156
Dark colored car possibly a Honda squealing tires one tire may possibly be blown not sure what they're doing going up Church St, Elm St, Main St, Central St area. ... Vehicle GOA
14SF02928 Foot Patrol 10:44:50 07/12/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF02929 Burglary Alarm 12:43:39 07/12/14 COMPLETE
14SF02930 Suspicious 12:47:16 07/12/14 COMPLETE
Summer St; Hartness Park, Springfield, VT 05156
RP located what he thinks may be a drop point for drugs – subject found a tupper ware type container hidden in a tree root in the woods at Hartness Park. The item was located and was a GPS tracker device used in geocaching type games.
14SF02931 Threatening 15:12:33 07/12/14 ACTIVE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject on a bike threatened to hit them with a baseball bat – Stephen Messier to be cited for Disorderly Conduct
14SF02932 Citizen Assist 15:54:05 07/12/14 COMPLETE
SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Public Stand By to retrieve items from residence
14SF02933 911 Hangup 16:29:29 07/12/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Was a 911 misdial
14SF02934 Theft 17:03:51 07/12/14 ACTIVE
280 RIVER ST; Lucky Clover Laundromat, Springfield, VT 05156
Theft of clothes from the laundrymat
14SF02935 Medical 17:06:19 07/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject was having a migraine is now having a seizure
14SF02936 Burglary Alarm 17:20:53 07/12/14 FALSE
14SF02937 Suspicious 17:36:18 07/12/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
911 Hartford - kids jumping off at the Toll bridge/call from Charlestown PD adv they got numerous 911 calls and a walk in adv of kids jumping off the bridge - their officers had to go to another call if we had one available could they respond ...
14SF02938 Animal Problem 17:53:35 07/12/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Out walking her dog and a raccoon chased them, she yelled at it and it took off she believes it lives in the shed down over the bank.
14SF02939 Traffic Hazard 19:02:56 07/12/14 COMPLETE
CONNECTICUT RIVER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Tree blocking the road on Route 5 near where Skitchewaug trail joins it
- blocking one lane of traffic, contact highway one person with a
chainsaw should be able to do it ...
14SF02940 Foot Patrol 19:22:57 07/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02941 Foot Patrol 21:38:00 07/12/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02942 Foot Patrol 22:30:18 07/12/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02943 Intoxication 00:58:20 07/13/14 ACTIVE
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject appears to be drunk stumbled onto her lawn then over to the
neighbors driveway – contact made with subject
14SF02944 Suspicious 08:01:56 07/13/14 COMPLETE
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject walking down the road staggering got into a neighbors car and left, No shirt, Shorts and dyed blond hair – Male was intoxicated BAC.24 and was found sitting in an unlocked vehicle. He was initially resistant and verbally combative with officers when he was removed from the vehicle. He became calm and cooperative after a few minutes. He was provided a courtesy ride to his home without incident.
14SF02945 Citizen Assist 11:32:43 07/13/14 COMPLETE
1 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
RP set off the elevator emergency button screaming she wants out of here. When asked if she was stuck she replied NO – psychiatric issues
14SF02946 Citizen Dispute 14:12:10 07/13/14 COMPLETE
Park St, Springfield, VT 05156
Dispute on Park Street near Main Street reported as fighting. It was all quiet upon arrival with all persons involved walking away from the area. 2 males were detained while a short investigation into the matter was done. No one involved wanted to provide written statements. All parties were advised of the Vermont Laws regarding disorderly conduct and public fighting. All parties were released from the scene.
14SF02947 Citizen Dispute 17:28:41 07/13/14 COMPLETE
BROCKWAY MILLS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
r/p's wife not allowing him to leave the residence to take the car.
14SF02948 Traffic Hazard 17:38:46 07/13/14 COMPLETE
PARKER HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Tree on wires across the road
14SF02949 Traffic Hazard 18:36:16 07/13/14 COMPLETE
FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Tree half-way in road by the Recycle Ctr
14SF02950 Suspicious 18:37:39 07/13/14 Entry Error
14SF02951 Juvenile Prob 18:39:06 07/13/14 COMPLETE
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Male adult on roof with 2 minor children under 10 yrs old. Male is not watching the minor children as he has his ear buds in. Responded and observed two unidentified boys under the age of 10 on the roof. Upon speaking with them, they advised that their dad was also on the roof. They were reportedly cleaning the roof. I spoke with their father, who indicated that he was keeping an eye on the kids. I also spoke with their mother about the complaint regarding the kids on the roof.
14SF02952 Suspicious 18:41:34 07/13/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST Springfield, VT 05156
6 males walking toward Park St bridge twirling their red shirts. Responded and observed no twirling in progress. Typical crew standing in front of Woolson Block.
14SF02953 Citizen Dispute 21:42:05 07/13/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Would like her son removed from her residence he doesn't live there and is being verbally abusive he is intoxicated but has no weapons.
14SF02954 Traffic Hazard 22:35:27 07/13/14 COMPLETE
Connecticut River Rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Branch in the roadway blocking the south bound lane about a mile or so from the boat landing
14SF02955 Suspicious 00:41:47 07/14/14 COMPLETE
WESTVIEW TER, Springfield, VT 05156
Couple people camping out at the maintenance bldg, outside not sure if they are transients or runaways etc - kids from the complex just hanging out, not up to anything illegal or bad ...
14SF02956 Foot Patrol 01:14:35 07/14/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
14-00083 Smoke Investigation 03:32:23 07/14/14 ACTIVE
Clinton St; near Jim Ballards, Springfield, VT 05156
Smoke in the air and smell of something burning, nothing visual at this time other than the smoke - Engine 2 responding...
14SF02957 Parking Problem 09:56:08 07/14/14 COMPLETE
1 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle parked in the handicap parking without placards.
14SF02958 Foot Patrol 12:33:57 07/14/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main St
14SF02959 Mv Complaint 13:21:39 07/14/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle stopped for speed on Wall Street. The vehicle had been reported as possibly being involved in drug sales. The driver gave consent to search the vehicle, nothing was found. The vehicle was occupied by 2
other persons. Driver was given a verbal warning on speed violation.
14SF02960 Agency Assist 13:49:30 07/14/14 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for assistance from Chief McLean, IL PD ref. theft of MacBook
laptop via craigslist transaction. Deal made between subject of McLean, IL and a subject in Springfield for sale of computer that purchaser failed to pay for. Computer was secured and is being returned to owner ...
14SF02961 Foot Patrol 15:19:47 07/14/14 ACTIVE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02962 Citizen Assist 15:21:18 07/14/14 COMPLETE
120 MAIN ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Subjects in neighboring apt are tampering with their mailbox switching the numbers so the mail goes to the wrong box
14SF02963 Juvenile Prob 16:05:04 07/14/14 ACTIVE
MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting male Age 14 leg bail from DCF office LSW Black Hoody; jeans;
tan ball cap; sneakers last seen heading around back of building ... juvenile located later in the evening and returned to DCF custody
14SF02964 Citizen Assist 17:15:25 07/14/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Has a civil parenting plan over son in common – issues returning child back to other parent
14SF02965 Accident Pd 17:20:26 07/14/14 ACTIVE
River Street; McDonalds, Springfield, VT 05156
Advising 2 car 10-50 no pi in traffic Rt 106 @ Mcdonalds
14SF02966 Animal Problem 17:50:53 07/14/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting dog in vehicle all windows are rolled up – vehicle GOA
14SF02967 Foot Patrol 20:46:17 07/14/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02968 Assault 21:08:27 07/14/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male age 9 advised he was punched by someone he doesn't know the name of who has left the residence – officer reporting playground dispute
14SF02969 Citizen Dispute 22:21:16 07/14/14 COMPLETE
RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Dispute between 14 yo male & 30 yo male – 14yo claiming that subject kidnapped his 17 yo sister – On arrival both were in a heated argument but nothing was physical. Parties were separated and told them
both to move along. I spoke with property owner who is 14 yo’s mother. She asked that I serve a letter of trespass on 30 yo to alleviate further issues. The order was served in hand and filed in dispatch.
Total Incidents for This Report: 138
Thursday, July 17, 2014
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