Friday, July 25, 2014

Woman sentenced in fatal crash case

Disappointed relatives of a Springfield woman who was killed in a head-on collision two years ago interrupted Thursday’s sentencing of the woman who hit her to voice displeasure over the plea deal.


  1. This case is a travesty; despite the facts recited in the article, the fact of the matter is a person is dead and our wonderful "Justice" system has again taken the easy way out by agreeing to and approving yet another plea deal. It's no wonder so many people have lost all confidence in our court systems and the politicians who appoint these judges.

  2. Judge Carroll again. Judge Karen Carroll explained during Thursday’s proceedings, one of the “elements” of that charge that would have to be proved to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt was that Wang knew, or should have known, that what she was doing when she sped across the center line at 25 mph faster than the speed limit, was in fact dangerous and illegal.

  3. Well if this woman was documented before the accident to be as insane as they say, she shouldn't have kept being released from the hospitals nor should she have been driving anywhere. Clearly there were a lot of people not doing there jobs in this situation. But welcome to lovely VT...seems like no one is doing quite what they should be to prevent tragedies such as this one.

  4. Judge Carroll has an on-going psychiatric disorder. She needs 30 days and probation too....for endangering the general public.

  5. You, yes you ! Read this loud and clear, your life is only worth 3-12 months time according to our Judicial System. What a shame for this poor family. Judge Carroll and Kainen are a couple of cowards. What a joke this county is, God forbid something ever happen to one of their family members so they can feel the pain of this type of situation. No Justice what so ever, She was competent enough to drive that car and kill another human she can serve an appropriate sentence. The message here is if this ever happens to anyone close to you and you want justice, take it into your own hands, what's the most that can happen. Shit I could do 30 days standing on my head and what's 3 months to a 1 on Probation. This women had connections and Kainen's spine is to weak to do his job. He needs to be tossed to the curb.

  6. is there a legal precedent that would allow the public to circulate a petition to remove judge carroll?

  7. maybe we need Judge Judy!

  8. Anonymous 9:12 I think the best we can do is get a legislator to introduce a resolution rebuking Judge Carroll and calling for her resignation. Considering she is getting paid $117 k to hand out pet rocks instead of sentences I don't consider it very likely she will go quietly.

  9. I would just like to point out to all that Ms. Wang has a family too, that her husband and young son have tried for a long time to get her help. Also, hospitals DO NOT inter- communicate. If you go to Springfield hospital, they are Dartmouth affiliates, not Rutland, not Boston. This being said, there wasn't any evidence for the hospitals to see she was insane. I do feel awful for Nikkis family but that doesn't change the fact Ms. Wang is loony.

    1. Loony AND dangerous....that is why she needs to be locked up indefinitely.

  10. Anonymous 6:18, you mean her husband - the poster child for slumlords in Springfield? Take a look at the damage that husband has done to Springfield with his crassly unsafe properties and perhaps you will understand that I have no sympathy whatsoever for him.

    1. Thanks for bringing this up. I had to look this up and you're right. Her husband is Michael Woychosky and together they own L&M Developers (Ling + Michael?).

      L&M owns 9 properties in town, and Woychosky owns 3 on his own. That's according to this article which is about the fire on Valley St. last year: and here's an article about another fire at one of his/their properties:

      The fire to no fire ratio does seem high to me.

  11. There may be little debate Wang is a hypochondriac. But criminally insane without a board certified, clinical diagnoses prior to the incident is highly suspect.

    Using insanity as a murder defense, vehicular or otherwise is rare. Averting a conviction with such defense is almost non existent. Trial records report it at far less than 1%. Folks what we have here is profound incompetence on the part of the States Attorney's office. Not wanting to be up staged by a brilliant defense attorney on a case that would certainly attract national attention, he has subverted justice to quickly sweep this case under the carpet.


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