Thursday, September 11, 2014

Man arrested on identity theft charges

According to Vermont state police, a Springfield man opened four credit card accounts under the names of two different individuals after acquiring their personal information.

Police say Zachary McNeill, 22, used the accounts to purchase items and goods in excess of $2,000 over the course of June and July of 2014. All accounts had reached their maximum limit and the credit score of the victim was severely diminished.

McNeill was also found to have falsified signatures on documents submitted to the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles.

McNeill was arrested on 09/06/14 . He was processed at the Rockingham Barracks and issued a citation for 2 counts of identity theft, 19 counts of False Pretenses and Tokens, and forgery. He was ordered to appear in court on 09/16/14.

More charges are expected as the investigation into additional accounts continues.

1 comment :

  1. It may sound sad, it may sound funny, but that's what people do for money.


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