Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Motion & Policy Statement

Former Circuit Court Judge Paul Hudson introduced this document at the Selectboard meeting last night. (PDF file)

Former Circuit Court Judge Paul Hudson is scheduled to address the Selectboard on the drug gang issue at the September 22nd Selectboard meeting. Selectboard meetings are normally held in Selectman's Hall on the third floor of the Town Hall but location of this one has been moved to the high school cafeteria in anticipation of a larger than usual turnout of concerned citizens. Paul F. Hudson Springfield High School Class of 1960 UVM, BA, 1964; U of Maine School of Law, 1967 The Honorable Judge Paul F. Hudson had a distinguished career as a lawyer and judge for thirty-six years, including appointments as Windsor County State’s Attorney, Assistant Attorney General and Chief of the Vermont Attorney General’s Criminal Division. Governor Snelling appointed Judge Hudson as a Vermont District Court Judge in 1979 until his retirement in 2003. In appointing Judge Hudson as Chair of the Human Services Board in 2003, Governor Douglas stated, “his community service and his diverse and extensive law background make him uniquely qualified to chair this important panel.” Judge Hudson is, and has been since inception, the chair of the Springfield Select Board’s Recreation Committee and is the current chair of the New England Conference Rules Committee. Judge Hudson is an active member of the Springfield United Methodist Church, recently served as president of Green Mountain Council, BSA, has chaired the Council of Ministries, served as a delegate to the New England Annual Conference and served as a second lieutenant in the US Army Reserve. http://freepdfhosting.com/a4eb550b8a.pdf


  1. What happened with this motion, and what did Hudson say?

    1. John Dalton 9/8/14, 3:13 PM - Former Judge Hudson worth listening to, Chief Baker has been here before. If Hudson calls them as he sees them, will be worth listening to and possibly helpful.

      So you didn't even go and listen to him??? Since you don't even take your own advice, I guess the rest of us need not bother with it, either!!!

      Classic "Do as I say, not as I do" behavior!

    2. All I remember was Hudson talking about Hitler and then sitting down, did I fall asleep during his talking about the motion? Don't remember them doing anything with the motion.

  2. Did the guy Skype in from his Maine "summer home" to present this silly document?

  3. Must be the view is a little different when not perched on a lofty court bench or whiling away the summers in Maine!


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