The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Southern Windsor County gave away pinwheels at the Springfield Plaza to call awareness to Prevent Child Abuse.

Women’s Club calls awareness to Prevent Child Abuse organization
Sep 23, 2014
Joyce Lindamood stands outside Shaw’s distributing pinwheels to raise awareness for the Prevent Child Abuse organization.
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Southern Windsor County gave away pinwheels at the Springfield Plaza to call awareness to Prevent Child Abuse. Our main objective is to prevent all types of domestic violence including adult men and women, children and the elderly. Awareness is the first step in ridding our world of these ugly incidents. We would again thank the knitters who helped us gather 150 baby caps for March of Dimes and Prevent Child Abuse. Thank you RSVP Knitters, the Earl M. Bourdon Center Knitters and Mary Gray, Donna Gerety, Dianna Williams and Sabrina Raymond. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Women’s Club, please call (802) 885-4690 or go to for more information.
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