Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Muckross Park gets board's blessing in Springfield

The Springfield Select Board has unanimously endorsed the proposed new state park that is being created at the longtime Springfield home of the late Edgar May, a longtime Springfield lawmaker and community leader.


  1. Paging Joe Foreman! Yet another clear sign that the town has become hopelessly punch drunk from having been rocked by too many years of economic head shots and body blows. Somebody needs to administer the smelling salts to the select board before they sell all of the town and its citizens down the river on one state inspired boondoggle after another.

    1. Option A = U buy it
      Option B = Find someone to buy it
      Option C = Let it rot
      Option D = Let it become a haven for dope addicts
      Option E = Go forward with a small amount of $ and do something with it for the public.
      PS If you never have been there U should check it out, it is a cool place.

    2. A. It's private property. Someone already owns it and pays taxes to the town. Keep it that way.
      B. If the owners want someone to buy it, let them find someone to do so rather than sloughing it off on the good taxpayers for a tidy little tax write-off.
      C. Rotting is always an option.
      D. State parks and other public places are already notorious havens for dopers and this now will likely be no different.
      E. It's always starts with "a small amount of $", which inevitably become bigger amounts of the taxpayers dollars which invariably leads to higher and higher taxes which then discourages working people to relocate to Springfield - something that the town's government just can't seem to understand.
      PS Let the May family keep their "cool place" and pay for its memorialization to Edgar themselves, while continuing to pay their fair share to the town that Edgar allegedly loved so much (from his other home in Arizona).

    3. If we keep looking back at the things that have hurt Srpingfield, we won't be able to see the opportunities to create a bright future. I'm sorry to see the retrogressive attitudes, especially the "us versus them" innuendos about people struck with drugs. There is a lot of pain in the lives of our young people; let us address the causes of that.

  2. Good, looking forward to this new park. It is good for Springfield.
    Thank you Mays.

  3. Stupid is as stupid does. Taxpayers, please remit your checks to the town before departing and turning out the lights!

  4. RE: "opening a day camp next summer for Springfield disadvantaged children" R. Forguites

    Damn it Bob, can't you spew a more creative cliché then, it's for the children? Bottom line is it's a net loss to the tax payers of Springfield and all of Vermont. Where do you think the staff will come from to run and maintain it? What about the $1M in work necessary just to open it?

    Worse part of all, the only ones it will benefit are those that already disproportionally consume community services. Like flies to feces they flock here as the do-gooders stick it to us working stiffs that fuel this non sense and somehow manage to raise respectable children.

  5. Apparently the Springfield select board consists of either low grade 2x4s or old weathered barn boards, all of which are lacking of any cerebral content.

  6. Perhaps the select board should just endorse the conversion of the entire township into a state park and then resign.

  7. Taxpayers of Springfield should be outraged at the way the town government succumbs to the apparently hypnotic effects of every harebrained, boutique idea that seems to offer a quick fix to the doldrums and malaise that has enveloped the town. Perhaps this town government is not much different than the streets full of addicts and junkies that it has now become home to. The board shoots up on superfluous initiatives and slaps on the cosmetics like they're the prescription for a brighter tomorrow...until tomorrow arrives and they find that they're actions have only just made them poorer, weaker, more confused, and more dependent than ever on the pushers (usually state and federal government or politicians) that supplied their misguided habits in the first place. Could it be that the town fathers and the drug abusers have now come to deserve each other?

  8. Good thing we springfield tax payers don't send any money to the state that they can piss away fixing this money pit. Oh wait....

  9. This is the first I have heard of this proposal. . If they want the "town" 's opinion, why not put it to a town vote rather than let the Selectpeople vote on it since it obvious they do not represent the town.??????

    1. Here's what you have to understand. Previous election cycles here in Spfld have clearly established the parasites now have a critical mass. They have come aware they have the leverage to award themselves any benefit they desire.

      Shrewd, liberal, politicians like Emmons, Martin, Campbell, McCormack, and Nika have all taken a page from the Bernie Sander's playbook. Ignoring the virtues of hard work and sacrifice, each pander's to the dregs and special interests insuring their perpetual reelections. The net effect of both a parasitic electorate and a government hell bent of redistribution of wealth is what greets you on our thoroughfares, empty factories, abandoned homes, loitering addicts, legions of fatherless children, and a charging station.

      Springfield has been a dyeing town for several years and it's only accelerating towards its inevitable fate as the Detroit of Vermont. But hey, just like the Wreck Ctr, a State Park will resolve our plight. Fools.

    2. I want to donate my car to an organization, do I need to put that up for a town vote?

    3. No, just tag the plates off it and leave it in the parking lot at either the town office or the police station. Rest assured, you will receive only the highest reward from the town for your effort!

    4. 9:35 AM speaks the truth.....thank you.

    5. U can donate ur car to me

  10. I don't think the select board reads this stuff (this blog site).

    1. I don't think the select board reads anything. They just wait for the Vermont League of Cities and Towns or some other state or federal agency to tell them how to vote.


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