Springfield and North Springfield Residents headed to the polls on August 26 to cast their ballots in the Vermont primary election.

Primary Election Results from August 26
Submitted by VT Journal on Tue, 09/09/2014 - 2:52pm
SPRINGFIELD, VT -Springfield and North Springfield Residents headed to the polls on August 26 to cast their ballots in the Vermont primary election. A total of 119 people in Springfield voted in the Democratic primary, while 112 Springfield residents voted in the Republican primary. Two voters in Springfield cast ballots for the Progressive party, while one resident voted for Liberty Union candidates. A total of two North Springfield residents voted in the Democratic Primary, while ten total people in North Springfield voted in the Republican primary. In North Springfield, no votes were cast for candidates in the Liberty Union party or the Progressive party in this election.
“353 people voted in this election,” Springfield Town Clerk Barbara Courchesne said. “At the time of the Primary on August 26, 2014 Springfield had 6,401 registered voters. The Vermont Primary in Springfield does historically have a low voter turnout. In 2012, 366 Springfield voters participated in the Vermont Primary. ”
Courchesne said that one reason for minimal turnout could be that many of the primary races were not aggressive.
“There were not many competitive statewide races and specifically in Springfield the State Representative race was uncontested,” she said.
In the Democratic Primary, Peter Welch received 100 of the 119 votes in Springfield for State Representative to Congress. He was running unopposed. Welch received two votes in North Springfield, which was the total number of votes. Liberty Union Candidate Matthew Andrews received one vote in Springfield. No Progressive candidates were running in this race.
Incumbent Governor Peter Shumlin received 83 of the 119 votes in Springfield. Shumlin beat out fellow Democratic candidate H. Brooke Paige for the Democratic nomination. Paige received 15 of the 119 votes in Springfield. In North Springfield, however, Paige received two of the two votes, while Shumlin received none. No Democratic candidates ran for the Lieutenant Governor position, so all the votes in Springfield were either write-in (39 of the 119), left blank (79 of 119) or spoiled (one of 119). In North Springfield, all the votes in this race were left blank. There were no Progressive candidates running in the gubernatorial race, but Dean Corren who was running for Lieutenant Governor received two out two votes. Liberty Union candidate Pete Diamondstone received one vote for Governor while Marina Brown received one vote for Lieutenant Governor.
In the State Treasurer race, Beth Pearce, who was running unopposed, received 94 of the 119 votes in Springfield. Pearce received two votes in North Springfield. Liberty Union candidate Murray Ngoima received one vote in Springfield. No Progressive candidates ran for this office. Secretary of State Democratic candidate Jim Condos received 91 of the 119 votes in Springfield, and Condos received two votes in North Springfield for this office. Progressive candidate Ben Eastwood did not receive any votes for this office in Springfield. Liberty Union candidate Mary Alice Herbert received one vote for Secretary of State.
Doug Hoffer who was running for Auditor of Accounts received 90 of 119 votes in Springfield, and two votes in North Springfield. Attorney General candidate William H. Sorrell received 83 of 119 votes, while H. Brooke Paige received 23 of 119 votes. In North Springfield, Paige received two votes of two, while Sorrell received none. Liberty Union candidate Rosemarie Jackowski who was also running for Attorney General received one vote in Springfield.
For State Senator, Democratic candidates John Campbell and Richard “Dick” McCormack each received 86 votes, while Alice W. Nitka received 94 votes out of 357 total votes in Springfield. In North Springfield, Campbell and McCormack each received one vote, while Nitka received two out of six total votes. In the State Representative race in Springfield, Alice M. Emmons received 78 votes while Robert “Bob” Forguites received 81 of 238 votes. In North Springfield, Leigh J. Dakin received one vote of two in this race.
In the Probate Judge race, Joanne Ertel received 92 of 119 votes in Springfield, and one of two in North Springfield. Jack W. Anderson and Ellen Terie, who were both running for Assistant Judge received 81 and 86 votes respectively in Springfield. In North Springfield, however, Anderson received two votes of four, while Terie received one of four. Michael Kainen who was running for State’s Attorney received 92 votes in Springfield and one vote in North Springfield. He was running uncontested. There were no Democratic candidates for Sheriff, and High Bailiff candidate Michael E. Manley received 88 of 119 votes in Springfield, and two of two votes in North Springfield.
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