Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New state park proposed in Springfield

Muckross, the home of the late Edgar May, could be a new state park.


  1. The state can't afford what it already owns today. Springfield's grand list is already suffering. Yet, the craven political animals move to take care of themselves once again with a scheme for a publicly funded memorial unto themselves. Enough already. ENOUGH!

  2. Just what we need, another boon-doggle with Mr. Mays name on it. Unless it is funded strictly with PRIVATE donations........

  3. Would have been nice if the reporter mentioned how many acres this estate includes. Not exactly a 'minor detail'.

  4. Springfield already has ample, public lands. Including, Riverside Park, Hartness Park, The Commons, Hoyt's Landing, and a bazillion acres at the Dam Area. Keep Muckross on the tax rolls.

    The fact that it and other trophy properties in Springfield can't be sold speaks of the desirability to live here. Imagine that. A utopia entirely governed by liberals and no one with a choice wants to be here.

  5. I thought I heard that it was subject to PILOT so there would be no net local tax loss to either the Town or the School System. Is that incorrect?

    1. Another of P.T. Barnum's target audience heard from! Can you spell GULLIBLE?

    2. PILOT= PILE IT high and deep.

    3. That would be PIHAD, which makes no sense as a usable acronym, eh!

  6. I want a kfc, market basket, home depot etc. I'm laughing as I'm writing this. Stop with this nonsense, VT! Springfield will never be a Woodstock. Stop with the potential parks, paths, ponds bs. VT is full of them, naturally. People will come to Springfield if you offer them tacos, buckets of chicken and a grocer that doesn't charge $100 for 3 bags just for starters. If you build it they will come. And they get sick of used books and big macs

    1. thank you, Realist, at last a sensible comment! besides the sad state of downtown, now there are two empty store fronts at the plaza. I don't want to have to drive to Claremont, West Leb or Keene (yee gads, everything is in NH)! Oh, yes, I know there is Rutland but I hate having to drive these distances just to shop!
      I would rather spend my money locally!

  7. No, no, no. You call yourself a realist yet you constantly ignore reality and facts. With a KFC, Market Basket, and Home Depot right across the state line, you have to offer market diversity to compete. What you need are Popeye's Fried Chicken, ALDI, and Lowe's. Why, you'll not only have the locals sold on the idea, but you also have all those Claremonters rushing to Springfield for such competitive alternatives!

    1. ALDI's would make sense and they have stores in Brattleboro, Bennington, and Rutland so it would seem to be in their market strategy, and most of their sales are food so there is no NH advantage to contend with. I for one would certainly support an ALDIs

    2. Yes, yes, yes. Atleast you smell what I'm cookin! Get brand name clothing stores, restaurants etc I never heard of Peebles until it ended up in our plaza. I know, better than used clothes but still. And Shaws, come on.

    3. Thank you "clone", I couldn't have said it better myself.


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