Sunday, September 21, 2014

Police log

Calls for service logged by the Springfield Police Department.

Released September 20, 2014
Number    Nature                          Date             Disposition

14SF03484 Noise Disturbance                00:29:10 08/13/14   COMPLETE
          33 MAIN ST; Springfield, VT  05156
Young Subjects are being loud with their music and their voices. They have been asked to quiet down and are not.

14SF03485 Threatening                    08:08:04 08/13/14      COMPLETE
          SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting her friend who is babysitting is being threatened by subjects driving by.  One party located and advised to cease activity which appeared to be initiated from FB conversations

14SF03486 Agency Assist                  09:54:14 08/13/14      COMPLETE
          SUMMER ST; Springfield, VT  05156
Serve paperwork for DCF

14SF03487 Agency Assist                  10:18:01 08/13/14      COMPLETE
          BRIER BROOK LN, Springfield, VT  05156
Check on a subject for WFPD

14SF03489 Foot Patrol                   15:41:57 08/13/14        COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03490 Fraud                          16:15:00 08/13/14      ACTIVE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Occurred July 29, and 30th at Citizens Bank and Route 106 Deli in Springfield in the amount of $240.

14SF03491 Mv Complaint                   16:51:48 08/13/14      COMPLETE
          60 PARK ST; PARK STREET SCHOOL, Springfield, VT  05156
Recd a 2nd call adv this same veh - white car male driver almost hit them head on and then swerved last minute, went up onto the sidewalk.  Officer & Trooper in area unable to locate vehicle

14SF03492 Animal Problem                 17:17:29 08/13/14   COMPLETE
          UNION ST, Springfield, VT  05156
2 black labs running around loose.  Officer was able to capture one of the dogs and neighbors have been asked to let us know if they see the other one ...

14SF03493 Suspicious                     17:43:48 08/13/14  COMPLETE
          CLARK ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Lawnmower stolen

14SF03494 Welfare Check                  17:49:26 08/13/14  COMPLETE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Check on Juvenile in DCF custody...

14SF03495 Citizen Assist                 17:50:54 08/13/14    COMPLETE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Ref drugs and chemical smells in her neighborhood making her ill

14SF03496 Fall                           19:21:26 08/13/14  COMPLETE
          11 PARK ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Matt Gonyea fall 2 stories onto the ground not sure if he is alright, he is acting ok but not responding to her  ...

14SF03497 Traffic Hazard                 19:56:31 08/13/14     COMPLETE
          BROOK RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Large tree down in the road on the bad corner – Dispatch contacted Highway

14SF03499 Welfare Check                  20:00:10 08/13/14     COMPLETE
          FRONT ST; Springfield, VT  05156
DCF wants a well child on 3 children ..

14SF03498 Suspicious                     20:15:06 08/13/14   COMPLETE
          RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
A man came into the store asking if anyone wanted to buy dope or if they knew anyone who did. Subject & Vehicle GOA ...

14SF03500 Agency Assist                  22:57:49 08/13/14  COMPLETE
          BEAN HILL LN, Weathersfield, VT
Assist Weathersfield

14SF03501 Foot Patrol                    01:04:09 08/14/14   COMPLETE
          Main St, Springfield, VT  05156
Foot Patrol

14SF03502 Suspicious                     01:11:24 08/14/14     COMPLETE
          Main St; behind Movie theater, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of 2 male subjects going down alleyway behind theater – negative contact with anyone

14SF03503 Citizen Assist                 02:31:48 08/14/14     COMPLETE
          FAIRGROUND HTS, Springfield, VT  05156
Has a bat in her house needs assistance helping him find his way outside

14SF03504 Fingerprints                   08:50:40 08/14/14  COMPLETE
14SF03505 Fingerprints                   08:55:27 08/14/14  COMPLETE

14SF03506 Property Watch                 09:16:30 08/14/14      COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Request home check while he is on vacation

14SF03507 Fingerprints                   09:24:21 08/14/14  COMPLETE
14SF03508 Fingerprints                   10:41:33 08/14/14   COMPLETE

14SF03509 Foot Patrol                    11:13:15 08/14/14  COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03510 Agency Assist                  11:37:01 08/14/14      COMPLETE
          CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to town hall in delivering paperwork

14SF03511 Custodial Int.                11:45:25 08/14/14        COMPLETE
          Elm St, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of custodial interference involving her baby
and the father of the child.  ...

14SF03512 Agency Assist                  12:59:27 08/14/14  COMPLETE
          UNION ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist the FD with an alarm

14SF03513 Animal Problem               14:00:55 08/14/14        COMPLETE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Found a Maine coon cat style cat walking along route 11 by the bike path, no front claws, will be taken to the humane society

14SF03514 Citizen Assist                 14:15:48 08/14/14        ACTIVE
          CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report that on 08/11/14 between 1300 hours and 1400 hours while at the Edgar May Rec Center exercising, someone entered her vehicle which was locked but she failed to put all the windows up.  Taken at this time was a pair of sunglasses, about $20.00 in change and an orange state of Vermont handicap placard. ...

14SF03515 Animal Problem                 14:29:32 08/14/14  COMPLETE
          WOODBURY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of neighbors roosters on Woodbury Road constantly making a
14SF03516 Citizen Assist           15:52:30 08/14/14        COMPLETE
          RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting suspicious conversation overheard

14SF03517 Suspicious                  16:01:03 08/14/14        COMPLETE
          MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Needle by yellow house on the edge of the pavement.  Item has been secured

14SF03518 Foot Patrol               16:08:57 08/14/14        COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03519 Vin Inspection                 18:25:36 08/14/14   COMPLETE

14SF03520 Suspicious                     19:17:03 08/14/14   COMPLETE
          South Street, Springfield, VT  05156
Male urinating on a fire hydrant and there are kids walking by.  Neg contact with anyone matching the description given ...

14SF03521 911 Hangup                     19:44:29 08/14/14   COMPLETE
11 y/o was trying to call 411 and inadvertently hit 911 by mistake

14SF03522 Mv Complaint                   20:00:18 08/14/14  COMPLETE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
MV stop for defective equipment. Vehicle grounded at the gas station. The Operator was civilly suspended.  He appeared sleepy, but denied drug use.  Officer asked him out of the vehicle and he was steady on his feet and answered questions appropriately.  VCVC issued for OSC.  It should be noted that about 45 minutes later, officer observed that the vehicle was gone, despite him saying his ride was approximately two hours
away, and later learned that VSP found him walking on the interstate at about 0200 hours.

14SF03523 Citizen Assist                 23:30:30 08/14/14   COMPLETE
          1 CHESTER RD; Mcdonalds, Springfield, VT  05156
Speak to RP about no contact issues

14SF03524 Foot Patrol                    00:22:37 08/15/14  COMPLETE
          Main St, Springfield, VT  05156
Foot Patrol

14SF03525 Suspicious                     04:34:00 08/15/14  COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
9 year old went to bed around midnight woke up just now can’t find his
parents he has a 7 year old brother, 4 year old and 1 year old sisters.  Upon my arrival officer made contact with a juvenile male subject. He advised that he had since found his parents, who had decided to sleep in their new bedroom in the addition. 

14SF03526 Suspicious                     04:38:14 08/15/14  ACTIVE
          River St, Springfield, VT  05156
Dealt with female who was out when she was not supposed to be due to
probation conditions and has a curfew. Female advised she had just went into the store for feminine products. While speaking to her, she appeared very jittery and could not keep her feet and hands from moving around. It appeared that she was on some sort of narcotic. It was also noted that she was not in possession of what she alleged she had come to get even after leaving the store.  Copy of report forwarded to her probation officer

14SF03527 Suspicious               08:30:42 08/15/14        COMPLETE
          RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Unknown males were prowling around the property last night.  RP didn't call when it happen.  But came in this morning to report the issue.

14SF03528 Suspicious                     09:13:32 08/15/14  Uncoop Victim
          WALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Unknown person entered his porch broke an umbrella and left a hat

14SF03529 Animal Problem               10:16:15 08/15/14        COMPLETE
          MILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting she was bit by an unlicensed dog while showing a house on Thursday.    After speaking with with owner, he was advised to quarantine his dog, contact was made Deputy Fire Chief Richards and gave him the information to pass on to Chief Thompson, a.k.a. Town Health Officer.
A dog ticket was issued. One was a warning for not having the
dog licensed and one was a $500.00 fine for vicious dog.

14SF03530 Foot Patrol                    11:50:53 08/15/14  COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03531 Suspicious                    11:52:13 08/15/14        COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of a suspicious incident that occurred the other day and now she is concerned.  Woman was reportedly selling insurance and now complainant is worried sale may be a scam after she had provided personal information

14SF03532 Welfare Check              12:42:39 08/15/14        COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Complainant called to advise she was at Dollar General and when she went to leave another customer was in the parking lot who appeared to be having delusional issues

14SF03533 Welfare Check                  14:00:42 08/15/14       COMPLETE
          OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of female coming to her residence, showing her mom a
handful of burnt orange small round pill (about 15-20 pills) and 5-6 white colored pills.  Female told her mother she is done, she is going to end it all, went in the house to use the bathroom and came out and had no more pills.  ...

14SF03534 Vandalism                      14:36:37 08/15/14        ACTIVE
          FURNACE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of someone “Tagging” the building at 9 Furnace St with gang affiliation sign

14SF03535 Foot Patrol                   15:55:25 08/15/14        COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03536 Citizen Dispute                18:49:02 08/15/14   ARREST
          Springfield, VT  05156
Juvenile reporting domestic at her residence between parents
14SF03537 Agency Assist                  20:07:08 08/15/14 COMPLETE
          RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Unknown assist to Weathersfield

14SF03538 Suspicious                     20:26:57 08/15/14   COMPLETE
          PARK ST, Springfield, VT  05156
What appears to be female subj in early 20s booting heroin sitting on steps – neg contact no signs of activity taking place…wrappers/needles, etc.

14SF03539 Vandalism                      21:08:50 08/15/14  COMPLETE
          WALL ST; Across Street, Springfield, VT  05156
Male in white shorts with flowers beating on a car
with a bat and screaming at the woman in side that she's the "b" word – veh belonged to subject assaulting it

14SF03540 Threatening                    22:11:07 08/15/14  COMPLETE
          MORGAN ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Requesting officers to respond for female out of Control threatening
to burn down facility & or stab people no weapons known of she was evicted earlier when she was found staying there in violation of their policies

14SF03541 Welfare Check                  22:21:14 08/15/14   COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Requesting welfare check on subjects they can’t reach by phone. Saw them today at Noon in Manchester VT spoke to them via phone at 5:30 but now can't reach them - apparently they keep in constant contact like every few hours....

14SF03542 Agency Assist                  00:20:10 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          MAIN ST NS, Springfield, VT  05156
Assisting A1

14SF03543 Agency Assist              00:55:41 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          I91 NB; MM 36, Springfield, VT  05156
Assisting VSP with a call on I-91

14SF03544 Suspicious                     01:09:33 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Believe their niece is taking prescription pills

14SF03545 Noise Disturbance            03:26:17 08/16/14        COMPLETE
          Furnace St; Olive St, Springfield, VT  05156
Group of 4 females playing beer pong in the middle of the road also being very loud – Non-alcoholic version of the game and subjects were advised to move it off the roadway

14SF03546 Vandalism                      07:43:39 08/16/14  Uncoop Victim
          OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of r/p's vacant property having flowers dug up on 2 occasions and taken.

14SF03547 Citizen Assist                 10:09:54 08/16/14 Uncoop Victim
          CLINTON ST; Penguin Mart, Springfield, VT  05156
Female will be terminated today and the mgr would like an officer to
review the tape of her taking "a lot of money" from the store.

14SF03548 911 Hangup                     10:26:24 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03549 Burglary Alarm                 10:49:02 08/16/14  COMPLETE

14SF03550 Vin Inspection                 12:34:25 08/16/14  COMPLETE

14SF03551 Overdose                       12:45:42 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Male subj overdosing inside, locked himself in house after domestic

14-00109  Co Poisoning                 13:00:09 08/16/14        COMPLETE
          North Main Street; Apt , Springfield, VT  05156
Carbon Monoxide detector sounded then could not set it back is leery of
whether it is faulty or not with CO present.

14SF03552 Citizen Dispute            14:14:20 08/16/14        COMPLETE
          2 WHITE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Male and Female arguing outside.

14SF03553 Welfare Check              15:55:00 08/16/14        COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Rec'd call from female - threats of cutting etc.  Female has lengthy suicidal ideation history  ...

14SF03554 Noise Disturbance                16:37:08 08/16/14 COMPLETE
          BACON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Neighbors blasting bass music

14SF03555 Citizen Dispute                17:36:12 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          BACON ST; Merrill street, Springfield, VT  05156
Male / female arguing loudly coming from direction of Bacon/Merrill Intersection – neg contact with anyone

14SF03556 Animal Noise                   17:49:16 08/16/14      COMPLETE
          1 MARY ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Complaint of dog barking non stop 45 minutes - large dog advising when is something going to be done about it because it keeps occurring

14SF03557 Foot Patrol                    18:28:02 08/16/14  COMPLETE

14SF03558 Overdose                       19:17:00 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          11 PARK ST, Springfield, VT  05156
A1 enroute report of 26 yo male diff breathing would not say why
possible drug issue – subj took excess of suboxin...

14SF03559 Foot Patrol                    19:36:16 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03560 Mv Complaint                   20:44:41 08/16/14 COMPLETE
          RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting white veh MA plates all over the road almost cause 4 car pileup
jacking on brakes pulling into black rock – no signs of impairment subject unfamiliar with area

14SF03561 Foot Patrol                    20:49:50 08/16/14      COMPLETE
          MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03562 Mv Complaint                   22:00:56 08/16/14  COMPLETE
          12 MISSING LINK RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Looking to confirm whereabouts on disabled camper on Rte 5 S between Spfld & Rockingham

14SF03563 Burglary                       22:08:43 08/16/14 ACTIVE
          LINHALE DR; , Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting burglary 2 safes stolen believe door was "carded" nothing else appears to be missing residence

14SF03564 Noise Disturbance           23:01:02 08/16/14      COMPLETE
          WALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Loud Music from back apartment

14SF03565 Welfare Check                  23:35:49 08/16/14 ARREST
          WALL ST; , Springfield, VT  05156
Thomas Chase is very intoxicated advised he's going to harm himself and has barricaded himself in his apartment also stated he won’t go easy and has weapons inside – Charged with Violation of Conditions x2

14SF03566 Suspicious                     01:15:59 08/17/14      COMPLETE
          COTTAGE AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
Male subject average build scruffy wearing a hat on his porch asking to be let in RP told him to get off his property. subject is now standing on the sidewalk by the house not sure what he's doing said people are chasing him nobody else around…. Subject located and identified …provided  transport back to his residence

14SF03567 Foot Patrol                    12:18:54 08/17/14  COMPLETE
          Main St, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03568 Foot Patrol                    12:19:31 08/17/14     COMPLETE
          Main St, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03569 Animal Problem                 12:49:35 08/17/14  COMPLETE
          CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Located a K-9 at the church.  Request an officer to retrieve it

14SF03570 Alarm                          13:26:00 08/17/14  COMPLETE

14SF03571 Citizen Dispute                14:38:15 08/17/14  COMPLETE
          WHITCOMB ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Unknown female screaming and another saying she was going to slit her *&^%$#@ throat.  Verbal altercation between family members. No weapons involved.

14SF03572 Suspicious                     17:41:55 08/17/14 Transferred
          GREELEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting single gun shot - reportedly has tried to have contact with F&G and deer have been showing up dead with GSW called earlier in day to report same

14SF03573 Animal Problem                 18:03:17 08/17/14      COMPLETE
          SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Walking with husband & son dog came charging out from res at South almost bit her son – owner ticketed for unrestrained dog

14SF03574 Theft                          18:35:51 08/17/14 Uncoop Victim
          MAIN ST; Apt , Springfield, VT  05156
Advised she thinks neighboring female has stolen money from her totaling $37.00

14SF03575 Foot Patrol                    18:57:48 08/17/14 COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03576 911 Hangup                     20:11:23 08/17/14 COMPLETE

14SF03577 Foot Patrol                    20:49:34 08/17/14      COMPLETE

14SF03578 Burglary Alarm                 21:24:57 08/17/14      COMPLETE

14SF03579 Suspicious                     23:02:19 08/17/14      COMPLETE
          SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Activity in the barn of the house at South Street - House is vacant has been for over a week

14SF03581 Mv Complaint                   04:10:00 08/18/14  ACTIVE
          PADDOCK RD, Springfield, VT  05156
consent search – paperwork issued for possession of marijuana

14SF03580 Foot Patrol                    04:42:29 08/18/14      COMPLETE

14SF03582 Foot Patrol                    09:36:40 08/18/14      COMPLETE

14SF03583 Vin Inspection                 10:32:55 08/18/14      COMPLETE

14SF03584 Animal Problem                 13:44:15 08/18/14      COMPLETE
          Valley St, Springfield, VT  05156
Sick looking Raccoon in the parking lot

14SF03585 Burglary Alarm                 13:56:26 08/18/14      COMPLETE

14SF03586 Juvenile Prob                  15:26:33 08/18/14  COMPLETE
          GARFIELD AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
911 only phone 13 yo caller advised he was being picked on by some subjects and he was sick of it

14SF03587 Parking Problem                16:30:44 08/18/14      COMPLETE
          PEARL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Complaint veh on both sides of roadway turning corner into one lane of travel

14SF03588 Suicide Attempt                17:21:41 08/18/14      COMPLETE
Male reportedly cutting himself unknown if still in possession of cutting instruments

14SF03589 Traffic Hazard                 17:32:20 08/18/14  COMPLETE
          800 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Multiple calls traffic backed up both sides I 91 at exit 7 - no reports to Dispatch as to cause – Bridge beams being transported causing traffic delays

14SF03590 Foot Patrol                    19:24:56 08/18/14  COMPLETE

14SF03591 Juvenile Prob                  20:49:46 08/18/14 COMPLETE
          VALLEY ST; Main Street, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of juveniles yelling obscenities at each other some on the corner of Main & Valley some on bikes riding up Valley St if we don't do something the complainant's going to call the governor.  Kids found and were spoken to about their choice of words and loudness in which they were saying them

14SF03592 Foot Patrol                    21:18:26 08/18/14      COMPLETE

14SF03593 Noise Disturbance                21:58:01 08/18/14     COMPLETE
          157 PARK ST; , Springfield, VT  05156
Complaint of loud music from 2nd floor

14SF03594 Suspicious                     22:35:00 08/18/14     COMPLETE
          33 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting black pickup occupied by a male subj looks absolutely  trashed
out in front of the Woolson Block – Contact made – male was just sleeping

14SF03595 Welfare Check                  22:40:53 08/18/14      COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Requesting welfare check on friend ...been posting some things on FB
that make it sound like he may be dealing with medical issues and possibly depressed would like a welfare check just to make sure he is okay

14SF03596 Citizen Assist                 00:31:30 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          FURNACE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Here in the lobby to speak to an officer regarding no trespass

14SF03597 Citizen Assist                 05:36:34 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Vehicle in the plaza, it's been there for 2 days, over by Citizen Bank

14SF03598 Burglary Alarm                 07:24:06 08/19/14      COMPLETE

14SF03599 Citizen Assist                 08:18:23 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          MAYS RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Male subject is posting on Face book that she broke his windshield
she wants it stopped.

14SF03600 Agency Assist                  09:31:38 08/19/14 Uncoop Victim
          CENTRAL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Missing juvenile out of Westminster is reported to be at this home

14SF03601 Foot Patrol                    10:50:50 08/19/14      COMPLETE

14SF03602 Vandalism                      12:05:50 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          BACON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Vandalism to residence - lots of damage – floors covered in animal feces from ferrets leaving house uninhabitable after being rented to subjects going thru difficulties and needed some place to rent

14SF03603 Suspicious                     12:09:05 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          PADDOCK RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Male subject walking on Paddock RD may be intoxicated – officer unable to locate

14SF03604 Suspicious                     12:26:04 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          N SPRINGFIELD DAM, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of two males in a white Toyota MR2 parked on the dam in the parking area smoking marijuana – vehicle was located at a nearby business but unoccupied

14SF03605 Fingerprints                   13:03:38 08/19/14   COMPLETE

14SF03606 Fingerprints                   13:20:45 08/19/14   COMPLETE

14SF03607 Welfare Check                  13:30:00 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          MINERAL ST; Springfield, VT  05156
HCRS crisis calling to request an officer go with her to residence at 22 Mineral St to do a welfare check subject allegedly stated
she had a whole bottle of pills and then made a number of suicidal statements.  ...

14SF03608 Suspicious                     14:17:19 08/19/14      COMPLETE
          57 WALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of 2 male subjects just entered the front entrance of 57 Wall st with backpacks - this is a condemned building

14SF03609 Foot Patrol                    14:48:02 08/19/14      COMPLETE

14SF03610 Vin Inspection                 15:34:13 08/19/14      COMPLETE

14SF03611 Welfare Check                  15:57:56 08/19/14  COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Requesting drop in welfare check – male subject is not to be there at
residence if found to be there please contact DCF central intake immediately -

14SF03612 Suspicious                     18:04:01 08/19/14  COMPLETE
          WALL ST; Springfield, VT  05156
Male subject arrived at residence threatening him this morning if he didn't back off on a report of a woman shoplifting and after his window was shot out -

14SF03613 Agency Assist                  18:47:02 08/19/14   COMPLETE
          700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Service of paperwork for Bennington PD

14SF03614 Welfare Check                  20:02:13 08/19/14   ACTIVE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting wife of Deceadant in Chester this evening has expressed
suicidal ideations to a neighbor and is now back in her apartment alone –
14SF03615 Foot Patrol                    23:21:01 08/19/14   COMPLETE

14SF03616 Suspicious                     05:04:46 08/20/14     COMPLETE
          2 CHESTER RD; Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting party saw 2 people one was a girl maybe in her 20's they've been in ATM vestibule for about 45 mins

14SF03617 Agency Assist                  08:09:01 08/20/14      COMPLETE
          CRAIGUE HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Check to see if subject is home, his vehicle was involved in a 10-50 in

14SF03618 Foot Patrol                    10:05:02 08/20/14      COMPLETE

14SF03619 Citizen Dispute                10:58:14 08/20/14  Uncoop Victim                  
          30 Main St;
Had a fight with his neighbor all subject have parted ways RP would like an officer to respond

14SF03620 Foot Patrol                  14:24:46 08/20/14        COMPLETE

14SF03621 Accident Pd                    14:27:14 08/20/14      COMPLETE
          FURNACE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Requesting card for minor 10-50

14SF03622 Mv Complaint                   15:15:49 08/20/14      COMPLETE
          South St, Springfield, VT  05156
Adv a black and red garbage truck almost took out a car on Mineral St – taking up both lanes of the road and did not stop at the stop sign, turned to go up South St Hill and not sure from there.

14SF03623 Agency Assist                  15:33:51 08/20/14      COMPLETE
          HARLOW RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Serve subpoena

14SF03624 Agency Assist                  15:36:12 08/20/14   COMPLETE
          HARLOW RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Serve subpoena

14SF03625 Agency Assist                  15:37:11 08/20/14      COMPLETE
          NORTHFIELD DR, Springfield, VT  05156
Serve subpoena

14SF03626 Juvenile Prob                  16:36:10 08/20/14      COMPLETE
          2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Juveniles raising hell with a shopping cart down by Youngs - heading toward the river --- spoke with the juveniles, they put the cart back -

14SF03627 Agency Assist                  17:37:25 08/20/14   COMPLETE
          OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Water Main break/leak - coming up over the sidewalk

14SF03628 Agency Assist                  17:44:41 08/20/14   COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist in ECO

14SF03629 Medical                        19:15:20 08/20/14  COMPLETE
          SPENCER HOLLOW RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to A1

14SF03630 Foot Patrol                    21:48:04 08/20/14     COMPLETE

14SF03631 Noise Disturbance                23:59:12 08/20/14   COMPLETE
          Olive Street, Springfield, VT  05156
Neighbors are being very loud running up and down the street - These individuals were speaking loudly and had music playing. Officer advised them that they were being really loud and asked that they consider calling it a night. They all stated that they were ready to call
it a night and would be going home.  Officers drove to Freedom Park and sat for a few minutes. They saw a vehicle leave and come it came up the hill and parked at a residence on furnace street. Officers were able
to still hear some of the individuals from 80 Olive street. They drove back down to the residence and they were all standing to leave. Officer  stated that he could hear them all up the street and was just making sure they were all leaving. No further issues were reported.

14SF03632 Burglary Alarm                 02:58:36 08/21/14     COMPLETE

14SF03633 Accident Pd                    05:35:57 08/21/14  COMPLETE
          Clinton St; near Penguin Mart, Springfield, VT  05156
10-50 2 cars no injuries no fluids leaking 3 occupants all out of the vehicles also pulled off the roadway out of the way
14SF03634 Parking Problem                07:36:51 08/21/14  COMPLETE
          1 WHITE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Vehicle parked in the lot in front of the "No Parking" signs

14SF03635 911 Hangup                     08:48:30 08/21/14  COMPLETE

14SF03636 Fingerprints                   08:53:37 08/21/14  ACTIVE
14SF03637 Fingerprints                   09:23:15 08/21/14  ACTIVE
14SF03638 Fingerprints                   09:24:59 08/21/14  ACTIVE

14SF03639 Citizen Assist           09:46:01 08/21/14        COMPLETE
          CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting his property has been broken into again sometime over the past few weeks

14SF03640 Child Abuse                    10:06:49 08/21/14  COMPLETE
          100 MINERAL ST; DCF, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03641 Fingerprints                   10:40:00 08/21/14  ACTIVE

14SF03642 Theft                          12:24:00 08/21/14        ACTIVE
          RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting a shoplifting that just took place. 

14SF03643 Suspicious                13:31:54 08/21/14        COMPLETE
          TOWN FARM RD; , Springfield, VT  05156
Unknown person is living under her name in Chase City VA

14SF03644 Animal Problem            14:35:04 08/21/14        COMPLETE
          River St, Springfield, VT  05156
K9 in the back of veh seem to be hurt and a very bad smell coming from
the vehicle -  The dog had what appeared to officer as having a burst cyst on it's back. I went in the store and located the owner. The owner advised that it was a cyst and that it is healing over. That she is watching it and if it was to start leaking puss that she would then seek medical attention. Owner said that the dog is not bothered by it.

14SF03645 Foot Patrol                    15:04:04 08/21/14  COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03646 Agency Assist                  16:07:36 08/21/14      COMPLETE
          OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Serve Subpoena

14SF03647 Foot Patrol                    16:11:17 08/21/14  COMPLETE

14SF03648 Vin Inspection                 17:33:22 08/21/14  COMPLETE

14SF03649 Suspicious                     20:21:08 08/21/14  COMPLETE
          0 CEMETERY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Truck pulled out of the cemetery and is now parked in the road not sure what is going on – Vehicle GOA

14SF03650 Citizen Dispute                22:21:36 08/21/14  ACTIVE
          WALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Male subject allegedly assaulted by another male subject who fled the area in a motor vehicle.  BOLO issued. Negative contact with accused party.  Investigation remains active.

14SF03651 Theft                          22:38:12 08/21/14  COMPLETE
          PEARL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Believes visiting friend stole her new smart phone – phone was located the next day when the unimpaired owner found where they had last left it

14SF03652 Foot Patrol                    00:24:02 08/22/14  COMPLETE

14SF03653 Wanted Person                  02:28:26 08/22/14  ARREST
          85 Main St
Nick Courchesne active warrant
14SF03654 Parking Problem                07:36:49 08/22/14 COMPLETE
          Main St; NS, Springfield, VT  05156
Vehicle parked blocking the Post Office driveway since yesterday afternoon, she would like it moved

14SF03655 Accident Pd                    07:53:12 08/22/14        ACTIVE
          CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT  05156
2 car MVA no injuries, no fluids

14SF03657 Agency Assist                  11:31:34 08/22/14  COMPLETE
          RANDALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist with extrication from basement with injured patient

14SF03659 Vin Inspection                 11:50:57 08/22/14   COMPLETE

14SF03658 Foot Patrol                    11:53:45 08/22/14  COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03660 Accident Pd                    12:06:13 08/22/14  COMPLETE
          RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Complainant advising her vehicle was just backed into at the Windsor County South Credit Union, other operator on scene, damage to her rear bumper, no injuries

14SF03661 Vin Inspection                 13:01:52 08/22/14  COMPLETE

14SF03662 Citizen Dispute                14:04:29 08/22/14  COMPLETE
          VALLEY ST; Springfield, VT  05156
Call from male advising that his girlfriend has locked him out
of the apartment when he went out to go to the store, he called earlier and advised that there were ongoing issues between the two but would not give his girlfriend's name. 

14SF03663 Suspicious                     14:20:00 08/22/14  COMPLETE
          PLEASANT ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of an older man in VT reg. SUV taking pictures of complainants residence, when asked what he was doing the gentleman he said he was an
appraiser, the complainant told him to leave and he did so after some
discussion, caller is concerned due to the fact he has children at his home ...

14SF03664 Citizen Assist                 14:53:46 08/22/14  COMPLETE
          MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Custody issues

14SF03665 Vin Inspection                 15:47:21 08/22/14 COMPLETE

14SF03666 Agency Assist                  16:23:02 08/22/14  COMPLETE
          HILLCREST RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Serve RFA

14SF03667 Burglary                       18:03:29 08/22/14      ACTIVE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Just got home and door is ajar and damage to it etc. they are checking to see if anything has been taken

14SF03668 Agency Assist                  20:55:12 08/22/14      COMPLETE
          25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Requesting assistance with male subject in removing him from Springfield ER to SSCF

14SF03669 Agency Assist                  20:58:05 08/22/14      COMPLETE
          700 CHARLESTOWN RD; SSCF, Springfield, VT  05156
Requesting cite of subject incarcerated

14SF03670 Foot Patrol                    22:18:02 08/22/14      COMPLETE

14SF03671 Agency Assist                  00:03:17 08/23/14  ACTIVE
          CONNECTICUT RIVER RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Attempt to locate female subject

14SF03672 Foot Patrol                    00:39:00 08/23/14  COMPLETE
          Main St, Springfield, VT  05156
Foot Patrol

14SF03673 Parking Problem                08:36:41 08/23/14  COMPLETE
          MERRILL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Vehicle parked on the sidewalk

14SF03674 Citizen Dispute                08:42:31 08/23/14  COMPLETE
          OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Verbal domestic over a child

14SF03675 Citizen Assist                 11:41:21 08/23/14  COMPLETE
          VALLEY ST; Springfield, VT  05156
Request stand by to pick up his brother

14SF03676 Agency Assist            12:29:02 08/23/14        COMPLETE
          Springfield, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist with missing person

14SF03677 Foot Patrol                    13:04:42 08/23/14  COMPLETE
          Main St, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03678 Vin Inspection           13:42:15 08/23/14        COMPLETE

14SF03681 Agency Assist            16:30:00 08/23/14        COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Residence check for DCF

14SF03679 Foot Patrol                    17:20:05 08/23/14  COMPLETE
          MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03680 Agency Assist                  19:20:02 08/23/14  COMPLETE
          DUTTON DISTRICT RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to HCRS on Welfare check

14SF03682 Foot Patrol                    21:06:28 08/23/14      COMPLETE
          96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03683 Burglary Alarm                 00:01:33 08/24/14  COMPLETE

14SF03684 Dui -                          00:49:29 08/24/14  ARREST
          DAVIDSON HILL RD, Chester, VT  05143
Nathaniel Watkins arrested for alleged DUI

14SF03685 Welfare Check                  08:02:06 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          Main St; Springfield, VT  05156
RP dropped of some clothing to her sister’s apartment thinks the children are alone in the apartment

14SF03686 Theft                          09:53:32 08/24/14  ECV
          CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Drove off without paying for $37.50 in gas – accidental – card was swiped and pump kicked on without having registered swiping of credit card

14SF03687 Citizen Dispute                13:37:32 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          242 TOWN FARM RD;  Springfield, VT  05156
Park tenant called his wife a "XXXX" for mowing.  RP would like him spoken to

14SF03688 Animal Problem                 14:26:30 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          COTTAGE AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
Found K-9

14SF03689 Mv Complaint                   14:59:36 08/24/14  ACTIVE
          CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Vehicle attempted to run her and her mother off the road just before the Bridge.

14SF03690 Drugs                          15:38:43 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          MAIN ST;  Springfield, VT  05156
Anon subj reporting they believe drugs are being used and sold out of the
apartment on the 2nd floor.  Due to the vague information, we can not act on it, but it does let us know of possible activity at that apartment building again.

14SF03691 Welfare Check                  16:35:04 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          50 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Female from Penguin called reporting female in 40s brown hair black/White Shirt advised had been attacked appeared to possibly have lacerations on her arms and was limping last seen heading up South St hill

14SF03692 Robbery               17:04:59 08/24/14 Uncooperative Victim
          23 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting 72 yo male with lacerations reporting robbed at knife point within the last hour

14SF03693 Accident Pd                    18:22:57 08/24/14      ARREST
          SUMMER HILL ST; area of the cemetery, Springfield, VT  05156
Caller reporting 1 car MVA into a tree unknown PI as caller is
not close to scene because she has small children – Anthony Laskevich arrested on allegations of DUI

14SF03694 Fireworks                      20:18:01 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          PRECISION DR, Springfield, VT  05156
Fireworks coming from precision drive

14SF03695 Suspicious                     21:49:32 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          22 MINERAL ST; , Springfield, VT  05156
Hears footsteps up stairs - Apt should be vacant

14SF03696 Mv Complaint                   21:50:39 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          MERRILL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Has video of susp vehicle backing up the length of the road from her drive out to South St dark colored SUV possibly a Lincoln

14SF03697 Agency Assist                  23:41:18 08/24/14  COMPLETE
          RIVER ST; Bldg 2, apt. Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to Weathersfield making contact with subj who allegedly stole items from residence in Weathersfield

14SF03698 Agency Assist                  01:32:13 08/25/14      COMPLETE
          Lovers Lane; Morway's Park, Springfield, VT  05156
Officer off at a possible domestic and not answering the radio

14SF03699 Suspicious                     02:08:26 08/25/14  COMPLETE
          FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Female is home alone with her kids and near the woods, someone ringing the doorbell is afraid to go check – husband had locked himself out and had no phone to call wife and advise same

14SF03700 Noise Disturbance                02:28:54 08/25/14  COMPLETE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
3 or 4 cars keep pulling in and out of behind the apt bldg, they don't belong there and they are being loud

14SF03701 Foot Patrol                    04:15:07 08/25/14      ACTIVE

14SF03702 Agency Assist                  07:36:57 08/25/14  COMPLETE
          25 RIDGEW

14SF03710 Threatening                    12:47:21 08/25/14  ACTIVE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Female is threatening the RP on facebook

14SF03711 Suspicious                     12:50:01 08/25/14  ACTIVE
          LINHALE DR; Apt Springfield, VT  05156
Calling to report that she was gone for the weekend and someone entered her apartment and went through it, nothing taken but a cat got into the apartment when whoever entered and defecated all over the place and it smells, her housing is paid for by the state and they wanted her to report the incident ...

14SF03712 Vandalism                      13:00:01 08/25/14      ACTIVE
          FRENCH MEADOW RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of the mailbox being vandalism, noticed it Sunday morning, went down today to investigate it further and found part of a side marker light, believes it might have been a local male subject as his ex-firlfriend lives at this residence and he was seen leaving the pond area, had an expensive pig design around it  ...

14SF03713 Citizen Dispute                13:16:34 08/25/14  ACTIVE
          SPOONERVILLE RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of male subject on the property and refuses to leave - he got upset when he went there to borrow the truck and it would not start

14SF03714 Foot Patrol                    14:26:31 08/25/14  COMPLETE

14SF03715 Parking Problem                15:01:54 08/25/14      ACTIVE
          FURNACE ST; Merrill Street, Springfield, VT  05156
Veh parked on sidewalk

14SF03716 Vin Inspection                 15:22:43 08/25/14      ACTIVE

14SF03717 Drugs                          15:26:36 08/25/14  COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Subect to speak with officer ref possible drug activity at residence in

14SF03718 Illegal Burning                16:22:44 08/25/14  COMPLETE
          WALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting residents burning mattresses

14SF03719 Threatening                    17:27:26 08/25/14  COMPLETE
          CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting FB threats from same female making them in earlier complaint

14SF03720 Citizen Assist                 18:28:27 08/25/14  COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Turning in drug packets found in sons room

14SF03721 Animal Problem                 19:09:18 08/25/14      COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting husband bit by dog from Stanley Road. Dog is mixed breed hand is swelling and warm to the touch unknown if med help to be sought

14SF03722 Theft                          19:25:42 08/25/14  ACTIVE
          266 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Manager requesting immediate officer response for shoplifter being aggressive assaulting manager trying to push him away from the door

14SF03723 Agency Assist                  21:48:03 08/25/14      COMPLETE
          RIDGEWAY ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Unknown agency assist for Bratt PD

14SF03724 Citizen Dispute        22:13:17 08/25/14     JUVENILE ARREST
          WALL ST;  Springfield, VT  05156
911 call male age 17 reportedly assaulting his father

14SF03725 Suspicious                     23:19:21 08/25/14      COMPLETE
          Woolson Ave, Springfield, VT  05156
RP adv that the house that was just redone and is for sale, someone is messing around down there. Upon arrival, officer found a man with a headlamp, garbage bag, and garbage picker going through a contractor's dumpster.  The man identified himself and advised that he had
permission from the contractor to pick cans out of the dumpster.  Officer  recommended to subject that he go through the dumpster at an hour when he's not going to raise suspicions.

14SF03726 Noise Disturbance          23:44:57 08/25/14      COMPLETE
          WALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Officer flagged down adv that male and female are at it again, VSP was
there earlier in the evening

14SF03727 Suspicious                     00:50:03 08/26/14      COMPLETE
          MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156
RP witnessed an assault, knocked down in the street kicking him then, took off running across the bridge toward Park St. Went in the left hand side door – A bunch of them following trying to get into the door

14SF03728 Foot Patrol                    03:32:51 08/26/14    COMPLETE

14SF03729 Suspicious                     05:25:35 08/26/14    COMPLETE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Odor of drugs cooking in the neighborhood, really thick with smoke and fumes, making them sick.  Detective walked up and down through the neighborhood, unable to detect any odors  ...

14SF03730 Vandalism                      06:21:22 08/26/14    ARREST
          MEADOW DR, Springfield, VT  05156
Sometime during the night someone ran over their mailbox – Subject later located and arrested for alleged DUI

14SF03731 Vin Inspection                 07:35:50 08/26/14      ACTIVE

14SF03732 Agency Assist                  08:40:42 08/26/14      COMPLETE
          River St, Springfield, VT  05156
Male PT running down the side of the road need officers to respond?

14SF03733 Welfare Check                  10:03:50 08/26/14      COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Son is threatening to kill himself by medication.  RP wants to talk with
an officer about options and what he can and cannot do

14SF03734 Foot Patrol                    10:06:48 08/26/14      ACTIVE

14SF03735 Theft                          10:34:39 08/26/14      ARREST
          266 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting a shoplifter

14SF03736 Animal Problem                 11:24:04 08/26/14      COMPLETE
          COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
Complainant came in the lobby to report that there is an ongoing issue with the neighbor’s dog running loose on Commonwealth, today as he was driving up Commonwealth Ave, a small brown colored dog belonging to the them darted in front of his car causing him to have to jam on his brakes hard...

14SF03737 Welfare Check                  12:03:18 08/26/14      COMPLETE
          2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT  05156
7-9yo male panhandling in front of Shaws. Rp concerned about that kid being grabbed

14SF03738 Fingerprints                   13:10:46 08/26/14  COMPLETE
14SF03739 Fingerprints                   13:16:42 08/26/14  COMPLETE

14SF03740 Foot Patrol                    13:36:24 08/26/14      COMPLETE

14SF03741 Fingerprints                   13:59:04 08/26/14  COMPLETE
14SF03742 Fingerprints                   14:20:15 08/26/14  COMPLETE
14SF03743 Fingerprints                   14:23:26 08/26/14  COMPLETE

14SF03744 Accident Pd                    14:25:30 08/26/14      COMPLETE
          VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of a 15-16 year old bicyclist striking her vehicle while parked on Valley St about 1350 hours, minor damage but wanted to report it

14SF03745 Fingerprints                   14:36:40 08/26/14  COMPLETE

14SF03746 Mv Complaint                   14:56:45 08/26/14      ACTIVE
          SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Report made to officer while on patrol by complainant that her son reportedly was just at her house on South St according to her boyfriend and was on a red motorcycle wearing a blue helmet and red shorts.  Has since left the residence.  Does not have motorcycle license ...

14SF03747 Fingerprints                   15:00:24 08/26/14  COMPLETE

14SF03748 Agency Assist                  16:39:36 08/26/14  COMPLETE
          CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
ECO service

14SF03749 Animal Problem                 19:18:28 08/26/14  COMPLETE
          WALL ST; Springfield, VT  05156
Neighboring pitbulls running loose claims one attacked neighbors dog earlier

14SF03750 Foot Patrol                    19:41:51 08/26/14   COMPLETE

14SF03751 Suspicious                     21:12:57 08/26/14     ARREST
          CARLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting that a male is outside on her steps acting out of it not sure
if he is having a mental breakdown or under the influence muttering about the police are after him - RP has tried calling the residence he resides at withother family members and no answer ...

14SF03752 Suspicious                     22:15:17 08/26/14  COMPLETE
          1 WHITE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reported being woke up by woman screaming unknown if in distress or arguing - car is parked at end of white street and could hear voices coming from that area no yelling or voices now

14SF03753 Agency Assist                  22:36:58 08/26/14      COMPLETE
          13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT  05156
Ballott Escort

14SF03754 Burglary Alarm                 23:12:45 08/26/14   COMPLETE

14SF03755 Foot Patrol                    04:15:33 08/27/14    COMPLETE
          Main St, Springfield, VT  05156
Foot Patrol

14SF03756 Suspicious            08:29:56 08/27/14        COMPLETE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting the neighbors are "Cooking Crap" again.  Her and her husband’s eyes are burning

14SF03757 Suspicious                10:40:51 08/27/14        COMPLETE
          100 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Female in red shirt and black back pack was acting suspicious complaining of being thirsty and saying it was very hot outside. As officer spoke to her further she acted much like a person who was on bath salts. After talking to her further she was asked to move along which she did.

14SF03758 Suspicious                     10:47:25 08/27/14      COMPLETE
          CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Male subject sitting the VT side of the bridge yelling and picking at his face Blue Shirt and Black hair.  Upon arrival male had left the area dispatch advised subject was in Charlestown and an officer was out with him.  Officer found the Charlestown cruiser near the entrance to Old Fort # 4 with a male subject standing outside the cruiser.  He advised he was heading to St. Johnsbury VT on I 91.  It was clear that this individual was confused.  He has prior Mental Health illness.  Charlestown PD
ended up transporting him to the Claremont NH Hospital under protective custody to get examined.

14SF03759 Juvenile Prob                  12:10:37 08/27/14      COMPLETE
          13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT  05156
Male has walked away from Gateway after getting upset, staff following
him and he is approaching the road at this time, mother has been contacted and is enroute - near fenced in softball field at this time

14SF03760 Agency Assist                  12:36:37 08/27/14  COMPLETE
          700 Charlestown Rd; SSCF, Springfield, VT  05156
Serve a Subpoena

14SF03761 Suspicious                     13:40:52 08/27/14      COMPLETE
          2 CHESTER RD; spr, Springfield, VT  05156
Request for an officer to stop by and speak with complainant in regards to someone getting into the back storage area at night

14SF03762 Suspicious                     13:56:30 08/27/14        ACTIVE
          22 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Female called and sounded very excited, stated she was having very bad anxiety and would call right back, not sure what is going on

14SF03763 Welfare Check                  14:49:49 08/27/14      COMPLETE
          22 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Female who is a friend of previous calling female is at work and just got a text from her saying she is going to sleep forever so she can go be with a male subject recently deceased. 

14SF03764 Juvenile Prob           15:42:57 08/27/14        COMPLETE
          PARK ST, Springfield, VT  05156
2 or 3 y/o blue plaid shorts running around no parent or anyone around in sight

14SF03765 Burglary Alarm                 16:24:50 08/27/14      COMPLETE
Numerous alarms going off - no keyholder at this time

14SF03766 Juvenile Prob                  17:21:47 08/27/14   COMPLETE
          HILL PL Springfield, VT  05156
Unruly 12 y/o would like an officer to respond

14SF03767 Welfare Check                  17:28:35 08/27/14  COMPLETE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Male disclosed comment of self harm, disclosed something about
picking up his family and heading south. No contact order right now for his wife and family, HCRS has put the daughter in alternate housing.

14SF03768 Agency Assist                  17:31:27 08/27/14  COMPLETE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
DCF here in the lobby asking for an officer to call the courts for them on an ECO

14SF03769 Suspicious                     18:56:36 08/27/14   COMPLETE
          Main St; NS, Springfield, VT  05156
Not sure if it is fireworks or gun shots but would like someone to check it out in the area of the general store on Main St. Searched the area, believe someone may have been parget practicing in nearby “pits” area

14SF03770 Agency Assist                  18:59:47 08/27/14   COMPLETE
          RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Recite for court

14SF03771 Agency Assist                  19:21:28 08/27/14  COMPLETE
          SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist with male subject with mental health issues

14SF03772 Agency Assist                  21:30:02 08/27/14  COMPLETE
          ORCHARD ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to Windsor PD & SIU

14SF03773 Agency Assist                  21:42:00 08/27/14     COMPLETE
          100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to P&P taking subj into custody on Probation violations

14SF03774 Intoxication                   23:12:20 08/27/14     COMPLETE
          MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Female was passed out in apt has now left is very intoxicated
has since left is now stumbling in and out of the road on Mineral St by the state building.

14SF03775 Foot Patrol                    01:33:27 08/28/14  COMPLETE

14SF03776 Directed Patrol      07:30:11 08/28/14        COMPLETE
          South St; School Traffic

14SF03777 Burglary Alarm                 09:33:31 08/28/14  COMPLETE

14SF03778 Vin Inspection           09:42:32 08/28/14        COMPLETE

14SF03779 Fingerprints                   09:44:38 08/28/14  COMPLETE
14SF03780 Fingerprints                   09:48:23 08/28/14  COMPLETE
14SF03782 Fingerprints                   10:06:20 08/28/14  COMPLETE

14SF03781 Agency Assist                  10:15:21 08/28/14  COMPLETE
          SUNSET TER, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to NHSP

14SF03783 Fingerprints                   10:25:49 08/28/14  COMPLETE

14SF03784 Drugs                          11:17:05 08/28/14      ACTIVE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Drug box emptying

14SF03785 911 Hangup                     11:24:51 08/28/14  COMPLETE

14SF03786 Welfare Check               11:34:25 08/28/14        COMPLETE
          SLACK AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
Request for a welfare check on juvenile who is suppose to
be at school at Gateway.  ...

14SF03787 Agency Assist                  12:26:51 08/28/14      COMPLETE
          WALL ST; Apt Springfield, VT  05156
Serve an RFA

14SF03788 Background                     13:06:24 08/28/14      COMPLETE
          201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Local vendor background checks

14SF03789 Accident Pd                    13:58:27 08/28/14  ACTIVE
          CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT  05156
2 vehicle injury just occurred at fire scene at Clinton St and Sioux Drive location

14SF03790 Vandalism                      14:31:45 08/28/14        ACTIVE
          11 PARK ST; Apt , spr, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of someone trying to force entry into his apartment and causing damage to the door in the process of doing so

14SF03791 Safety Hazard                  15:55:53 08/28/14  COMPLETE
          SIOUX DR, Springfield, VT  05156
Tree Down - Came in on earlier shift

14SF03794 Animal Problem                 17:52:00 08/28/14  COMPLETE
          SUNNY HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Loose Bulldog type dog corralled on her deck been running loose in the area a couple of days

14SF03792 Citizen Assist                 17:53:12 08/28/14  COMPLETE
          COOLIDGE RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Custodial issue

14SF03793 Burglary                       17:55:01 08/28/14  ACTIVE
          FURNACE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Burglary reported with forced entry – allegations of weapons having been stolen

14SF03795 Foot Patrol                    21:01:23 08/28/14  COMPLETE
          MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03796 Accident Pi                    23:46:32 08/28/14  ACTIVE
          CHARLESTOWN RD; Park and Ride, Springfield, VT  05156
Male subject struck by vehicle complaining of neck pain black chevy 4 door sedan unknown VT reg headed toward Charlestown

14SF03797 Foot Patrol                    01:26:55 08/29/14  COMPLETE

14SF03798 Suspicious                     04:43:42 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Smells drugs being made in the area again

14SF03799 Suspicious                     05:12:39 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Large burly male with a beard and backpack was found standing in the driveway next to his girlfriend’s car not sure what he was doing he confronted the man and he went down the stairs over the bank toward Wall St
--------14SF03800 Directed Patrol                07:48:37 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          South Street, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03801 Foot Patrol                    12:17:55 08/29/14  COMPLETE

14SF03802 Animal Problem                 12:21:51 08/29/14     COMPLETE
          WOODBURY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Report of roosters at Woodbury Road constantly crowing and making it
unpleasant in the neighborhood

14SF03803 Child Abuse                    14:00:46 08/29/14  ACTIVE
          201 Clinton St, Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03804 Medical                        14:01:06 08/29/14     COMPLETE
          2.5 Valley St, spr, Springfield, VT  05156
A1 enroute to 2-1/2 Valley St, corner of Valley and Main St for a female that just fell off a roof

14SF03805 Suspicious                     14:16:19 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
Trying to get ahold of his son – they called and a strange male voice answered the phone and then started asking them a bunch of personal questions. They hung up and tried calling back and not even
the answering machine picked up

14SF03806 Citizen Assist                 14:46:05 08/29/14     ACTIVE
          46 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Elderly female hit her vehicle and left the scene

14SF03807 Service Of Apo                 15:24:55 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          242 TOWN FARM RD; Springfield, VT  05156

14SF03808 Agency Assist                  16:06:29 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Assist with ECO - seizing of infant child

14SF03809 Agency Assist                  17:06:58 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          Brierbrook Lane, Springfield, VT  05156
ANR wants us to check on report of subj draining their pool
into the nearby stream - unknown house - if located get info on occupant in violation of T10V1259a potential hefty fines

14SF03810 Welfare Check                  18:25:23 08/29/14  ACTIVE
          Elm street, Springfield, VT  05156
Looking for female from earlier incident to check that injuries from
fall are not overcoming her - she initially refused med treatment

14SF03812 Service Of Apo                 19:48:06 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Service of paperwork as SSCF

14SF03811 Noise Disturbance                19:50:46 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          WALL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting about 40 people outside partying and he's trying to sleep

14SF03813 Threatening                    21:31:41 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
Threatening calls from a prior incident

14SF03814 Citizen Dispute                22:27:22 08/29/14  ACTIVE
          Springfield, VT  05156
Female via 911 wants male removed from residence advised being violent no
weapons breaking things tried grabbing her she is barricaded in upstairs closet ask if she wanted me to stay on the line as 911 had dropped off she advised no - advised to immediately call 911 if things changed  ...

14SF03815 Foot Patrol                    23:20:09 08/29/14  COMPLETE

14SF03816 Noise Disturbance                23:57:37 08/29/14  COMPLETE
          22 MINERAL ST; Apt Springfield, VT  05156
Neighbors in Apt are being very loud stomping

14SF03817 Agency Assist                  02:10:44 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Assisting A1 37 y/o female fallen unconscious bleeding from back of head

14SF03818 Agency Assist                  02:29:07 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          MASSEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Assisting Mutual Aid Ambulance Charlestown with a lift assist 76 y/o female fallen

14SF03819 Drugs                  04:04:12 08/30/14        COMPLETE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Neighbors are cooking drugs again she can smell it

14SF03820 Parking Problem                09:31:54 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          2 VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Vehicle in a no parking zone and is blocking for the Main St event in the
People's Bank.

14SF03821 Theft                          12:27:48 08/30/14        ACTIVE
          OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT  05156
R/P's Credit Union card stolen sometime yesterday. Card was overdrawn $500 when she attempted to use it today's date.

14SF03822 Foot Patrol                    12:36:10 08/30/14  COMPLETE
14SF03823 Agency Assist            14:40:16 08/30/14        COMPLETE
          1 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Asst with female who fell behind the Whitcomb Bldg.

14SF03824 Animal Problem                 15:56:55 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Step daughter bitten by his dog - they have taken her to the ER and have an apt with the vet at 4:30 regarding the dog - calling to see what else they need to do.

14SF03825 Foot Patrol                 16:05:25 08/30/14        COMPLETE

14SF03826 Agency Assist                  16:14:46 08/30/14      COMPLETE
          ORCHARD ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Serve stalking order

14SF03828 Citizen Assist                 17:12:34 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          MERRILL ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Property boundary issues

14SF03827 Service Of Apo                 17:43:07 08/30/14  ACTIVE
          WALL ST; Apt  Springfield, VT  05156
Serve TRO

14SF03829 Heart Problem                  19:27:26 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          Springfield, VT  05156
62 y/o male believes he is having a heart attack, does have cardiac history

14SF03830 Foot Patrol           19:46:46 08/30/14  COMPLETE
14SF03831 Agency Assist                  20:37:58 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          RESERVOIR RD;  Springfield, VT  05156
Trying to locate male subject for Windham Cty Dpty

14SF03832 Agency Assist                  21:22:52 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          1 MINERAL ST;  Springfield, VT  05156
Assist to FD with a lift

14SF03833 Welfare Check                  21:32:10 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          SCHOOL NS, Springfield, VT  05156
Female not answering her door - another subject adv she has been doing
bath salts and may have OD'ed

14SF03834 Noise Disturbance                23:16:26 08/30/14  COMPLETE
          22 MINERAL ST;  Springfield, VT  05156
Female in apt being loud stomping slamming things believe male is
there who has conditions not to be

14SF03835 Citizen Assist                 00:37:17 08/31/14  COMPLETE
          South St, Springfield, VT  05156
Subject was in a fight also intoxicated will be bringing him to the ER

14SF03836 Foot Patrol                    01:02:58 08/31/14  COMPLETE

14SF03837 Theft                          08:18:25 08/31/14     ACTIVE
          CIRCULAR ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Sister has stolen her daughters cell phone.

14SF03838 Welfare Check                  09:56:21 08/31/14     COMPLETE
          CHARLESTOWN RD; Bike Path, Springfield, VT  05156
Reporting a 10yo male on the bike path stopping people asking for money.  Says he is hungry

14SF03839 Citizen Assist                 10:00:58 08/31/14  COMPLETE
          HARTNESS AVE, Springfield, VT  05156
Daughter is on a visit with the RP, reports she is afraid to go home.  RP wants assistance on a emergency order.

14SF03840 Citizen Assist                 12:10:21 08/31/14     COMPLETE
          SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT  05156
Wants to go get his property from his dad’s house.  He reports being grabbed and pushed by his father.  RP has marks on his arm

14SF03841 Citizen Dispute                19:26:56 08/31/14  Uncoop Victim
          MAIN ST; Apt, Springfield, VT  05156
Domestic issues between parties – neither wanted to pursue criminal charges

14SF03842 Animal Problem                 20:06:20 08/31/14 COMPLETE
          CEMETERY RD; , Springfield, VT  05156
Found black Rottweiler running loose no tags

14SF03843 Trespassing                    21:20:35 08/31/14 COMPLETE
          STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT  05156
Anon caller reporting activity at apartment which is reported to be vacant and letter of no entry on back door - not aware anyone new has moved in

    Total Incidents for This Report:   359


  1. Ok this REALLY bothers me!
    14SF03644 Animal Problem 14:35:04 08/21/14 COMPLETE
    River St, Springfield, VT 05156
    K9 in the back of veh seem to be hurt and a very bad smell coming from
    the vehicle - The dog had what appeared to officer as having a burst cyst on it's back. I went in the store and located the owner. The owner advised that it was a cyst and that it is healing over. That she is watching it and if it was to start leaking puss that she would then seek medical attention. Owner said that the dog is not bothered by it.
    I'm sorry but if a wound smells that means infection! Police really should have done something more than speak to owner!

    1. I agree. Shouldn't it have been relayed to Animal Control Officers, along with the name and address of this thick skulled owner. No cyst should have developed to begin with.

    2. hmmm, an animal in distress, yes, very bad. Drug cooking, break ins, theft, assaults, accidents. Not bothering you? Me thinks the police have other animals to chase, you know, the bi-peds!!!


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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