14SF03844 Foot Patrol 00:06:45 09/01/14 COMPLETE
14SF03845 Foot Patrol 05:26:54 09/01/14 COMPLETE
14SF03846 Noise DisturbanCE 05:56:00 09/01/14 ACTIVE
11 PARK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female outside building won't leave her alone
14SF03847 Mv Complaint 08:15:26 09/01/14 COMPLETE
Mt View Dr, Springfield, VT 05156
Two kids on Go Carts racing up and down the road. no helmets RP is afraid a vehicle will hit them
14SF03848 Animal Problem 08:46:45 09/01/14 COMPLETE
Park St, Springfield, VT 05156
Request we check on an Injured Turtle
14SF03849 Foot Patrol 10:23:29 09/01/14 COMPLETE
14SF03850 Citizen Assist 12:53:59 09/01/14 COMPLETE
2 WHITE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Wants to keep his child for fear of sending her back home. Says the mother is on Bath Salts
14SF03851 Accident Pd 15:22:06 09/01/14 COMPLETE
Pinebrook lane; Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting after the fact minor accident
14SF03852 Property Damage 17:24:31 09/01/14 COMPLETE
GROVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Claims veh was in her lane she swerved to avoid and blew a tire - veh towed to garage she looking for an ins claim
14SF03853 911 Hangup 17:35:03 09/01/14 COMPLETE
14SF03854 Welfare Check 18:54:31 09/01/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Sister reporting female contacting family and friends claiming she is
going to hang herself - is in apartment with 3 other people and sister advised probably been smoking crack or other things and has been skitzo lately
14SF03855 Suspicious 18:59:10 09/01/14 COMPLETE
FACTORY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Unknown walk in complainant told Officer that a young kid was on the
river side of the railing fishing felt it was extremely unsafe and was not with anyone
14SF03856 Vandalism 20:32:25 09/01/14 COMPLETE
Southridge road, Springfield, VT 05156
Someone cut the brake lines on his vehicle
14SF03857 Citizen Dispute 20:39:21 09/01/14 ARREST
Mill Road; Apt Springfield, VT 05156
Call coming in female requesting officer for domestic but couldn't give any info male subj got on line advised someone has been hit but never mind he doesn't want to deal with officers
14SF03858 Burglary 21:57:36 09/01/14 COMPLETE
22 MINERAL ST; Apt , Springfield, VT 05156
Male subj white tank top blue jeans tan work boots just took off running thru woods when RP was alerted to his daughter screaming help me mommy
help me because the male was bumping and pushing on the window to the bedroom trying to get in.
14SF03859 Foot Patrol 23:16:00 09/01/14 COMPLETE
14SF03860 Citizen Assist 23:26:32 09/01/14 COMPLETE
Grove St, Springfield, VT 05156
Elderly gentleman walking down Grove St in his boxers carrying his pants
- adv he is a regular walker and he is wearing shorts - heading home
14SF03861 Foot Patrol 02:09:32 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03862 Citizen Assist 09:32:27 09/02/14 COMPLETE
700 Charlestown Rd; SSCF, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting his "Baby momma" took his child out of state RP wants her charged. – Nothing in custodial paperwork prohibiting transport of child out of state
14SF03863 Vandalism 09:39:51 09/02/14 ACTIVE
380 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Manager at the One Credit Union reports damage to some of the screens over the holiday weekend.
14SF03864 Foot Patrol 10:25:19 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03865 Assault 11:51:09 09/02/14 ACTIVE
Report of a physical altercation that has occurred at the high school and one is now at the nurse's office, the aggressive is with Bindy in her office. Parent of one contacted and the other to be contacted. Female allegedly walked up and punch another female in the face.
14SF03866 Fingerprints 13:01:29 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03867 Foot Patrol 13:14:57 09/02/14 COMPLETE
96 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
foot patrol on Main St
14SF03868 Fingerprints 13:30:59 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03869 Parking Problem 13:40:39 09/02/14 COMPLETE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Anonymous Male caller advising that there are a number of vehicles in the
handicap parking spaces without proper placards in these spots and would like it checked on
14SF03870 Fingerprints 13:52:05 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03871 Citizen Assist 14:08:07 09/02/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist card requested for taking possession of a .38 S&W handgun
14SF03872 Animal Problem 14:10:43 09/02/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Cat locked in car with no windows down in front of library
14SF03873 Fingerprints 14:31:59 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03874 Mv Complaint 14:39:45 09/02/14 Uncoop Vict
ELM ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that male operating vehicle left her residence he has open beer - Budweiser in vehicle drinking it with 2 small children in the vehicle with him is headed back to Charlestown most likely via secondary roads veh has unknown NH reg … contact made neg indicators of alco consumption while driving ...
14SF03875 Fingerprints 15:31:55 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03876 Citizen Assist 15:50:54 09/02/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Being harrassed by subj at local service provider
14SF03877 Restraining Odr 17:19:42 09/02/14 COMPLETE
22 MINERAL ST; Apt Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that male is upstairs in Apartment sleeping will write
statement if needed – violation of Conditions of release
14SF03878 Foot Patrol 18:08:06 09/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF03879 Suspicious 21:39:42 09/02/14 COMPLETE
Elm street, Springfield, VT 05156
Officer & neighbor reporting can hear cries for help caller advised female on back stairs crying help me help me I'm hurt – Woman involved in fall from roof earlier
14SF03880 Foot Patrol 03:58:40 09/03/14 COMPLETE
14SF03881 Suspicious 04:15:39 09/03/14 COMPLETE
ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Her dog has been barking for about an hour believes somebody is outside possibly on her property
14SF03882 Public Speaking 07:56:10 09/03/14 EJP
13 Fairground Rd; Gateway, Springfield, VT 05156
Spoke to students at Gateway about taking property that isn’t theirs.
14SF03883 Parking Problem 08:18:51 09/03/14 COMPLETE
11 COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicles parked on the sidewalk
14SF03884 Welfare Check 09:11:40 09/03/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject stopped Detective reporting a possible child abuse, male subject slammed a child into a child seat
14SF03885 Foot Patrol 11:14:48 09/03/14 COMPLETE
14SF03886 Animal Problem 12:25:27 09/03/14 COMPLETE
KIRK MEADOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of dogs running loose
14SF03887 Agency Assist 12:34:55 09/03/14 COMPLETE
DUTTON DISTRICT RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Police standby while welfare check done with HCRS worker
14SF03888 Family Fight 14:38:22 09/03/14 ARREST
SUMMIT AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of yelling at residence, they have been going back and forth
with each other for an hour
14SF03889 Citizen Assist 16:53:47 09/03/14 COMPLETE
River Road, Springfield, VT 05156
Male Subject running away from his caregiver and out into traffic
14SF03890 Animal Problem 17:18:52 09/03/14 ACTIVE
SPENCER HOLLOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbors dogs running loose
14SF03891 Theft 17:23:14 09/03/14 ARREST
WHITNEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
$ stolen out of his safe
14SF03892 Agency Assist 17:27:25 09/03/14 COMPLETE
DUTTON DISTRICT RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Warrant for immediate mental health exam of subject
14SF03893 Vin Inspection 18:29:07 09/03/14 COMPLETE
14SF03894 Suspicious 22:07:34 09/03/14 COMPLETE
VT Rt 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check on clerk as store following suspicious interaction
14SF03895 Foot Patrol 01:28:26 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03896 Agency Assist 08:30:12 09/04/14 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Subpeona service
14SF03897 Agency Assist 08:32:25 09/04/14 COMPLETE
MAJOR CT; Apt Springfield, VT 05156
Subpeona service
14SF03898 Agency Assist 08:33:16 09/04/14 COMPLETE
MAJOR CT; Springfield, VT 05156
Subpeona service
14SF03899 Agency Assist 08:34:08 09/04/14 COMPLETE
MAJOR CT; Springfield, VT 05156
Subpeona service
14SF03900 Fingerprints 08:57:02 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03901 Directed Patrol 09:19:49 09/04/14 COMPLETE
Brook Road; Crown Point CC, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to Highway with traffic control
14SF03902 Fingerprints 09:23:30 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03903 Citizen Dispute 09:46:04 09/04/14 COMPLETE
WOODLAND DR, Springfield, VT 05156
Couple of guys outside in heated argument one appeared to have hit the other unknown who they are as so many people come and go from there
14SF03904 Fingerprints 09:52:12 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03905 Fingerprints 10:02:31 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03906 Citizen Assist 11:26:53 09/04/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03907 Theft 11:30:16 09/04/14 ACTIVE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of his dumpster being emptied yesterday and when he went their today the dumpster is a third full and in it he found mail belonging to subjects who don’t reside there
14SF03908 Agency Assist 12:37:31 09/04/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve ECO from DCF
14SF03909 Vandalism 13:07:10 09/04/14 COMPLETE
FURNACE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a second vandalism to the residence
14SF03910 Service Of Apo 13:09:18 09/04/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve RFA on inmate
14SF03911 Agency Assist 13:31:34 09/04/14 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Subpoena service ...
14SF03912 Agency Assist 13:32:34 09/04/14 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Subpoena service
14SF03913 Mv Complaint 13:47:17 09/04/14 COMPLETE
PARKER HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of 2 subjects on dirt bikes riding wheelies up and down the road and flipping people off, no helmets
14SF03914 Family Fight 14:01:44 09/04/14 COMPLETE
RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male calling to report a domestic between he and his sister, she keeps
pushing him around and hitting him and he has had it with this going on all the time
14SF03915 Fingerprints 14:47:32 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03916 Welfare Check 14:48:17 09/04/14 COMPLETE
CLEMENT RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for welfare check – subject not answering their door
14SF03917 Foot Patrol 15:00:28 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03918 Citizen Assist 15:29:34 09/04/14 COMPLETE
SUMMIT AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Male has shown up at the house after court today and they are scared because he has guns in the camper outside.
14SF03963 Theft 16:10:15 09/04/14 ACTIVE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting theft of EBT card
14SF03919 Suspicious 16:43:59 09/04/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Female adv that an intoxicated male followed her roommate while she was walking to Exit 7 truckstop and then back home following her slowly and then pulled into their driveway trying to get her to get in the vehicle so he could give her a ride. Officers had negative contact with any similar vehicle
14SF03920 Wanted Person 16:55:34 09/04/14 ARREST
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Brittany Hankins here in the lobby to turn herself in on the warrant
14SF03921 911 Hangup 17:03:05 09/04/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male adv he is being held against his will at Springfield Hospital – subject detained on involuntary evaluation warrant
14SF03922 Vin Inspection 17:05:56 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03923 Foot Patrol 18:54:54 09/04/14 COMPLETE
14SF03924 Suspicious 19:07:27 09/04/14 COMPLETE
SUMMIT AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Someone is there and she is scared to death that it is XXXXXXX and he is not supposed to be there
14SF03925 Citizen Assist 20:04:36 09/04/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
locked his keys in his running veh so can't get into his building or his
Vehicle, can we let him into the building to get his spare keys to shut his vehicle off....
14SF03926 Welfare Check 20:34:08 09/04/14 COMPLETE
2 WHITE ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Female threatening to kill herself with a knife because male broke up with her
14SF03927 Citizen Dispute 00:15:20 09/05/14 COMPLETE
11 PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Male & Female actively fighting both verbal and physical
14SF03928 Burglary Alarm 00:52:13 09/05/14 FALSE
14SF03929 Foot Patrol 01:05:00 09/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF03930 Welfare Check 09:23:56 09/05/14 COMPLETE
Clinton St, Springfield, VT 05156
Blonde hair, denim jacket w/ a big purse - on something she was stumbling around and clawing at the grass, holding onto the pole at the drive thru like she was going to fall over, she is now over at Penguin Mart…Advised officer she was just waiting for a ride
14SF03931 Agency Assist 09:26:53 09/05/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve subpoena
14SF03932 Animal Problem 10:35:34 09/05/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST; at State offices, Springfield, VT 05156
Female adv there is a dog in a van at the state offices and the windows are only cracked
14SF03933 Suspicious 11:19:46 09/05/14 COMPLETE
1 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Caller believes he is witnessing a drug transaction in the McDonald's parking lot at this time, one vehicle bears a transit plate and other veh is a slate gray Toyota Camry and the other vehicle just left, he is willing to give a written statement. Office made contact with the operator and passenger. They advised they were waiting for a friend. Nothing of interest was observed. ...
14SF03934 Foot Patrol 12:54:47 09/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF03935 Suspicious 13:04:24 09/05/14 COMPLETE
DELL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of someone believed to have taken gas out of his vehicle as he filled it up Tuesday and went about 30-35 miles since. Went to go out in the truck today and found it on empty. He initially thought it was the gas gauge reading wrong so he went to fill it up and it took 15-16 gallons. ...
14SF03936 Citizen Dispute 13:39:31 09/05/14 COMPLETE
ORCHARD LN, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a subject at swinging a bat at a subject mowing a lawn, caller advised it is pretty heated
14SF03937 Agency Assist 14:18:26 09/05/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Request we check the Holiday Inn for VT reg. male subject has has been avoiding service of Relief From Abuse Order
14SF03938 Accident Pd 14:28:55 09/05/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
2 car MVA - minor - no injuries and no fluids
14SF03956 Suspicious 14:33:00 09/05/14 COMPLETE
Front St; near Park, ,
Report that male who has an extraditable warrant was seen on
Front St by the Park ... warrant not entertained by SA Office as it is for failure to pay restitution only
14SF03939 Welfare Check 16:52:21 09/05/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check. According to her DCF probation she is not to have anyone in the apartment with her. She has been avoiding them - they are looking for an unannounced visit sometime on Saturday
and any information including any other people found to be in the apartment be sent to DCF ...
14SF03940 Property Damage 16:59:10 09/05/14 COMPLETE
Skitchewauge trail, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of concrete falling from I91 overpass 911 reported to VSP to contact AOT Officer advising scattered concrete debris primarily from I91 NB lane ...
14SF03941 Directed Patrol 17:50:07 09/05/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03942 Theft 18:04:46 09/05/14 ACTIVE
MAIN ST; NSP, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting theft of battery propane tanks etc from RV in NSpfld
14SF03943 Threatening 18:21:08 09/05/14 COMPLETE
Spring street; Springfield, VT 05156
Being threatened and son threatening to come take her car
14SF03944 Found Property 18:28:07 09/05/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ; Family Dollar, Springfield, VT 05156
Found Mans wallet – returned to owner
14SF03945 Foot Patrol 18:57:07 09/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF03946 Mv Complaint 19:35:20 09/05/14 COMPLETE
PLEASANT VALLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint of dirtbikers racing on roadway without helmets
14SF03947 Foot Patrol 19:58:36 09/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF03948 Agency Assist 20:02:07 09/05/14 COMPLETE
DAVIDSON HILL RD, Chester, VT 05143
Assist Chester at Domestic
14SF03949 Foot Patrol 21:08:17 09/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF03950 Noise Disturbance 22:10:44 09/05/14 COMPLETE
LEONARD AVE; Union St big red house, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbors Pool pump making loud noise keeping her awake
14SF03951 Citizen Dispute 23:00:33 09/05/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbor issues
14SF03952 Citizen Assist 23:48:57 09/05/14 COMPLETE
CRAIGUE HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Disabled vehicle
14SF03953 Agency Assist 04:18:09 09/06/14 ACTIVE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male at the ER on a mental health warrant is getting rowdy he pushed
the guard that's there watching him
14SF03954 Intoxication 07:07:09 09/06/14 COMPLETE
Valley St; Springfield, VT 05156
Female has been locked in the bathroom all night has trashed the house
and is refusing to leave
14SF03955 Fraud 08:15:36 09/06/14 ACTIVE
OLD CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Theft of checks
14SF03957 Citizen Assist 11:16:16 09/06/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male has her 4 yr old and is concerned about his welfare.
14SF03958 Citizen Assist 12:10:05 09/06/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Female states she's in the lobby low on oxygen w/o any employees to
assist her
14SF03959 Citizen Dispute 12:49:59 09/06/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject throwing objects at r/p's window…continuing malice between neighbors
14SF03960 Suspicious 13:00:20 09/06/14 COMPLETE
PRECISION DR, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject and female were told to leave the picnic area and refused to do so.
14SF03961 Accident Pd 13:06:45 09/06/14 ACTIVE
VT Route 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Female advising no injuries but her veh was struck by grey veh that went North at the VT RTE 106 Deli.
14SF03962 Foot Patrol 14:14:00 09/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF03964 Foot Patrol 18:16:33 09/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF03965 Suspicious 18:29:48 09/06/14 COMPLETE
COTTAGE AVE; Springfield, VT 05156
Complainant looked out window saw strange male subj watching 2
small children playing - she notified their parent they have brought them inside - he is now staring in her windows waving at her, blowing her kisses creeping her out – Officer made contact subj advised he was waiting for someone to let him in the residence ...
14SF03966 Foot Patrol 19:08:19 09/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF03967 Citizen Dispute 19:37:25 09/06/14 COMPLETE
14 MISSING LINK RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of some type of verbal altercation for about 20 minutes out in PL of Irving Truckstop
14SF03968 Found Property 21:18:15 09/06/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Found EBT card in Shaws bathroom
14SF03969 Citizen Dispute 21:33:23 09/06/14 COMPLETE
UNION ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Group of subj came to his res accusing him of stealing some type of fuel
14SF03970 Suspicious 21:34:24 09/06/14 COMPLETE
POPLAR ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Susp activity
14SF03971 Foot Patrol 22:08:00 09/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF03972 Noise Disturbance 00:51:37 09/07/14 ACTIVE
11 PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Female & Male arguing being very loud
14SF03973 Phone Problem 08:42:47 09/07/14 COMPLETE
RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of phone scam
14SF03974 Citizen Dispute 11:25:04 09/07/14 COMPLETE
22 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Arguing with male who is there in violation of his conditions of release – male took off on foot
14SF03975 Citizen Dispute 11:36:28 09/07/14 ACTIVE
2 WHITE ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Trying to move female’s stuff out of the apt and male subject is smashing her stuff
14SF03976 Foot Patrol 12:45:50 09/07/14 COMPLETE
14SF03977 Foot Patrol 13:03:54 09/07/14 COMPLETE
14SF03978 Animal Noise 13:44:41 09/07/14 COMPLETE
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Dog barks constantly - it's been on going since Spring
spoke to the owners and the dog has been brought inside
14SF03979 Vandalism 13:52:47 09/07/14 ACTIVE
232 SKITCHEWAUG TRL, Springfield, VT 05156
Vandalism to her property
14SF03980 Theft 15:43:47 09/07/14 Uncoop Victim
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Claims male subject stole a lawn chair from off her porch – subject was in process of returning same when officer made contact
14SF03981 Animal Problem 16:17:25 09/07/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST NS, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Black Pit Bull Running Loose unknown if tags caller does not want it getting into her house
14SF03982 Mv Complaint 16:56:18 09/07/14 COMPLETE
VT route 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting erratic op of Grey Tundra
14SF03983 911 Hangup 17:23:02 09/07/14 COMPLETE
14SF03984 Citizen Dispute 17:59:25 09/07/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject at her front door she wants him to leave
14SF03985 Accident Pd 18:10:17 09/07/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Minor 10-50 at intersection veh are in MCD Pl
14SF03986 Service Of Apo 18:47:36 09/07/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF03987 Foot Patrol 19:05:12 09/07/14 COMPLETE
14SF03988 Citizen Dispute 20:53:55 09/07/14 COMPLETE
Elm street, Springfield, VT 05156
Grandson accosted by bat wielding neighbor - no actual assault took place just threatening – on going dispute with neighbor regarding neighbors dog coming on subjects lawn
14SF03989 Foot Patrol 21:50:52 09/07/14 COMPLETE
14SF03990 Animal Problem 22:01:25 09/07/14 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female res bit by dog in arm dog is caged now
14SF03991 Agency Assist 00:06:48 09/08/14 COMPLETE
2 WHITE ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting A1 with medical call 25 y/o male broken ankle is very agitated
14SF03992 Directed Patrol 07:30:52 09/08/14 COMPLETE
375 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Looking for operators who are traveling past school buses while stopped in the area based on a complaint generated last week
14SF03993 Wanted Person 09:25:13 09/08/14 COMPLETE
FRONT ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Matthew Horton SA declined extradition as the warrant was for failure to pay restitution
14SF03994 Mv Complaint 09:57:37 09/08/14 COMPLETE
SKITCHEWAUG TRL, Springfield, VT 05156
Susp veh MA reg claims to be taking donations for PD contact made – subject employed by subcontracted fundraising company that works with agencies running fundraisers
14SF03995 Property Damage 10:13:43 09/08/14 COMPLETE
50 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Subj got out of their car and hit his brand new car causing a dent
14SF03996 Welfare Check 10:23:59 09/08/14 COMPLETE
2 VALLEY ST; Out back of Bldg, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting female sitting out back crying intermittantly yells for a
phone been out the for a couple of hours now...identified as someone who went of roof a week or two ago
14SF03997 Burglary 11:02:22 09/08/14 COMPLETE
2.5 Valley Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Male advising female (from above call) has broken into his apartment via a window he is barricaded in a bedroom
14SF03998 Foot Patrol 12:56:14 09/08/14 COMPLETE
14SF03999 Mv Complaint 13:23:17 09/08/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a red large cadillac driving with his driver's door open, causing traffic issues for oncoming vehicle - when complainant went by and got home subject went by yelling and flipping him the middle finger - unsure if intoxicated or what issue is ...
14SF04000 Burglary Alarm 13:38:09 09/08/14 COMPLETE
14SF04001 Vin Inspection 13:59:28 09/08/14 COMPLETE
BRIDGE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF04002 Parking Problem 14:57:55 09/08/14 COMPLETE
Prospect Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint Vehicles parked along both sides of Prospect Street making the roadway exceptionally narrow
14SF04003 Welfare Check 15:26:10 09/08/14 COMPLETE
KIRK MEADOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check on female subject possible domestic violence issues
14SF04004 Directed Patrol 15:56:31 09/08/14 COMPLETE
371 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint of subj passing school bus at stops
14SF04005 Citizen Assist 15:57:58 09/08/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Issues of harassment from ex reportedly in the springfield area
14SF04006 Suspicious 16:39:08 09/08/14 COMPLETE
MORGAN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Signs of someone camping out fire pit and Shaws Cart with items in it
14SF04007 Suspicious 17:24:45 09/08/14 COMPLETE
GARFIELD AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting susp male -25 yo no shirt seen lurking around his porch today around 1400 hours when RP no home
14SF04008 Citizen Assist 18:04:22 09/08/14 COMPLETE
Grove Street; Springfield, VT 0515
Subj in red car parked at blue house int of Grove & Mineral yelling at him statements that make him sound like a pedophile advised it's upsetting to him
14SF04009 Foot Patrol 18:12:14 09/08/14 COMPLETE
14SF04010 Unsecure Premis 19:30:11 09/08/14 COMPLETE
BEECHWOOD LN, Springfield, VT 05156
Forclosed home up for auction side door wide open
14SF04011 Citizen Assist 19:32:58 09/08/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Custodial issue father not returning child father is out in weathersfield
14SF04012 Foot Patrol 20:37:05 09/08/14 COMPLETE
14SF04013 Agency Assist 02:25:09 09/09/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD; SSCF, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting possible assistance for a driver male subject in his 70's
14SF04014 Mv Complaint 08:10:37 09/09/14 COMPLETE
River St, Springfield, VT 05156
VT reg vehicle all over the road from Fog line to center line last seen heading up RT 106
14SF04015 Agency Assist 08:23:18 09/09/14 COMPLETE
Rt 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist HCRS with walk away
14SF04016 Assault 08:47:25 09/09/14 COMPLETE
390 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject out of control spitting at staff, this is the same subject that M609 just worked with
14SF04017 Mv Complaint 10:05:27 09/09/14 ACTIVE
Valley St, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle passed a stopped school bus which had its Red Lights on Monday 9-8-2014.
14SF04018 Sex Offense 10:20:50 09/09/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
14SF04019 Vin Inspection 11:12:28 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04020 Foot Patrol 11:30:33 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04021 Fingerprints 13:03:40 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04022 Fingerprints 13:24:12 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04023 Fingerprints 13:32:50 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04024 Fingerprints 13:49:30 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04025 Fingerprints 14:40:10 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04026 Fingerprints 14:45:39 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04027 Fingerprints 14:51:02 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04028 Theft 15:19:06 09/09/14 ACTIVE
11 PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Claiming someone stole her suboxin - 16 doses. Yesterday afternoon when she to the bus stop right at the post office left door unlocked
14SF04029 Theft 15:52:38 09/09/14 COMPLETE
266 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Assist manager dealing with 3 shoplifters attempting to leave Store
14SF04030 Citizen Assist 15:58:05 09/09/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting can't seem to get any help from crisis - in tears advised not feeling emotionally or physically well looking to go to ER for screening
14SF04031 Found Property 16:30:01 09/09/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Baptist Church, Springfield, VT 05156
Huffy Bike possible Howler Model left at Baptist Church
14SF04032 Escort 16:56:20 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04033 Agency Assist 17:29:04 09/09/14 ACTIVE
ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist constable with paperwork service
14SF04034 Theft 18:11:24 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14 MISSING LINK RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Thinks female subj who was in office took the keys to her car - car was locked when she was out on break now car is unlocked - woman some disgruntled ex of male subj who's car it is that she is driving to work
14SF04035 Foot Patrol 19:20:23 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04036 Overdose 19:42:11 09/09/14 COMPLETE
A1 enroute
14SF04037 Foot Patrol 19:48:07 09/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF04038 Suspicious 20:53:21 09/09/14 COMPLETE
11 PARK ST; Hallway of old Bowl Alley, Springfield, VT 05156
2 strange males out in hallway - don't live there one is "Tim" and other is 5'8 Skinny Dark curly shoulder length hair
14SF04039 Citizen Dispute 21:14:58 09/09/14 ARREST
FAIRGROUND RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject allegedly in bathroom doing heroin 5/3 yo barricaded in bedroom so they don't see what is happening after threats of domestic violence
14SF04040 Citizen Assist 21:52:50 09/09/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ; Laundra Matt, Springfield, VT 05156
Verbal altercation with boyfriend of of ex-girlfriend in front of son looking for documentation and DCYF told him to call us
14SF04041 Suspicious 22:37:56 09/09/14 COMPLETE
EATON AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting banging from back of res turned on light saw shadow of subj run across back lawn thinks they were trying to break into his bulkhead
14SF04042 Noise Disturbance 00:21:41 09/10/14 COMPLETE
11 PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Hollering, banging slamming stuff around - woke her and her daughter up
and the daughter has school in the morning
14SF04043 Directed Patrol 07:40:18 09/10/14 COMPLETE
375 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed patrol for school bus issue
14SF04044 Vin Inspection 08:18:51 09/10/14 COMPLETE
14SF04045 Complaint 10:00:53 09/10/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
VT van went through her reds lights while she was picking up students
14SF04046 Animal Problem 10:18:02 09/10/14 COMPLETE
MM40 I 91, Springfield, VT 05156
Located two dogs running on the Highway
14SF04047 Service Of Apo 11:14:18 09/10/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of RFA
14SF04048 Burglary 11:17:19 09/10/14 ACTIVE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Call advising that someone just stole stuff from him and he is behind the vehicle on Valley
14SF04049 Citizen Assist 11:51:35 09/10/14 COMPLETE
GOODYEAR AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Caller requesting to speak to an officer in regards to her son moving to Manchester, NH with his father - she called to find out
if his school records got transferred and found out they have not been
requested. She then talked to her son and found out he and his father are in Florida ...
14SF04050 Custodial Int. 12:26:04 09/10/14 COMPLETE
ELM HILL, Springfield, VT 05156
Request to speak to an officer in regards to custodial interference
14SF04051 Burglary 13:19:37 09/10/14 COMPLETE
KIRK MEADOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Saw male subject leaving the neighbors house. Thinks he was inside the
14SF04052 Agency Assist 13:21:49 09/10/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to DCF with cursory interview at CAC
14SF04053 Juvenile Prob 14:00:46 09/10/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of male student having walked away from the school - headed towards main road, mother contacted
14SF04054 Directed Patrol 14:40:20 09/10/14 COMPLETE
357 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed patrol near 357 River St
14SF04055 Agency Assist 15:21:40 09/10/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
ER requesting officer assistance female escalating in behavior
threatening to hit people
14SF04056 Citizen Assist 15:24:38 09/10/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Bought and pays for cell phone for his son - ex paramour has taken phone away refuses to return it to the complainant
14SF04057 Theft 16:17:44 09/10/14 ACTIVE
22 MINERAL ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting theft of EBT card – someone authorized card - then used card in Shaws
14SF04059 Missing Person 16:43:33 09/10/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 12 yo daughter missing - NCIC form filled out - LT
responded to Riverside MS for follow up parents then called about 20 minutes later and advised that child had called from local residence
14SF04058 Suspicious 16:44:38 09/10/14 COMPLETE
BACON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting little 4 yo red-haired girl showed up at her door no idea where she came from or who she is - when asked her name she replies "me"
14SF04060 Foot Patrol 18:22:59 09/10/14 COMPLETE
14SF04061 Welfare Check 18:32:11 09/10/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Female sitting out front picking at her wrists with something has a
towel next to her - took to ER for eval yesterday
14SF04062 Unsecure Premis 19:32:36 09/10/14 COMPLETE
0 FAIRBANKS RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Report of an open bay door - delivery van was there a short time ago - has since left door is open and car in driveway – Employee still at work
14SF04063 Suspicious 21:25:36 09/10/14 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Concerned party seeing what appears to be dark car out front and someone going thru the vacant apartment building wearing a head lamp of sorts going in and out and up and down the stairs
14SF04064 Suspicious 22:03:33 09/10/14 COMPLETE
VT ROUTE 10; Main St Int, Springfield, VT 05156
Female jumped out in roadway trying to flag her down
14SF04065 Foot Patrol 22:33:43 09/10/14 COMPLETE
14SF04066 Agency Assist 22:34:46 09/10/14 COMPLETE
I 91 N MM42, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to VSP
14SF04067 Diabetic Shock 23:01:16 09/10/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Female down on the floor unconscious possible diabetic issue
14SF04068 Medical 23:48:09 09/10/14 COMPLETE
WHITE ST; Springfield, VT 05156
45 y/o male - has had a few beers, "not feeling right, falling all over, defecated and is on the floor in the shower" - A1 enroute
14SF04069 Foot Patrol 00:38:53 09/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF04070 Welfare Check 03:36:54 09/11/14 ARREST
Springfield, VT 05156
b/f threatening to commit suicide, cut himself in the car and then kicked her out and left driving ...
14SF04071 Accident Pd 07:28:24 09/11/14 ACTIVE
UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that a kid cut out in front of him and made contact with his car. Kid says he is not hurt
14SF04072 Directed Patrol 07:56:57 09/11/14 COMPLETE
389 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF04073 Cond of Release 08:48:48 09/11/14 ARREST
MORGAN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female keeps contacting him by phone and in person.
14SF04074 Fingerprints 08:58:15 09/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF04075 Child Abuse 09:11:52 09/11/14 ACTIVE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF04076 Fingerprints 09:15:07 09/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF04077 Fingerprints 09:38:09 09/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF04078 Fingerprints 10:17:26 09/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF04079 Fingerprints 10:38:59 09/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF04080 Suspicious 10:58:04 09/11/14 ACTIVE
14SF04081 Vin Inspection 11:46:06 09/11/14 COMPLETE
14SF04082 Theft 14:55:26 09/11/14 ACTIVE
PLEASANT ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of $550 stolen from a nightstand sometime between late Sunday night and early Monday morning
14SF04083 Search Warrant 15:22:24 09/11/14 ACTIVE
Springfield, VT 05156
Execution of Search Warrant
14SF04084 Animal Problem 15:58:41 09/11/14 COMPLETE
REED ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Golden colored dog roaming Reed St Area
14SF04085 Suspicious 16:30:56 09/11/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ; Rite Aid, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting susp incident male & fem enter store in store about 5 seconds male makes 20 sec phone call few minutes later a male comes in meets him they go down an aisle together then male & female leave in VT reg veh- think it may have been a drug deal advised to pull all video possible showing subjects ... Officer advised after watching video no clear indication this was drug related
14SF04088 Mv Complaint 18:10:11 09/11/14 COMPLETE
1 WALL ST; bridge street, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a subject being towed around on a tricycle by a big older model gold colored car
14SF04089 Foot Patrol 20:14:20 09/11/14 ACTIVE
14SF04090 Welfare Check 22:40:09 09/11/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Suicidal female
14SF04091 Trespassing 00:01:08 09/12/14 COMPLETE
180 CLINTON ST; Edgar May, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting male subj sleeping in chair out behind health center would like him moved along
14SF04092 Foot Patrol 03:16:42 09/12/14 COMPLETE
14SF04093 Utility Problem 08:47:23 09/12/14 COMPLETE
100 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
911 reporting 3 subj stuck in elevator at Community Health Center possibly between levels 2 & 3 were on 2 headed to 3 elevator stopped felt like it slipped down a bit – subjects extricated and elevator resumed functioning without incident
14SF04094 Mv Complaint 12:52:07 09/12/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a subject stopping at the stop sign at the Mineral Street
intersection getting out and leaving in another vehicle
14SF04095 Welfare Check 13:49:56 09/12/14 COMPLETE
591 PARKER HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for welfare check on female
14SF04096 Animal Noise 14:16:09 09/12/14 COMPLETE
BRIDGE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Dogs bark in a pen all day and night whether owners are home or not, caller can't take it anymore. NOTE: could hear dogs barking while talking to the complainant ...
14SF04097 Sex Offense 14:40:22 09/12/14 ACTIVE
14SF04098 Traffic Hazard 14:49:50 09/12/14 COMPLETE
14 MISSING LINK RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Passerby advised of a tree down near Spfld/Rockingham line
14SF04100 Foot Patrol 15:30:57 09/12/14 COMPLETE
14SF04101 Directed Patrol 17:55:18 09/12/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Football game patrol
14SF04102 Found Property 18:20:30 09/12/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Wallet turned in - returned to owner
14SF04103 Foot Patrol 18:24:27 09/12/14 COMPLETE
14SF04104 Agency Assist 18:57:05 09/12/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
DCF juvenile - mental health juvenile, assaulting people at the house would like officer assistance
14SF04105 Foot Patrol 20:05:15 09/12/14 COMPLETE
14SF04106 Foot Patrol 21:04:39 09/12/14 COMPLETE
14SF04107 Suicide Attempt 22:39:18 09/12/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Male adv he is suicidal
14SF04108 Theft 22:53:31 09/12/14 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Got home and his stereo is gone
14SF04109 Burglary Alarm 00:02:46 09/13/14 COMPLETE
14SF04110 Noise Disturbance 00:18:39 09/13/14 COMPLETE
2.5 Valley St, Springfield, VT 05156
Female subject crying and banging on door being very loud
14SF04111 Noise Disturbance 02:29:47 09/13/14 COMPLETE
11 PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Female & Male are arguing and being loud
14SF04112 Untimely 02:47:17 09/13/14 COMPLETE
14SF04113 Welfare Check 07:19:08 09/13/14 COMPLETE
WESTVIEW TER, Springfield, VT 05156
Female neighbor has not been heard from this morning and is
not like her, would like her checked on - she is fine..
14SF04114 Untimely 09:22:28 09/13/14 COMPLETE
14SF04115 Citizen Dispute 11:57:01 09/13/14 COMPLETE
Church St; Central St; School St NS, Springfield, VT 05156
Female adv possible domestic/custody issue in this area, can hear it from their backyard on Central St, profanity and telling someone to get the xxxx out. 2nd caller lives on School St adv they could hear it as well, not sure of location ...
14SF04116 Welfare Check 13:46:18 09/13/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Spoke with apt resident who adv they have not been there
14SF04117 Traffic Hazard 13:50:04 09/13/14 COMPLETE
Valley St; Trailer park area, Springfield, VT 05156
Caller adv there are kids throwing rocks at cars as they are going by
14SF04118 911 Hangup 14:13:34 09/13/14 COMPLETE
14SF04119 Citizen Assist 14:34:52 09/13/14 COMPLETE
River St; Black River Produce, ,
Safety standby while motorist made quick auto repair
14SF04120 911 Hangup 17:41:12 09/13/14 COMPLETE
14SF04121 Burglary 17:51:31 09/13/14 ACTIVE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Apt was burglarized. No one in the apt and unk what if anything was taken.
14SF04122 Phone Problem 19:07:35 09/13/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Females making threatening calls to juvenile male
14SF04123 Animal Problem 21:20:49 09/13/14 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Bear going back and forth in the neighbor's back yard across the st.
14SF04124 Noise Disturban 00:38:24 09/14/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Party going on music has been turned down but the girls are outside being loud
14SF04125 Property Watch 01:01:26 09/14/14 ACTIVE
14SF04126 Accident Pd 05:26:23 09/14/14 ACTIVE
105 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting crashed vehicle just beyond the H&R driveway veh is running unoccupied
14SF04127 911 Hangup 08:09:08 09/14/14 COMPLETE
14SF04128 Family Fight 08:31:08 09/14/14 ACTIVE
CRAIGUE HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Verbal fight with husband, he threw a glass at her and it shattered on the floor would like an officer to respond
14SF04129 Animal Problem 11:18:32 09/14/14 COMPLETE
LEONARD AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Adv her birdfeeder has been vandalized in her backyard - metal pole is bent and damaged, husband is trying to fix it. I adv her I would tell an officer but there have also been reports of a couple of bears up in that area at night or wee hours of the morning, I adv her to take the bird feeder down for a few days. ...
14SF04130 Animal Problem 14:03:26 09/14/14 ACTIVE
BRIER BROOK LN, Springfield, VT 05156
They have tried to handle it on their own but nothing seems to work, neighbors dog roaming around and digging up their lawn and defecating on the lawn and the owners don't seem to care and keep letting it run loose.
14SF04131 Suspicious 14:31:31 09/14/14 ACTIVE
CONNECTICUT RIVER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Would like an officer to meet him at the residence, daughter is in rehab and there is drug paraphernalia all over the place. He is on his way there and would like an officer to meet him
14SF04132 Foot Patrol 15:02:31 09/14/14 COMPLETE
14SF04133 Suspicious 15:42:30 09/14/14 ACTIVE
Grove street, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting male subj in tan jacket short buzz cut grey hair was sitting roadside on Grove Street rubbing the back of his head caller in traffic couldn't stop concerned he may have fallen and hit head
14SF04134 Theft 16:18:02 09/14/14 ACTIVE
VT ROUTE 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting male Stole a ring off the Ring Lady Display price $6.31
14SF04135 Foot Patrol 19:27:50 09/14/14 ACTIVE
14SF04136 Agency Assist 20:01:52 09/14/14 ACTIVE
I91 SB on Ramp, Springfield, VT 05156
Checking on report of TT Unit & car parked on On ramp unknown reason why
14SF04137 Foot Patrol 20:12:00 09/14/14 COMPLETE
14SF04138 Suspicious 22:17:05 09/14/14 ACTIVE
SUMMER HILL ST; Commons Area, Springfield, VT 05156
Caller can hear a strange noise coming from off of hill behind his res not sure if human or animal
14SF04139 Agency Assist 22:55:36 09/14/14 ACTIVE
Springfield, VT 05156
Service of Warrant for Immediate Mental Health Exam
14SF04140 Agency Assist 09:07:06 09/15/14 COMPLETE
307 SOUTH ST; TECH CENTER, Springfield, VT 05156
Issue a citation for Chester
14SF04141 Suspicious 09:45:24 09/15/14 COMPLETE
SPENCER HOLLOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Multitude of vehicles appearing on property
14SF04142 Foot Patrol 10:05:57 09/15/14 COMPLETE
14SF04143 Vin Inspection 10:38:10 09/15/14 COMPLETE
14SF04144 Agency Assist 14:50:30 09/15/14 ACTIVE
Request for service of subpoena
14SF04145 Agency Assist 14:52:02 09/15/14 COMPLETE
Request for service of subpoena
14SF04146 Citizen Assist 15:35:48 09/15/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Concerns someone is getting ready to burg his house again - advised someone had dug dirt out around the post to the gate to his driveway until they hit the concrete piling and then stopped found that a tool that had been laying in the grass had disappeared and just odd things seems to be occurring ...
14SF04147 Directed Patrol 16:05:33 09/15/14 COMPLETE
371 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
School Bus stop patrol
14SF04148 Juvenile Prob 16:15:40 09/15/14 EJP
Springfield, VT 05156
8 yo out of control - clearly screaming in background
14SF04149 Directed Patrol 17:13:43 09/15/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Soccer Ganme
14SF04150 Welfare Check 17:36:25 09/15/14 ACTIVE
SKITCHEWAUG TRL; Springfield, VT 05156
Welfare check on resident at Campground
14SF04151 Suspicious 17:49:50 09/15/14 ACTIVE
2 WHITE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Tenant has abandoned apartment at 2 white street and has been told there is drug paraphernalia in the building
14SF04152 Foot Patrol 17:59:35 09/15/14 ACTIVE
14SF04153 Citizen Assist 18:04:32 09/15/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist with a custodial issue
14SF04154 Suspicious 18:29:29 09/15/14 ACTIVE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting went down over the bank and looked at what appeared to be an abandoned camper with no door on it ran into a guy told him best stay away or the owner would shoot him...a little while later guy showed up at his door and told him to stay away from it, that he owns it and he will shoot him if he finds him around it ...
14SF04155 Foot Patrol 19:34:54 09/15/14 ACTIVE
14SF04156 Threatening 19:50:19 09/15/14 ACTIVE
Spring street; Springfield, VT 05156
Received a call according to the caller ID on her TV from local establishment male who she believes was xxxxxxxxx said After I get done with you I'm going to kill your son ...
14SF04157 Noise Disturban 20:50:54 09/15/14 ACTIVE
RIVER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Down Stairs children are being excessively noisy running around keeping her child awake
14SF04158 Mv Complaint 02:36:00 09/16/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD; by the prison, Springfield, VT
Consent Search
14SF04159 Drugs 05:02:58 09/16/14 COMPLETE
ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Advised her skin is burning because her neighbors are making drugs again there was drug smoke outside earlier. She does not want an ambulance just to speak to an officer because one of her old neighbors said that somebody has a "hit" out on her now. ...
14SF04160 Found Property 12:15:42 09/16/14 COMPLETE
CONNECTICUT RIVER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a shotgun being found when digging on US Route 5 North about a mile and a half North of tollbridge - it was in the area of the pull off, working for state highway at the time
14SF04161 Unsecure Premis 12:42:25 09/16/14 COMPLETE
Valley St, Springfield, VT 05156
Old brick house that is boarded up has a missing window and a foot path from the sidewalk to that window
14SF04162 Foot Patrol 13:07:45 09/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF04163 Citizen Assist 13:51:58 09/16/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve trespass notices
14SF04164 Fingerprints 13:55:04 09/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF04165 Fingerprints 14:13:06 09/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF04166 Fingerprints 14:33:42 09/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF04167 Fingerprints 14:37:36 09/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF04168 Foot Patrol 15:06:18 09/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF04169 Recovered Prop 15:29:28 09/16/14 ACTIVE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Was cleaning out res at Summer St found Sterling Silver silverware he is concerned may have been stolen as it seemed to be hidden away down in the
basement of the residence
14SF04170 Suspicious 15:53:39 09/16/14 ACTIVE
SOUTHRIDGE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting large camper parked beyond Meals & wheels complainant has tenant reporting they are partying in there, not specifically at the time of the call, he felt officers should investigate it/check it out (it's been parked there all summer (on the RPs property) and has never shown signs of anyone around it). Appears transient male subj may be residing in there and no one seems to know who owns it.
14SF04171 Agency Assist 16:11:37 09/16/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF04172 Mv Complaint 16:25:20 09/16/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST;, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint cars gathering in PL of wellness center come from house adjacent to same...another complainant reporting dirt bikes up and down
street and other vehicles with loud mufflers ...
14SF04173 Citizen Assist 18:15:48 09/16/14 ACTIVE
MISSING LINK RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Try to get transient female with mental health issues back where she came from
14SF04174 Foot Patrol 18:24:16 09/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF04175 Citizen Dispute 02:31:16 09/17/14 ACTIVE
VALLEY ST; Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF04176 Noise Disturbance 03:20:20 09/17/14 COMPLETE
FRONT ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Kids shooting off fireworks and hollering
14SF04177 Family Fight 11:53:58 09/17/14 COMPLETE
LINHALE DR, Springfield, VT 05156
Calling to speak to an officer in regards to a domestic that took place last night between she and her boyfriend - she is 9 months pregnant
and feels she should get a report on file
14SF04178 911 Hangup 12:11:07 09/17/14 COMPLETE
14SF04179 Agency Assist 12:16:04 09/17/14 COMPLETE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request the PD come pick up a Pipe and a baggie
14SF04180 Foot Patrol 12:18:22 09/17/14 COMPLETE
14SF04181 Agency Assist 14:58:34 09/17/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Calling to report an accidental knife wound that occurred on 09/02/14 – patient indicated that he and a friend were sparring and he
got cut
14SF04182 Foot Patrol 15:25:07 09/17/14 COMPLETE
14SF04183 Drugs 16:15:43 09/17/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Found Heroin materials roadside
14SF04184 Agency Assist 16:32:46 09/17/14 COMPLETE
FRONT ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to DCF home vist
14SF04185 Assault 17:11:38 09/17/14 COMPLETE
105 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Documentation Purposes required to report patient on patient contact considered aggressive
14SF04186 Animal Problem 17:20:16 09/17/14 ACTIVE
BRIER BROOK LN, Springfield, VT 05156
Small Terrier running loose
14SF04187 Drugs 17:40:41 09/17/14 COMPLETE
1 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Hype needle in park at 1 main street
14SF04188 Weapon Offense 18:11:55 09/17/14 COMPLETE
SCHOOL NS; Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that 2 males went out drinking last week came home and burst into her apartment (room) and held a gun to her head because her
and her fiancé had broke up she advised it was a handgun .380 and
that she had notified landlord/property owner of the incident and he is now telling the subjects they have to vacate ...
14SF04189 Foot Patrol 18:18:09 09/17/14 COMPLETE
14SF04190 Threatening 18:21:55 09/17/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Son is being bullied and harassed both at school and out in public
14SF04191 Suspicious 18:57:19 09/17/14 COMPLETE
Mountain View; Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 4 young males all in Hoodies smoking what she believes was drugs on bench outside apartment bldg they don't live there
14SF04192 Vin Inspection 19:00:31 09/17/14 COMPLETE
14SF04193 Citizen Assist 19:03:57 09/17/14 COMPLETE
UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Wants officer to call her ref subj whom she claims have warrants out of ME and other things about them
14SF04194 Citizen Assist 20:15:07 09/17/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Speaking to officer ref domestic issues involving an ex-paramour he's concerned might escalate
14SF04195 Heart Problem 21:27:32 09/17/14 COMPLETE
COTTAGE AVE Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to A1
14SF04196 Foot Patrol 22:43:23 09/17/14 COMPLETE
14SF04197 Suspicious 01:21:01 09/18/14 COMPLETE
ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Air is really bad up there they would like an officer to respond and get out of the vehicle and really sniff the air.
14SF04198 Theft 01:43:47 09/18/14 ACTIVE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Approached by an employee adv something had been stolen
14SF04199 Fingerprints 08:50:03 09/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF04200 Background 09:29:56 09/18/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF04201 Fingerprints 09:31:04 09/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF04202 Fingerprints 09:36:42 09/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF04203 Missing Person 09:54:09 09/18/14 COMPLETE
CHERRY HILL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
2 yo child missing from last night at around 8:30 – custodial parent had retrieved child
14SF04204 Fingerprints 10:02:40 09/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF04205 Fingerprints 10:28:13 09/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF04206 Agency Assist 11:06:43 09/18/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve RFA
14SF04207 Foot Patrol 12:45:56 09/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF04208 Accident Pd 15:45:52 09/18/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Off Duty FF reporting 4 car MVA no PI middle of plaza intersection - one veh is inoperable
14SF04209 Mv Complaint 19:31:44 09/18/14 COMPLETE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject reporting veh all over the road going fast then slow then in the
break down lane
14SF04210 Foot Patrol 23:49:06 09/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF04211 Burglary 01:29:16 09/19/14 ACTIVE
SOUTH ST; Jakes Market, Springfield, VT 05156
Anon male called advised someone at Jakes south st market out front appears to be trying to break in - keeps looking around caller hung up when I attempted to radio units to get them headed that direction he did state he didn't want to be involved ... no signs of entry no one found in the area
14SF04212 Noise Disturbance 02:17:09 09/19/14 ACTIVE
SUMMER HILL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male called to report noise coming from large apartment house near Summer Hill Cemetary – information vague unable to locate source of noise – all was quiet upon arrival of officer
14SF04213 Agency Assist 03:59:17 09/19/14 COMPLETE
2940 VT ROUTE 103, Cavendish, VT 05142
Assist to VSP Rockingham female subj trespassing at Cavendish Pointe Hotel & Spa
14SF04214 Animal Problem 07:39:03 09/19/14 COMPLETE
1 MAPLE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
3 Horses out near the road across from the Irving station. RP thinks all belong to the house on the corner
14SF04215 Welfare Check 09:20:40 09/19/14 ACTIVE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS; Gateway, Springfield, VT 05156
Male student is reportedly doing drugs and has not been in school. RP would like a call from an officer.
14SF04216 Accident Pd 09:35:31 09/19/14 ACTIVE
River St, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting a two vehicle accident with no PI
14SF04217 Agency Assist 09:54:36 09/19/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject at HCRS in his underwear acting up
14SF04218 Suspicious 09:56:17 09/19/14 ACTIVE
Springfield, VT 05156
Received a suspicious message on the answering machine.
14SF04219 Agency Assist 11:28:36 09/19/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Subpoena to be served on Officer
14SF04220 911 Hangup 11:32:40 09/19/14 ACTIVE
14SF04221 Suspicious 11:51:26 09/19/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of an older male with gray hair and a brown jacket sitting on bench at Jonathan's Summer Place drinking beer
14SF04222 Vin Inspection 12:11:08 09/19/14 ACTIVE
14SF04223 Disorderly 12:19:39 09/19/14 ACTIVE
PERLEY GORDON RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of subjects on her property banging on her door attempting to talk
to her and refusing to leave when asked, would like assistance in getting them to leave
14SF04224 Foot Patrol 14:46:35 09/19/14 COMPLETE
14SF04225 Agency Assist 14:46:40 09/19/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve subpoena on Officer
14SF04226 Citizen Dispute 17:15:56 09/19/14 ACTIVE
Springfield, VT 05156
Violation of RFA
14SF04227 Directed Patrol 17:55:57 09/19/14 ACTIVE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Football game
14SF04228 Mv Complaint 18:06:12 09/19/14 ACTIVE
Chester Road; French Meadow, Springfield, VT 05156
Abandoned vehicle off the roadway, she adv she stopped to see if they needed help and didn't see anyone around it
14SF04229 Citizen Assist 18:28:34 09/19/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD; Rite Aid, Springfield, VT 05156
2 males are in Rite Aid appear to be extremely high and frightening customers.
14SF04230 Foot Patrol 18:41:11 09/19/14 COMPLETE
14SF04231 Agency Assist 19:12:47 09/19/14 ACTIVE
Chester Road; Pleasant Valley, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF04232 Medical 20:43:14 09/19/14 ACTIVE
Assist to A1
14SF04233 Agency Assist 21:38:56 09/19/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Deliver Selectboard packets
14SF04234 Foot Patrol 21:41:33 09/19/14 ACTIVE
14SF04235 Agency Assist 22:52:19 09/19/14 ACTIVE
RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Located BOLO out of Weathersfield following an assault
Total Incidents for This Report: 391

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