Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Solar plan spurs meeting of minds in Springfield

Springfield town and school leaders will discuss the proposed purchase of solar-generated electricity at a special joint meeting next week, among other issues.


  1. Why the rush? Just because something has "solar" or "green" in its description does not mean that the town needs to be railroaded by the politicians into its adoption. True to form, though, as with every other folly preceding it that has led to more bills being borne by the taxpayers (tech center, prison, wreck center, police station, North School, Muckross), the illustrious town leaders (or are they really "community organizers?) will surely act in haste and hang another albatross around the town's neck in the interests of being politically correct.

  2. I have to praise a few school board members, when a few meetings back put this subject on hold until more information was available. They were not jumping into any decisions. After a discussion, the Superintendent was directed to come back at a later meeting with more information before any serious dialogue was to take place. Did I miss something? I watch all the board meetings and I haven’t seen any update. I hope the school board members who wanted more information stands their ground and not jump into something because the select board wants to talk about it without all the information.

  3. I thought they just wanted it on the agenda to discuss the project. Is discussing a project that could affect both boards a bad idea? Bigger question is why does it take so long to get both boards to meet together?

  4. If that was a meeting of the minds, we are in big trouble.


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