Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Manager search getting closer to decision

Springfield is getting closer to offering the town manager's job to one of the finalists.


  1. why would the taxpayer's have to pay a new town manager a car allowance or mileage, and relocation expenses.if they want the job,then they should foot the bill to get here.i understand paying mileage if they use their car for work related stuff,once they get to work and have town business to do or give him a highway dept truck the have plenty (lol)

  2. SHHHHHHH! It's still a SECRET! Another article with no news...

  3. I thought the town would just ante up and provide the new town manager with a Chevy Volt (or better yet, a Tesla) that could be charged at the new charging station across the street from the town office building! Wow! What a statement Springfield would be making by doing so! Surely it would lead to the town experiencing all of the vast prosperity that has so long been promised by those espousing the adoption of "green" initiatives.

    1. Excellent idea!

    2. That is a great idea. Makes sense which is why it won't happen in our town. Alternative. Days In Town taxi guy could be his full time chauffeur. I see that guy parked roadside snoozin waiting for his next fare all too often. Put our tax dollars to work. Win Win. Snoozy Days is fully employed and the new secret manager can feel extra special.

    3. Whichever way they choose, they could also tint the glass of that vehicle so as to protect the identity of the secret manager. How intimidating would that be? Town employees and fair citizens (or drug dealers) would never really know if the car contained the secret manager, or not!


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