Monday, October 13, 2014

New Town Manager announced

Today the Select Board announced the appointment of Thomas Yennerell as the new Town Manager with a target start date of November 17th.

Yenneral comes to Springfield from Henniker, NH, and in addition to having been the Town Manager in Henniker, he has been the Town Manager in West Rutland, VT and Mancos, Colorado. He was the unanimous choice of the Select Board. Although the Select Board incorporated the various criteria suggested by the community into their thinking and questioning during the process, the each member of the Selectboard independently made a judgment as to who should and who should not be invited to each round of interviews. No Selectboard member dominated the discussions, and the Board did not abdicate its decision-making to VLCT or any committee. They arrive at this selection by a unanimous consensus. My personal opinion is that Yenneral was the best pick, that he had clearly done his homework on Springfield and knew the key issues we face and had done some thinking on those issues. Am very hopeful, that with the support of the community, he will and can be a great asset to our recovery.


  1. Let's hope he's an improvement over what we've had...

  2. Welcome aboard Mr. Yennerell. Good luck. Hope you can make some positive, worthwhile changes in our community.

  3. RE: "...and the Board did not abdicate its decision-making to VLCT or any committee."

    Why the disclaimer? Must be the board is feeling a little self-conscious about having invited VLCT into the selection process to begin with.

  4. What I am more concerned with is what are his qualifications? What degrees does he hold. Did we check his record in Henniker? In Colorado? Im sickened that we are buying anyone a car and giving them free range with a gas card. But then again that is why I moved from Springfield. Good Luck! Chances are he is someone on the boards friend!

  5. Looks like this guy's dwell times are getting shorter and shorter: 16 years in W. Rutland, 5 or 6 years in Colorado, and less than 2 years in Henniker, NH. Five or 6 years managing a town with a population of 1,300? I hope there's more to his resume than what can be gleaned from the articles linked to this page.


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