Monday, November 3, 2014

Scott to Scott

Republican candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor Scott Milne and Phil Scott enjoy an election eve  campaign stop in Springfield this morning.


  1. Sign the petition to ask lawmakers to choose Milne due to Shumlins monumental incompetence:

  2. chuck gregory11/8/14, 5:07 PM

    The Supreme Court said, "One man, one vote," not "One legislator, one vote." When Jim Douglas found himself in the same situation in his first gubernatorial race, even though there was public pressure on the Dems to give the race to the other guy (I think it might have been Doug Racine), the Democratic legislature (which was the majority party) voted for Douglas.

    The teabagger Republicans, true to the slash and burn/take no prisoners tone of the national party, want to destroy another piece of Vermont's comity in politics.

    1. Supreme Court? Really? Um, gonna have to go ahead & correct you Mr G, mkay. The LAW in which we & LAWMAKERS are expected to abide by doesn't say that sir. If that was what the originators wanted they would have said so -- they didn't. Nor was the top vote getter to be rubberstamped & automatically chosen or that would have been included as well. The historic application is not in staute either.

      They get to vote however they please under the guidance of voting the will of the people according to their own conscience -- hence the petition.

      Not a member of the tea party sir or more specifically your unclassy invective "teabagger" -- just so you know -- independent swing voter voting Shummy & the left except this time as apparently the likes of yourself fail to notice they the house is on fire & the dems are burning it down. We need a fire department of likeminded moderate lawmakers to put out the fire. Sorry your blind adherence to an ideology also fails to note the emperor has no clothes & VT has become a place where those of us born here going back many generations cannot afford our homes or to live in the state. Uncertainty has caused those such as myself to back off on possibly starting a business. So happy to hear all is good in your smallminded hood. -sc

  3. Seems like something that would rebound badly on the Republicans if they were actually able to garner the votes to do it.

  4. Chuck, when you resort to name calling any point to made / make goes right out the window. Take a sip of your coffee (if you can still buy any)and think about that.

    1. chuck gregory11/10/14, 5:27 PM

      12:51, there are Vermont Republicans-- certainly Jon Springer, Frank Poole, Peter MacGillivray come to mind immediately-- and then there are the teabagger Republicans who are moving up in the ranks to supplant them, aided and abetted by the national party. No Republican candidate ever ordered a private detective to check on the background of his/her opponent until Bernie Sanders became the candidate in his first House race (his ex-wife, Jane, blew the whistle on that) Dick Armey, notorious for his FreedomWorks activities, was the chief adviser for Martha Rainville's campaign against Peter Welch. And FreedomWorks money is funding at least two vermont-based blogs to encourage the teabaggers.

      As the teabaggers are the "tell government to keep its hands off my Medicaid" sort, they are indeed of a slash-and-burn culture that is alien to what Vermont Republicans-- think Dean Davis, Jim Jeffords and Jim Douglas-- have stood for-- comity. They are the reason so many Republicans choose to run as "independents."


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