Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Yennerell takes Springfield manager oath

Thomas L. Yennerell took the oath of office to be Springfield's new town manager Monday morning.


  1. Is he a professional manager or a Wal Mart clerk? Not exactly the spitting image of the former. Would it hurt to wear a coat and tie and at least present a professional image? I wonder what he wore to his interview(s) with the board. From all appearances, here's a guy who has been "business casual" most of his career and is now taking on the biggest job that he's ever had, but looks like he just walked off the street and happened into a swearing in ceremony. An inauspicious start...

    1. OMG so funny! I was going to post a similar comment. An iron would have been a good choice that morning!

    2. Um, we're in Vermont. Where are you?

    3. Typical attitude from an unprofessional "Vermonter", 7:42. If you like your rout stepping, ineffective town management, you can keep your rout stepping ineffective town management.

  2. I'll reserve judgment based of results. Priority being removal of abandoned properties with Bishop's as No. 1 Then, do something about Springfield On The Dole milking taxpayer funds with no liable results. Followed by SRDC using abandoned mill properties as a front to skim grant study monies.

    1. If the taxes are paid it is not abandoned.

  3. The figure looking down upon him from the town seal appears to be frowning, too!

  4. Give the guy a break, he is just trying to fit in with the rest.

  5. He can wear flannel and overalls and if he gets the job done, I don't care!

    1. That's right, you don't care, do you?

    2. Somebody's been watching too many reruns of "Newhart"!


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