Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Moxley Union takes a flying leap

Springfield-based band Moxley Union is set to release their first CD on New Year's Eve and everyone is invited to the big event.

It all happens Wednesday night at the Windsor Station Restaurant & Barroom beginning at 10 p.m. Great music for dancing and merry making. Age limit: 21+

Genre: Bluesy, Rock 'n' Roll Originals 

Band Members 
 Rio Mueller - Bassist / Rhythm Guitar/ Background Vocals 
 Kyle Chivers - Drummer 
 Tristan Bellerive - Lead Guitar / Background Vocals 
 Nathaniel Titorenko-Geary - Lead Vocals / Harmonica / Lyricist 

Click on the red button below to hear one of Moxley Union's original compositions from their new CD titled "Natural Man".


Video: "Morning Time"

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