Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Springfield Family Center offers meals, day shelter
For some local residents there is uncertainty in regard to their living circumstances and it is not always clear where their next meal will come from.
Springfield Family Center Offers Meals, Day Shelter
Submitted by VT Journal on Mon, 12/29/2014 - 3:26pm
SPRINGFIELD, VT -For many people, the holiday season means spending time with loved ones, attending holiday parties and always having a place to call home. For some local residents, however, there is uncertainty in regard to their living circumstances and it is not always clear where their next meal will come from. This is where the Springfield Family Center, located at 365 Summer Street comes in to help. The Springfield Family Center serves as a food shelf, and meals are provided six days a week at the facility.
“During the holiday season, the Springfield Family Center partners with the Santa Claus Club to provide holiday meal baskets, with a turkey, stuffing, vegetables, dinner rolls, pie makings, cranberry sauce and gravy, to families receiving gifts from the Santa Claus Club,” Stephanie Thompson, Director of the Family Center said.
“We solicit financial support for the baskets through our annual Winter Giving campaign,” Thompson said. “This year we had 140 Santa Claus Club families receive meal baskets, and we currently have a waiting list, and anticipate being able to provide meals to those additional 35 families and individuals.”
Thompson said that the Springfield Family Center has worked with the Santa Claus Club for a number of years.
“The relationship between the Springfield Family Center and the Santa Claus Club is one that has been in place for many, many years,” she said. “It is a pleasure to work with their volunteers while serving the families, and ensuring children do not go without a gift to open on Christmas morning. It all really helps you to remember what the meaning of the holiday season is all about - helping and doing for others.”
The Springfield Family Center also works with the Association of Springfield Area Churches, during the holiday season and throughout the year. Thompson said that this association provides staffing for the Family Center’s food shelf every Saturday. She also said that Saint Mary’s Catholic Church hosted its annual Christmas Day dinner that was free to the public from 12 to 2 p.m. on the holiday. The meal included roast beef, potatoes, vegetables, beverages and dessert, she said.
“It is a wonderful opportunity for people to come together and enjoy a delicious hot meal, in the company of others, on the Christmas holiday,” Thompson said.
Thompson also said that she wanted to thank community members and local businesses for their support of the Family Center during the holidays.
“Thank you to the many individuals, businesses, organizations, schools and groups that took up collections for our food shelf this Holiday Season,” she said. “It has helped to keep some much-needed items on our shelves. Food costs for the food shelf continue to increase, and these donations greatly help to carry us over between our Vermont Foodbank order deliveries or other donations.”
Although the Springfield Family Center is busy throughout the holiday season, there is also much need for the facility throughout the year as well. Though Thompson said it’s hard for her to know exactly how many people utilize the Family Center every week, she said that on average, the food shelf serves 15 households per day, and the meal site serves an average of 32 people per day.
“[At] the beginning of the month all services have lower numbers, as many [people] we serve receive a 3Squares Vermont benefit, and that is when it arrives,” Thompson said. “As the month progresses and resources become slimmer, we see utilization of our meal site as well as food shelf increase. A peak-day can see more than 50 people going through the dining room, and 38 families utilizing the food shelf in a given day.”
Thompson said that access to the Springfield Family Center’s day-shelter services increase during the winter months. She also said that many people, who stay at the Springfield Warming Shelter overnight, use the Family Center during the day.
“In addition to access to resources and appropriate referrals to partner agencies in the community, the day shelter provides access to the internet, telephone, a hot shower, and laundry services,” she said. “Our living room provides a comfortable environment to sit and visit with others, enjoy a book, or just sit and relax.”
Though it is many months away, Thompson said that planning has already begun for the 10th Annual Springfield Road Race.
“The race has been generously supported by the community and area businesses, and for that we are grateful,” she said. “Growing each year, 2015 promises to be our biggest event yet!”
Those interested in making a monetary donation can either drop the donation off at the Family Center or mail their tax-deductible contribution to the Springfield Family Center, 365 Summer Street, Springfield, Vermont 05156.
Thompson said that there are also food shelf shifts available at the Springfield Family Center. Those that would like to get involved and donate their time to the food shelf should contact Stephanie Thompson at 802-885-3646 ext. 210 or contact her via e-mail at Food donations of non-perishable food items can be dropped off at the Family Center directly during business hours (Monday through Friday 9-3 and Saturday 10-12), or at the donation box at Shaw’s located in the Springfield Shopping Plaza.
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