Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Brewers get $45K loan to establish Trout River

The Springfield Select Board has gotten behind a plan by three Springfield beer aficionados to establish a brewery in the former Fellows Gear Shaper complex.


  1. I hope they use Black River water, nothing better than the taste of a rusting shopping cart tainted with Superfund Site.

    1. Black River Finless Brown Ale.

      I'm from Springfield and I ought to know it's draft brewed Black beer where ever you go. (Tune from an old beer commercial)

  2. Springfield is investing on the making of alcohol??? This should help with their prison population. Good idea!

  3. Why haven't the citizens of Springfield staged a protest with this foolishness? How can the selectmen give tax payer money for someone to produce a mind altering product. This is insane!!!!
    Has everyone lost complete interest in what is happening in Springfield?

  4. Since this was partially my and your money, I'm rather interested exactly what collateral the Selectboard secured to cover this loan. Based on site progress over the past couple months and career success of principals, appears work ethic could be an issue.

  5. These guys are all local community members that have done a lot to support the community over the years, and are bringing a successful business to town, and still people have criticism? I support this business that is hopefully going to draw some tourism to this town and hopefully help the community as a whole. Even the ones that have nothing better to do then sit behind a computer and bash everything wrong with the town. If you don't support someone trying to create a business in town then get up and do something about it. I fully support this business and hope they do great things. Not only for themselves but for the community as well.

  6. hey, but the beer is great!

  7. Good to see someone in Springfield try to make something of themselves, I think some people forget that a loan is something that gets paid back . . .

  8. All the arguments that all of your anonymous posts have brought up are completely unfounded and absurd, how dare you? Mind altering? You realize the quantity of things the average person purchases and consumes that you could define as mind altering?

    Point blank, have some respect for yourself and those around you; particularly those that have enough pride and love for this town to decide to try and open up a business that can only improve a town that is struggling. It is way to easy to just sit in your computer chair and type away at your keyboard what you believe happens to be "wrong" with this, but yourselves, like so many others, simply provide overly pessimistic perspectives without any real benefit to anyone with the exception of your ego.

    Shane Hinkley

  9. for once this town moves forward to support a small business moving in and all you clowns can do is complain. Finally instead of doors closing you have something to look forward to in this dump and you all want to discard it. I support this decision and look forward to what these folks can do to push this brand forward. My hope is that they do consider the tap room and get someone in there that can bring a creative mindset to offering bar fare. Best of luck to them and we will see you soon for my Pony Keg fill ups!

  10. Wow! A business is moving to Springfield run by people under 45! This is good news. People are so negative. I for one am thrilled that this brewery is coming to town. Positive growth. Good news. Stop complaining about everything! (Btw, it was a loan. Not a gift!) Good luck guys!

  11. Craft beer leads to more people in Springfields prisons the exact same way fire extinguishers lead to more fires.

  12. 11:14, 1:53, 8:00 and 9:22... All the same posters who hate education, hate working roads and infrastructure, hate tourism, hate biomass and hate...Beer? #roguecommenters

  13. Good luck guys, I can't wait to buy your beer and am happy the town is supporting this local effort. Vermont has the second most breweries per capita in the US, it will be nice to have one right here in our town.

    Good luck!

  14. The money isn't "tax payer" money - it's a fund of grants that provides loans that must be paid back. Not one single penny is your precious tax money. Good God, people bitch and whine when Springfield 'does nothing' for business, and when they finally do, they bitch and whine that they're doing something.

    1. 9:17 needs to retake high school civics. Oh wait, SHS probably doesn't teach civics anymore, as it conflicts with the politically correct dumbing down of America. Hey Einstein, by definition, federal "grant money" consists of funds appropriated by Congress, which means that the taxpayer is on the hook for providing them. Go buy another six-pack and immerse yourself in your ignorance!

    2. Anonymous1/15/15, 11:51 AM- Get a life. If you have nothing good to say about Springfield I certainly hope you do not live here. There are people here that want to see this town thrive again. As far as grant money. That is what grants are for. You are just jealous that you didn't come up with this great idea! These young men have paid into taxes and now they are going to get a LOAN. Which they will have to pay back. Why do you have to be so negative???

  15. Andrew Kingsbury1/15/15, 9:53 AM

    Only a coward attempts to comment with authority whilst hiding behind anonymity. Good luck guys I got your six. Just remember, they hate us cause they aint us.

    1. Andy, put down the label gun and grow up...

  16. The "loan" money is as good as gone. There is no income or even a workforce to assemble the infrastructure necessary to generate product. No one associated has even worked in the beverage industry. The select board should have insisted on a working enterprise with some minimal cash flow to justify a return. There are over 40 micro breweries here in Vermont. The market is beyond saturated with few having the resources to effectively compete. Business is dog eat dog. Most will not survive long term. Regrettably, this will be one of them.

  17. Question to the Select Board: Were any or all of you presented with a business plan for this initiative and, if so, did you read it? I have my suspicions, but maybe one of you could weigh in here and let us know. George?

  18. 10:52, you're right, why even bother trying?! C'mon Man! Your sort of thinking is what is wrong with so many people today, especially when it comes to our town unfortunately... Couple of obstacles in the way? Yup, let's give up, we can't amount to anything, let's not even bother trying to follow our dreams. You have 3 homegrown, educated, enthusiastic and driven individuals trying to do good and pursue their passion. So often I see posters on various sites and hear conversations around town of all the bad kids and how the youth doesn't care and how they are all leaving for greener grass after graduating HS and College. Well guess what Springfield, here are 3 guys taking on a business which is already a proven success. Sure, it's not going to be easy at all times for them but saturated market or not, let's all stand behind the EXACT thing everybody in town wants, business, community and the younger generation doing good things. So 10:52 while your spreading around your negative thoughts think about this.. Why even play little league ball anymore if the "market is saturated" with all-stars and you won't make it to the Bigs? Because you never know what and who can succeed. Be cool man, these guys will be alright. Cheers to all!

  19. Keith Bevacqua1/15/15, 3:00 PM

    To all the naysayers: This Cosmo wants the first six-pack off the line! Tell me where to bring my money and I'll make the trip! Best of luck Gabe, Kelen and Trevor!

  20. Welcome! Congrats to you guys and I wish you fellas the best of luck with you buisness. Some of us need to learn some northern hospitality.

    Nate Parker

    1. Yah, what he said......

  21. Wish you all the best.

  22. This is just what the town needs... We need more people to bring in great little businesses such as this. I am very proud of these young men to come up with such a great idea and follow through with it.!!! Don't listen to all the people who have way to much time on there hands and have nothing but criticism. Cheers to your success!


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