Saturday, January 31, 2015

Man and son arrested after knife melee

A chaotic melee Thursday night in Springfield involved a half-dozen people, "a muzzle-loading rifle, multiple knives, a hatchet, a (large) wooden cross and a table leg similar in size to a baseball bat," police said.


  1. Hey let's all get together again tonight, do it all over again! Whats the difference the court will just let us go anyway! What a joke, it must be tough being a Police Officer around here. How would you like to know every time you did something at work it was for nothing.

    1. The cops get paid, so what's the big deal? Some probably got overtime.

    2. Getting paid overtime is not the issue
      How many times would you like to arrest the same idiots just to see the courts say "naughty, naughty don't do
      that again or you might be in trouble" Then we give them a big hug and let them go as they give us the one finger salute and go back to doing the same old thing. These people don't want help they just want to get high and suck off the public teat

  2. Paul sr. has always been a crazy time-bomb. Without the drugs, he is a good guy with a large heart and compassionate towards others. I believe he needs to surrender and get help. He had just recently experienced a traumatic family happening, and he needs time to heal, no one is perfect. Go get help bud before it is too late.

    1. Locking him up is the best solution. Any loon that endangers and threatens the lives of others with lethal weapons is a danger to others. Letting him off with a free pass by blaming drugs is probably what will happen especially if he gets in front of Judge Karen Carroll, the liberator of all druggies. The police are familiar with his residence for drug transactions. Lock him up!

  3. This is nothing that a nice "Pocket Park" won't cure!

  4. there is no help for some people

  5. A jail sentence is often a good solution......


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