Saturday, January 3, 2015

Town reports turn money drain

Voters will be asked in March whether they want to change the way the annual town report is made available to the public.


  1. This is only fitting for a town that thrives on cluelessness. In the spirit of keeping everyone in the dark once again, vote yes. The saved money can be used to raise the salaries of the town's officials!

  2. Saving money on what would only be waste anyway seems to make sense.

  3. On the one hand, it's good to see a member of the municipal government propose a cost saving idea. On the other hand, confidence is high that the taxpayer will never actually realize those benefits because such "savings" are never returned to them; they are merely spent elsewhere with no effect on the prevailing tax rate.

    Given Springfield's decaying demographics, it's likely that few of its citizens even read the annual report anymore. Much of the report's contents are superfluous anyway, with its authors engaging in rhetorical flair to disguise the facts and convince readers of the government's effectiveness.

    It's time to zero out the printing budget for the town report. Digitize it and place it on the town's website. The town clerk can internally produce a handful of hard copies for citizens to read at the town office or the library.

  4. The provided link has limited access. How about a synopsis?

  5. it's a start to save money,But there are many more ways to save bigger money

  6. The biggest cost for any printing and binding job is the set-up for it. It's like anything else when you buy in volume, the more you buy the cheaper they are. If the town buys less copies it will end up costing them a lot more for them.
    Digitize the report and put it on the town website and most people won't even know they didn't get the hard copy.

  7. RE: 9:29's observation that "most people won't even know they didn't get the hard copy."



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