Friday, January 9, 2015

Vermont gets high marks In early education progress report

Vermont ranks fourth highest in the nation on a new comprehensive report card tracking progress states are making to provide early education.


  1. chuck gregory1/12/15, 7:39 PM

    And who says putting money into our schools is a waste? You get what you pay for, and Vermont is getting what it deserves.

  2. Better get a reality check there, Chuck. At a preposterous $18,882 per pupil, the state is definitely NOT getting an adequate return on its spending. Most of these kids would be better off if the state operated the schools on half that amount and took the other half and just placed it in a trust fund for each kid every year! At least then these kids might still have a slim chance of being able to afford to live in this overpriced, jobless state after they graduate.

    1. @ 7:40 PM
      Please don't feed the troll.


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