Monday, February 2, 2015

Steampunk Festival promotes Springfield’s economic development

The Springfield Steampunk Festival, a three-day festival from Sept. 11-13, will be held in several locations by a guiding group of dedicated fans of the alternative history of Victorian sensibility melded with steam-fired science fiction.


  1. I don't get it. What's next, a Furry convention?

    1. Oh my, we shouldn't do anything that might spark interest in Springfield. Why, Ma and I just the other day were remarking on these people trying to get people to come and invest in Springfield. Its downright dangerous I say, it could disrupt our thriving black market in recreational pharmaceuticals, why you just don't know next thing people will want to tear down these burnt out hulks around town and fill the storefronts. Then what will happen to our 1960's slum ambience, its just a terrible idea, why next they will try to get the kids interested in welding and stuff instead of working on selling that good white stuff in plastic bags.

  2. First the Simpsons and now Steampunk...This town is the laughing stock of the world!!!

    1. actually steampunk (as a literary and art genre) is enjoying world-wide popularity these days. It's fun, it's creative, and people are enjoying themselves. What a concept!

    2. Aethelred the Unready2/5/15, 1:31 PM

      Don't know about the laughing stock bit, but both need to be exploited to the hilt by the Town. Springfield, Illinois is still seething over our getting the Simpson's Hometown title, and we need to start cashing in on it.. Lighten up, and lets work at bringing in the cash rather than jeering at it.

  3. chuck gregory2/2/15, 6:54 PM

    People like to have a good time; why deny them if they spend money doing it? The Chamber of Commerce could probably tell us how much the Stellafane 'scopers drop here every year.

    Or, we could just do nothing and hope that 2-3,000 college students decide to spend their spring break here, like they did in Zap, North Dakota:

  4. I don't understand, these people tap into a movement which celebrates the combination of late 19th Century Industrial and modern technology -- industry and the fastest internet on the planet. And they put effort into designing a festival, and all they get are jeers from you? What have you done to promote positive futuristic change in Springfield?

  5. @ Alpin Jack, I created jobs, repurposed a vacant building, and landscaped a vacant lot into a neighborhood asset.

  6. Steampunk isn't my thing, but why trash someone trying to bring something to this dead town? I wish them the best and hope their efforts are successful.

    Typical Springfield, bash everything, whether you understand it or not.

  7. Aethelred the Unready2/3/15, 12:57 PM

    Anonymous 7:01, I applaud your efforts. I also applaud the efforts of this group which is trying to put forward an economic development plan for Springfield. Leaving all of the costumes and frivolity aside, in reading the articles that the group is posting it appears that there is a sensible philosophy and concept behind Steampunk as a framework for guiding future planning for the Town, and quite frankly we do not have a clear plan in existence right now.

  8. The Steampunk Festival is rather neat and enjoyable for us that are into it but to put it under the headline "Steampunk Festival promotes Springfield’s economic development" goes to show how low our economic standards are here in Springfield.

    1. Really, why would you disparage it as an economic development concept. Have you studied it?


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