Friday, March 20, 2015

Police seek cameras for Springfield footbridge

The Fellows footbridge, which links the Springfield Shopping Plaza to Pearl Street and points downtown, is a crime hot spot that would benefit from surveillance cameras, Springfield Police Detective Patrick Call said Wednesday.


  1. However was it determined that this was a "crime hot spot" without the use of a sophisticated software tool for doing so? It's amazing how the idiocracy is continually contradicting itself by its own actions.

  2. My goodness, take some of the donut money and set-up a few security cameras in that area. Debate this and debate that, stop wasting time and do something.

  3. With the advent of the adjacent, U-Turning Point the foot bridge and wooded area on Prospect Street hill have become congregating points for addicts, drunks and assorted loosers. Young women and children passing by are meet with threatening stares. Litter has become an eyesore. Stolen property including purses and knapsacks are discarded there. Near toothless meth whores soliciting for a ride. Bums panhandling from pedestrians None of this was an issue before the U-Turning Point existed. Yet there is a move to add even more housing to attract this repulsive element into our community? Any successful family looking to safely and responsibly raise their children would be flat out stupid to consider Springfield. There is no future here for working families.

  4. The only effective answer to the footbridge as-a-problem - is to close the bridge, and make it impassible.

    1. With that philosophy Springfield would have to blow up all of its bridges and it still would not stop the criminals from operating in the town.

    2. Bob,
      So your solution is to give in to the low life of the community
      and close the bridge??? With that philosophy we might as well shut down a large portion of Springfield because the druggies are everywhere.

    3. I suggest a daily round-up of the offending scum, placing them in a paddy wagon and delivering them to lawn of Judge Karen Carroll. If that doesn't work then drive them to Rutland. It takes a long time for cockroaches to find their way home from such a distance.


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