Thursday, March 19, 2015

Springfield now registering students for pre-K

This year, for the first time, the Springfield School District is offering universal pre-K and accepting all children, ages 3 to 5, who register for the program.


  1. It's only a matter of time before the world government imposes the "womb to tomb" education system - leaving the entire population institutionalized and under total domination for their entire lives.

    The creeping grasp of government won't be satisfied until it has both hands around your neck demanding that you recite its ideology from start to finish, without error.

  2. chuck gregory3/19/15, 11:46 PM

    1. Interesting how Horace Mann anticipated 180 years ago the need to dominate America's parents in 2015. I have the requisite tin foil hats for sale for people who are afraid.

    2. Mann realized early that a burgeoning American industrial system needed people trained to be docile, accustomed to repetitive tasks and functionally literate. He was no fool in trying to shape a public education system that would turn floods of immigrant children into just what the factories and sweatshops needed.

    3. Anybody who has paid attention to how American families have managed to keep afloat despite NO appreciable (forget about significant!) increase in income in the last forty years knows that it's due to BOTH parents going to work.

    4. Which leaves the children to fend for themselves. One of the bad effects is that elementary school children are largely underperforming because they make their own breakfasts, which leads to glucose/fats/protein imbalances so far out of whack that they crash before lunchtime. School breakfast programs (developed and funded by our ooga-booga scary Big Government) has done a lot to correct this part of the problem.

    5. With both parents working, SOMEBODY has to take care of the pre-school age kids. Now, you can do what my then-wife and I did and hire somebody who had no references and spent all day with our kid unsupervised. Another way is to pay through the nose for a charter school (which is profiting the investors in some hedge fund) to take the kids, but you will have no input into who's staffing it. A third way is to have a publicly-funded, transparently operated pre-school program like Springfield's, and have your taxes pay the bill.

    6. 4:15 clearly never spent 24/7 with two or three children for several years. I and several million moms, dads and single parents are and always will be eternally grateful for programs which made our kids glad to learn and glad to meet the bigger world. I am happy that my taxes make it possible for others to benefit the way my family did.

  3. when my kids went to preschool,it cost me $1200 a year per kid,now i get to pay for every bodies else to go,lets put it all on the taxpayers

    1. 1200 a year? We've paid 1500 a month for two kids.

    2. they only went a couple hours a day,this was back in the early 90's,I'm sure it's a lot more costly now

  4. chuck gregory3/20/15, 4:47 PM

    It takes a village to raise a child. It takes an idiot to ignore the village.

    1. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes an idiot to raze a village.


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