Gov. Shumlin Meets with Springfield Residents Leave a comment
Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin focused his attention on the state’s southern tier today, now that there’s a new branch of the Claremont Savings Bank in Springfield, Vermont.
A highlight of the governor’s day included speaking about economic development in Vermont during a meeting with Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce members.
Shumlin fielded a range of questions, from getting rid of the financial cliff or gap that exists when residents on state aid find a new job but earn less than when they received state benefits.
He calls it the benefits cliff, and it’s something he and the state Legislature have been working hard to resolve.
On a question about legalizing marijuana, Shumlin says he favors doing so not for tax benefits but as a drug control policy.
Kids can get marijuana easier than they can alcohol and the governor says he favors setting up regulatory system for the drug.
One man in today’s audience asked why the state doesn’t now legalize marijuana sales to help close up Vermont’s $100 million budget gap.
Shumlin says he would approve legalizing marijuana as a better drug policy rather than for the tax revenue.
On the state’s economy, Shumlin says he is optimistic that Springfield will make great strides.
Rotary Club member Carol Cone agrees, saying there’s a lot of forward momentum in the town.
Indeed, Springfield is reinventing itself.
I didn't hear a single word of substance. That hollow dialog could be spewed at any depressed community in North America. And CC is concerned about negativity on the part of home and business owners unable to build equity and thrive. Not to mention an entire generation of successful, young adults that have exodused to greener pastures Well then, exacuuuuuuuuuuse me!
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I didn't hear a single word of substance. That hollow dialog could be spewed at any depressed community in North America. And CC is concerned about negativity on the part of home and business owners unable to build equity and thrive. Not to mention an entire generation of successful, young adults that have exodused to greener pastures Well then, exacuuuuuuuuuuse me!