Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New HCRS CEO also has deferred compensation package

Health Care and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont, in the wake of controversy about the deferred compensation package it arranged for longtime and now former Chief Executive Judith Hayward, is salting away money for her successor.


  1. Interesting how they refer to the HCRS as "the agency" throughout the article, a term that is used to foster images of a government entity. But HCRS is nothing of the sort. It is a government dependent with a highly dubious history dispensing with government funding.

    The hypocrisy is that while it claims to have a mission of caring for the afflicted in society, its crony elites on the board of directors are all about taking care of their own.


    1. they do not even list their board members on their website.

  2. I could think of words worse than despicable 10:40. Here we go again! As I have stated in this forum before, why the hell are our state reps and senators just standing by while these special deals (for special friends of the ruling elite) are being cut? And where is the outrage? As a VT taxpayer, wouldn't you like to have deferred compensation plan? I am amazed that very few people are commenting about this on the blog!

    1. You worry about the the state reps and senators just standing by by while these special deals (for special friends of the ruling elite) are being cut? You don't understand that the politicians represent the elite that donate to their campaigns and offer special favors with the expectations that everything gets returned back to the elites a hundredfold?? When did you ever see a politician do something in this country or state that didn't line the pockets of the elites?

    2. chuck gregory6/17/15, 6:54 AM

      It sounds as though both 3:38 and 6:33 are ready to work for serious campaign finance reform!

  3. The people doing the most important work at HCRS do not make a fair living wage. While senior execs deserve fair compensation, it shouldn't be at rhe expense of the line staff. The agency has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in a disfunctional emr system, closed the peer recovery center because the former ceo did not like seeing people the agency serves spoiling the view from her office window, and has hidden serious incidents from public scrutiny through legal loopholes under rhe advisement of their former law firm. Someone should demand to see the former ceo"s company credit card statements.

    1. As an employee I couldn't agree more. I'm a lonely old COS making very little pay but I am expected to work overtime without extra pay to get paper work done on time.
      The EMR system is a huge waste of money. Speaking of wasting money, I'd love to see the company credit card statement. A few months ago there was talk of one of the higher ups buying lunches daily for all the managers with the company card. They weren't cheap ones either.

  4. Well what can you do. The management of HCRS has the legal right to RIP YOU off. They could give a hoot about you the state the government the patients or anyone else except for themselves and their crony friends. The employees there should be ashamed to work for such crooked A holes. But what can you do.?

  5. The FBI or BBB should be contacted about their incorrect business antics.

  6. I'm curious why we don't hear the same level of uproar about our other local health care facilities. I'm fairly sure they have at least the same tax status and funding mechanisms as HCRS. What is the compensation package for the CEO of SMCS? Number of employees, revenue, source of revenue?

  7. They are recking this place...the people that depend on HCRS are going to become the victims by it probably being shut down.....this is just sad.


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