Thursday, July 9, 2015

Springfield Historical Society on the move

The landmark Miller Art Center, the longtime downtown home of the Springfield Art and Historical Society, has been sold and the society is moving to North Springfield.


  1. A very sad day. Who wants to go up to N Springfield to see art and history. I give them 5 years before it is all sold.

  2. As I stated previously...
    Huge mistake to sell the Miller Art Center! The Art and Historical society occupied one if the most beautiful, recognizable and symbolic buildings in Springfield; a home that dominates the view of and from Main Street. So now they will move from this architectural icon to a rented nondescript box, with no visual appeal, or architectural significance, away from the center of town. Seems like something of a metaphor for what has happened to Springfield. It appears that the board just gave up and sold, with very little input from the townspeople (every person with whom I have discussed this sale was appalled that the building was being sold).

    1. I'm sure they could have afforded to remain at the money pit if you had been far more generous with your dollars or your time spent volunteering to raise funds for and operate the center. Unfortunately, all we are able to decipher from your comments are "Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa!"

    2. The Miller family is rolling in their graves. A donation that should have lasted into perpetuity was wasted and now the remaining asset is being sold to continue the wastage until the piggy bank is completely depleted. Springfield's only talent these days. Blowing Other Peoples Money. BOPM.

  3. Please reconsider, move into the Fellows building as others have said.

    1. Yes please move into an over-priced facility when they could not even maintain the one that they were given with money to burn. The Gear Shaper, that was rebuilt with tax payer dollars, will benefit only a few of the elite of Springfield and outsiders. Yes, yes they must move into the Gear Shaper. Notice all of the shilling for the Gear Shaper move? Same crowd that wanted to choke the residents of the town while the money flowed into only a few pockets that were mostly out of state.

  4. Had the board made any well-publicized efforts to fund raise for the center,I , for one, would have been willing to donate to save the place, as, I believe, would a lot of other people in the town. The only publicity I saw about the center was the announcement that it was for sale. Were there efforts made to secure grants? Did anyone contact Bernie or Pat Leahy, or even Peter Welch for help? They always seem to be able to come up with help for historic or cultural projects. I would much rather have seen cash for the Miller Art Center than the monies being wasted on all of the old derelict factories in town.


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