Thursday, July 9, 2015

VTel's statewide wireless broadband system approaches the finish line

A lot has changed since 2010 when Springfield-based VTel was awarded $116 million in Rural Utilities Service grant and loan money, in part to help build a statewide wireless high speed broadband network called Wireless Open World.


  1. Sounds like another boondoggle failure. All this money blown on an inadequate system . Maybe this is a plea for more tax dollars in order to compete? I wonder how many more ancestral graveyards will be desecrated, on a whim, in the future by the one who profits most from these boondoggles?

  2. Living in MA, I notice that I sometimes receive texts from family in VT 2 - 3 days after they were sent. Snail mail is faster than VTel's service.

    1. Sorry.....we are still in the pony stage....latter you will have to upgrade to the horse package.

    2. VTel isn't a cellular carrier. Might as well blame them for the price of milk while you're at it.

    3. Well at least they been able to keep the price of oil down

  3. What's a matter for you? This is just another Bernie Sanders/Barry Soetoro wealth redistribution plan, which is what Vermont seems to want to subsist on. Forty-seven percent (47%) of the nation is taxed like hell so that the federal government can hand out tidy little "grants" like this to all their friends while taking false credit for grand societal advances. It's all BS, which just happens to have the same initials as Bernie Sanders and Barry Soetoro. In other words, theirs no difference between the organic waste and the socialist politicians.


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