Monday, July 6, 2015

Technical education defines path to the future

When Eric Stoddard, 26, formerly of Springfield, decided to attend the River Valley Technical Center while he was in high school, he was not sure what his future had in store for him. He enrolled in the Business and Financial Management program and things began to become clear for him.


  1. Another failed attempt by the Howard Dean Center's PR department in self promotion. With all due respect to the individual featured who had the wisdom and motivation to leave Springfield and make a future for himself, house keeping is a service industry job and not in any way shape or form a TECHNICAL career path.

    Conspicuously absent is any mention of TECHNICAL job placement among this year's graduates. As local employers desperately clamor for skilled, legitimately trade certified, (ASE/journeyman/NIMS,) automotive technicians, telecommunications technicians, machinists, CNC programmers, electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, etc., the self appointed board of directors is content to operate as a job program for lazy teachers and guidance counselors with liberal arts degrees.

    The increasingly over burdened tax payers shouldn't expect anything to change until a freely elected board of respected, trade professionals is installed. Until then, watch local employers continue the exodus of high tech jobs to distant communities and the absolute dearth of any such firms even entertaining relocating here.

  2. I agree with 9:26. While Mr. Stoddard is to be congratulated for his success, it is hardly a reflection of any "technical education" that he received. In fact, long before the Howard Dean Vocational Boondoggle Center was a glint in its namesake's eye for the presidency, the DECA program was alive and well and providing a positive influence on Springfield High School students.

    You would think that the River Valley Vocational Rather Than Technical Center could come up with a better puff piece than this to try and justify their continued existence while continuing to ignore the real needs of local and regional employers.

  3. technical
    adjective tech·ni·cal \ˈtek-ni-kəl\
    having special and usually practical knowledge especially of a mechanical or scientific subject


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