Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jacks romp over rival Springfield

A lot of the pre-game talk that preceded the Saturday Springfield at Windsor football game centered around the many Friday night games that resulted in high-scoring events.


  1. A large fault on Winsor's end, no EMT on sight which was much needed for the injured player. SMH..A bunch of rough boys you have there..

  2. As an avid fan I would also like to point out that the "Jacks" played very dirty and did a lot of jersey pulling and late hits. In fact it was witnessed by multiple people the players celebrating when they injured other players.
    The fact that there was no ambulance at the field was very bad planning on Windsors part. The young man who got hurt had to wait until one arrived as he was screaming in pain.
    It was in poor taste to continue the game while he was waiting on the ambulance to arrive and for the Windsor coach to run the score up. The Cosmos couldn't care about the game when they heard one of their teammates in agony. He was a former player from Windsor and seemed premeditated as it was a late hit on him and he wasn't carrying the ball.
    I'm not going to dismiss the fact that the Cosmos had their butts handed to them, as coach Saypack said in the article, "we didn't show up" I agree. The dirty plays and referees failing to control the game had a lot to do with it.

  3. that's Windsor for you


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