Saturday, September 19, 2015

Justice Center finds new home in Springfield

Springfield Town Manager Tom Yennerell and Executive Secretary Donna Hall spent Friday afternoon at town hall hoisting plastic cartons filled with old town records out of a basement storage room.


  1. a few years back there was money voted into the budget to renovate that part of the building,i think it was to move the tax dept down there,the renovation's were never done,so where is the money that was budgeted for that space ? and why wasn't it done ?

    1. That money vanished into thin air like the money that the state paid to the town for hosting the prison. The edgar May Center was supposed to use the income from that multi-million payment to get itself up and running...they it is a non-profit and as far as I know no one has ever offered an explaination as to what happened to that payment. The money for the renovations to the bottom floor of town hall were probably used for something else. We, as taxpayers,will probably never find out for what.

  2. Never fear boys and girls. The town crawls into bed with a dubious "social services agency". Soon enough you'll likely be hearing about a chronic shortage of office space for the municipal government to conduct its business, which will inevitably lead to calls for higher taxes to enable the construction of modern new office space of "adequate proportions" for the town's offices. That's how government "serves" its constituents.


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