Friday, September 18, 2015

Tree steward training coming to Springfield

In the world of Dr. Seuss, it is the Lorax who speaks for the trees. But here in Vermont we have the Vermont Urban & Community Forestry Program, which trains tree stewards to, metaphorically, speak for the trees in their communities.
Are you interested in learning more about trees, tree care, and local stewardship of trees?

Do you want to make a difference in your community?

The Stewardship of the Urban Landscape (SOUL) Tree Steward Program trains stewards and advocates for the trees, forests, and green spaces in which we live, work, and play. This fall the program will be offered in Springfield, VT at the UVM Extension Office.
The course will cover tree health, identification, planting and maintenance, Vermont tree laws and policies, public speaking and management of roadside vegetation and town forests, among other topics. Participants are expected to attend all classes and to design and complete a volunteer project in their community, such as reviewing or creating a town tree ordinance or policy, conducting a town shade tree inventory or organizing an Arbor Day tree planting event with a local school.

The fall 2015 SOUL course dates:

Saturday, October 3, 9am-4pm
Wednesday, October 7, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Wednesday, October 14, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Saturday, October 24, 9am-4pm

Participants must pre-register. The course cost is $50 before September 25th, $60 afterwards.  Registration is limited to 25 participants. Learn more about the SOUL Tree Steward Program. Questions or to register, contact Gwen Kozlowski at or (802) 656-6646. To request a disability-related accommodation to attend, please call by Sept. 18.

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