Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Welch still mum on presidential endorsement

U.S. Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., said Monday the 2016 presidential race was still in the "foothills" of what is a marathon race, and he still hadn't decided who or when to endorse.


  1. Mr. Welch is trying to cover his butt. Endorsing Bernie, who is not even a Democrat, is safe politically only if he looks like a winner. Endorsing HC could cost enough independent/liberal votes to lose him reelection. What to do? Wait, eh?

    1. It doesn't matter who Peter endorses. There is no Republican in the state of Vermont who will defeat him. He is going to win in another landslide (and I'm a Republican who would be thrilled to see him lose).

  2. Another progressive phony seeking only to insure his personal future in politics. It's reprehensible to see Welch ignore the value system of his constituents and not endorse a candidate we working stiffs would benefit from. Instead, he selfishly plays politics hoping for a potential appointment. Fortunately, this election cycle may curtail that practice.

    1. Why does an endorsement from Welch matter to you? Anyone who votes for a candidate because someone "endorses" them is a voter too lazy to do his or her own research.

    2. There is no shortage of selfish, lazy, ignorant/uniformed voters influenced by endorsements, especially here in Vermont. Exactly why candidates surround themselves with Hollywood and music celebrities. Though in Welch's case, he is only hoping to ride on a winning candidate's coattails.

  3. chuck gregory9/25/15, 10:04 AM

    The next time Peter Welch is in town, somebody could ask him about the House's "pay to play" system in which all the party roles (e.g., Whip, Minority Leader) and seats/chairmanships of influence (e.g., Ways and Means, Defense) are obtained through a hefty donation to one's party. The system was started by Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay and quickly adopted by the Democrats.

    Both John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi raised $25 million for the Speaker of the House slot. Pelosi did some 414 campaign fund-raisers in 2010 and 400 in 2012.

    You can see how this obligates pols to their contributors rather than to their constituents.

    The veil hiding it was ripped off by the Washington Spectator about five years ago, but NOBODY has mentioned anything about it since.


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