Friday, December 11, 2015

190 heroin bags found in man's car, police say

A Springfield man arrested earlier this week for possession of cocaine is facing additional charges, including possession and trafficking of heroin.

PRESS RELEASE UPDATE 12/11/15: Trafficking Heroin, Transporting Heroin into Vermont, Possession of Heroin, Possession of Cocaine


                                                DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
                                                     VERMONT STATE POLICE

CASE#: 15D103670
TROOPER: Ryan Wood                                                   
STATION: Rockingham                     
CONTACT#: 802 875 2112

DATE/TIME: 12/7/15 2319 hours and 12/10/15 1900 hours
LOCATION: US Route 5, Rockingham, VT
VIOLATION: Trafficking Heroin, Transporting Heroin into Vermont, Possession of Cocaine, Possession of Heroin,

ACCUSED: Jeffrey Adamski                                                                                          
AGE: 37

UPDATE: On 12/09/15, Vermont State Police Troopers executed a search warrant on Adamski's seized vehicle.  During the search, 190 bags of heroin were located inside the vehicle's air vent in a hidden void. On 12/10/15, Adamski appeared at the Rockingham State Police Barracks and was arrested for the offense.  Adamski was issued a citation for Possession of Heroin, Trafficking Heroin, Transporting Heroin into Vermont and Possession of Cocaine.  Adamski was ordered held on $25,000 bail.  Adamski was lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility due to lack of bail.  

Court Action: Yes
Court: Windham
Court Date: 12/11/15
Bail: $25,000
Mugshot: Yes
Lodged: SSCF

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 12/7/15, at approximately 2319 hours, Vermont State
Police conducted a motor vehicle stop for speed on US Route 5, just off
Interstate 91, in Rockingham, VT.  The operator, Jeffrey Adamski was found to be
in possession of a civil amount of marijuana and approximately 2 grams of
cocaine that was tucked into his sock.  Adamski was arrested for the possession
of cocaine and transported to the Rockingham State Police barracks for
processing.  Adamski was issued a citation to appear in court at a later date. 

COURT DATE: 1/19/16                    
COURT: Windham

Trooper Ryan Wood
Vermont State Police
Rockingham Barracks 
(f) 802-875-2176


  1. O well so much for the white xmas. Not sure if Santa stops at the facility. The rainDeer are spooked by the new solar panels.

  2. terd furgeson12/12/15, 2:41 PM

    Ahhh I can't believe they found my coke I never thought they would check my sock!! Guess I should lay off the heroin b4 I make bad decisions.......dumb@$$

  3. Ho Ho Ho you ought to know that snort'n blow ain't the way to go. And Ho Ho Ho you ought to know that get'n busted for smack you ain't coming back.


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