David LeBarron of Springfield was one of dozens of people taking advantage of a program offered by the Windsor County state’s attorney’s office to help people with multiple tickets regain the right to drive.
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Photo by Len Emery Gov. Peter Shumlin welcomes David LeBarron and Shelby Ford to the White River state office building Friday. LeBarron was seeking to settle his fines and get his driver’s license reinstated for the first time in seven years.
Published December 12, 2015 in the Rutland Herald
Hundreds flock to regain licenses in amnesty program
By Susan Smallheer
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — For Christopher Mitchell, a chef at Chili’s and the father of four young children, Friday’s $25 ticket amnesty at the state office building was a welcome break.
Mitchell, 31, of White River Junction, brought a check for $500 which he hopes will resolve the remaining balance on more than a dozen tickets he’s accumulated in the past 10 years.
“I’m good to go,” he said Friday morning outside the state office building on Prospect Street, waiting for his wife to pick him up so he could get to work.
He was one of dozens of people taking advantage of a program offered by the Windsor County state’s attorney’s office to help people with multiple tickets regain the right to drive. People who had had their driver’s license suspended due to ticket problems and not criminal acts could have their tickets forgiven for $25 per tickets.
Mitchell wasn’t the worst offender: one man had 70 tickets to resolve.
Mitchell said state officials told him he would probably hear about getting his driving license back in four to six weeks, but he said it would be worth the wait.
“It’s been 11-12 years,” the Newport native said.
Mitchell said he was facing a minimum payment of $300 a month to pay off his accumulated tickets until the Windsor County program was announced.
Gov. Peter Shumlin posed with a very happy Springfield couple outside the new state office building.
He posed for photos and selfies and listened to people’s hard-luck stories.
Shumlin said too often poverty that people couldn’t pay the tickets, which are often in the hundreds of dollars and can quickly spiral out of control.
“They’re happy, they’re getting their lives back,” said Shumlin.
David LeBarron, 24, of Springfield hadn’t held a driver’s license for the past seven years, since he was 18.
“I drove until I was 21 and then I got a DLS,” he said. “It wasn’t a smart thing to do.”
Then in 2010, he was charged with drunken driving, “and that really screwed me up.”
Between paying for the CRASH course ($500) and the required DUI counselor, ($50 a meeting) he was tapped out.
LeBarron makes $9.15 an hour working at the Dunkin Donuts in Springfield, and paying off his fines in full was an impossibility. He would work at it, and then fall behind.
“This helps so much, especially with the kid coming,” he said, standing with his girlfriend, Shelby Ford, 21, who is expecting their first child in March. Ford’s mother drove them up for the program.
Mitchell, the chef dressed in camouflage, said that with the birth of his twin daughters seven months ago, he realized he had to do something.
He said he hadn’t been driving illegally – as many others had – “because I can’t risk it,” he said.
Instead, he’s had to rely on friends and his wife and public transportation to get to and from work.
“I have too much to lose now,” he said, referring to his family.
A 2004 speeding ticket started his troubles, he said. And once he had five tickets for driving without a license, it was bumped up to the charge of driving with a license criminally suspended.
Add to that a charge of disobeying a police officer, and Mitchell stopped driving.
State’s Attorney Michael Kainen announced the Windsor County’s amnesty program earlier this month, the second in the state.
Kainen followed the program first started by State’s Attorney T.J. Donovan of Chittenden County. Donovan was in White River Junction on Friday with two of his deputies to help process the ticket plea agreements.
In all, there were 11 county and state prosecutors on hand to help with the process.
Kainen said he expected about 400 Windsor County residents would take advantage of the ticket forgiveness, out of about 1,400 drivers who have lost their right to drive because of ticket problems rather than criminal acts.
Kainen said he had a vested interest in getting people back on the road legally and out of his courtroom. It would free up a lot of time in court if people weren’t getting stopped and charged with driving with a suspended license.
“We waste a lot of time and effort in court on this,” he said.
Too often, he said, looking around a waiting room full of people of all ages, it’s economic circumstances that prevent people from paying their fines.
Donovan and Kainen said it was up to individual county prosecutors to offer the program, and many are opposed to it.
Donovan, who is running for attorney general, said he had heard about a similar program in the state of Washington, and adopted it in Chittenden County earlier this year.
“We’ve got to hit the reset button,” Donovan said, signing some paperwork for a soon-to-be restored driver. “We want people to work in this state and drive in this state.”
Once again the lawbreakers get a slap on the wrist for continued bad behavior and your liberal Gov'nor Peter Shumlin approves. Next he will be posing with sex offenders and drug dealers.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this teaching people? If ya don't pay just wait till the amnesty day, your payment will be less and forgotten about.
ReplyDeleteHow about this old saying "you gotta pay if you're gonna play"
Is it true Scumlin will be issuing rebates on all traffic fines to registered Democrats? Time to change parties and hammer down on the dual quad, side oiler! YEE HAW!
ReplyDeleteI just wonder how much other taxpayer support these free loaders are getting in welfare and other benefits? One has already maxed out the Earned Income Tax Credit for allotted children. Can't pay your fines for bad behavior but having a child on the tax payer dole is what the government is promoting. Who is paying for their medical expenses?
ReplyDeleteConsidering that a single person has to make at least $9 per hour in a 40-hour-a-week job; that lots of small employers will not hire full-timers because of the added cost of mandated health insurance, etc.; and that almost all Vermonters HAVE to drive to work, a low-income worker who drives without insurance (because he/she isn't bringing home $360 a week just for self-support, never mind the rest of the family) and gets busted is, under our current system, royally screwed.
ReplyDeleteFirst, there's the fine; then, there's the obligation to buy unaffordable insurance, but can't afford to quit working; and then there's the cop who remembers that particular driver and nails him/her again.
Eventually, the evildoer is brought to the point of having to buy an extremely expensive form of insurance (which he can't afford) or go to jail; sometimes both. And these are the people who staff our stores, greet us at the registration desk, clean our rooms and our homes, mow our lawns and take care of our kids. With the machinations of the job market and the well-intentioned (but destructive to the 38% of Vermont taxpayers who are low-income workers) DLS enforcement system, we do a pretty good job of screwing them.
Ah Chuck, always the twister. These people are repeating law breakers who don't think they have to pay the fines and who think it is OK to drive without a license or insurance. Instead they think it is OK to drink and drive , have families they can't afford and depend on other people's money to pay for their spawn instead of becoming responsible self-reliant productive citizens. Chuck, its philosophies like yours and others of similar ilk that brought about the complete destruction of the town of Springfield and it will soon be the entire nation. Blame the cops for arresting the perps for repeating their crimes? Duh!
Deletei would think that something would have to go thru the house,schumlin and his DA'S have cost the taxpayers in this state a lot of money we can't afford to lose
DeleteI suggest you and your spouse/partner peel off all your income to the point where you're living on $10 an hour and see if you can do a daily commute to work. Half of the workers in Springfield make less than $14 an hour; one out of three of them works for poverty wages. "Poverty" means they are very likely to be able to afford car insurance, yet these people are the ones who possible for the rest of us to be served professionally, without delay, without shortages without inconveniences and with courtesy.
DeleteIt would be nice if we exercised some Christian charity as well as civic prudence here...
Chuck, these offenders made the choice to violate the law, these fines aren't handed down because they are in a different income bracket.
DeleteChuck, it's called accountability. How is it fair that someone who cannot afford to pay a ticket that THEY EARNED, and the rest of us have to pay full price?
DeleteIf you knew the speed limit and broke it, you should be held accountable like the rest of us. All this is doing is teaching people that they can get away with whatever they want, if they can't afford a ticket just say "screw it" and pay $25
I've got to side with the nay-sayers on this one Chuck. These are people who, time and again, have proven they cannot drive responsibly. Regardless of their financial situation or job status, they are NOT safe drivers - and now we're putting them back on the roads, free of their past transgressions.
DeletePay attention boy & girls, outstanding teaching opportunity here. While liberals preach equality, when subjected to to the exact same punitive measures as the general population they demand special treatment.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely the same mindset of liberals condemning the disproportionate negro prison population and forgiveness of college loans for useless degrees. A selfish, juvenile mindset that precludes personal responsibility and respect for the rewards that follow sacrifice and hard work.