Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Plea deal includes anger management treatment

A Springfield man with a history of violent outbursts has reached a tentative plea agreement with the state that is intended to get him into an anger management program behind bars.

Link to full story:


  1. hope you get the help you need beaver, even thou you may love you wife, she is as good to you as those drugs are, keep you chin up

    1. She's the only one keeping him alive you fool

  2. Poor Lil' Beaver! Hang in there fella!

  3. maybe you needed those drugs so you didn't have to deal with what was going on in your own house, how many times did people tell you, your wife was beating on your daughters. they couldn't tell the cops or dcf, cuss the wife had things on them,

    1. Really? As a family member of those kids I can 100% guarantee that those.kids were never beat on. Or maybe when good old beaver held his wife and sons at gun point on south street, or smashed chyanne in the face sonhard her nose gushed blood? And just so you know since 2013 beaver has had to date 79 supervised visits with those girls and DCF without his wife around and they were always happy to go home with her... So smart aren't you?

  4. With time off for good behavior, he will be able to resume his modeling career in no time.

    1. Sorry about your mom's solicitation conviction.

    2. My Mom is in a coma...


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